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Claudia: Hello, guys how are you?

Cesar: I'm fine

Juana: I'm fine too
Alexandra: Hi ,I'm ok
Claudia: So Juana can you tell me what was his experience in this quarantine?
Juana:my experience in quarantine,in the first week i didn't accepted the new reality of the use of
mask and face protector and also we could not get out of the house and didn't we could not see
our relatives who live in other places.For hang out I started to made dream catchers with my
mom and try out prepar set up new cake recipe with this things i take off the stress of stay in
house and also I started Write some poems,Finally, I couldn't keep myself away from my
relatives and we started making video calls.With these calls us find out that what happened in our
day to day,by the away Cesar what was your experience in quarantine tell us
Cesar: Dices tu parte del tema..Not long ago a tremor passed tell me Claudia What was your
experience in this tremor? Was it the first or have you already experienced other tremors?
Claudia: I was eating a pot of chicken when I felt the tremor and I drop it off and quickly went
outside to a safe place until the tremor passed, then I called my parents to find out how they
were. I felt very desperate thank goodness, my cousin, back me up and helped me calm down
when I got home
I need to get over the fear of tremors
Each one of us has had a different experience, tell me, Alexandra, what was your experience in
Alexandra: Responde.......

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