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Educating children Take some time to watch the teachers at a grade school herd the
students. It won't surprise you. It appears as though teachers have a strong will to
get all of their students where they need to be. However, while one child may
require a particular level of care, another may require a different one. The teacher
may have to deal with multiple issues at once when things go wrong. Because it
relies on cooperative human interaction, a modern AI would be overwhelmed by all
of these circumstances. Take a moment to consider how Alexa or Siri would
respond to a stubborn child (or try to imitate that response on your own device).
To put it simply, it won't work. However, a teacher can benefit from an AI in the
following ways:
» Grading papers » Using adaptive educational software » Improving courses based
on student patterns » Providing students with tutors » Showing students how to
find information » Creating a safe environment for trial-and-error learning »
Assisting students in choosing courses to take and activities to do after school
based on their skill set » Giving students homework help Nursing A robot can lift a
patient, saving a nurse's back. An AI can't decide when, where, or how to lift a
patient because it can't accurately assess all of the required nonverbal patient input
or understand the psychology of the patient, such as a tendency to lie (see Chapter
2's "Considering the Five Mistakes in Data" section). It's possible that an AI could
ask the patient questions, but probably not in a way that would get the most useful

responses. A robot may be able to clean up messes, but it is unlikely to do so in a

way that respects the patient's dignity and makes them feel cared for. A robot is, in
a nutshell, a powerful hammer: excellent for rough, laborious work, but not
particularly tender or tender-hearted.
AI can also improve the way people exchange ideas. In some cases, artificial
intelligence (AI) offers completely novel means of communication, while in many
others, it offers a subtle (or sometimes not-so-subtle) way to improve methods of
exchanging ideas that are already in place. Both of these scenarios are examples of
AI's capabilities. Humans develop new technologies, improve existing ones, or
learn about technologies that are needed to expand one's knowledge through the
exchange of ideas. AI can act as a means of communication between people because
ideas are abstract and difficult to convey.

The majority of people in the past relied on writing to store and share their
knowledge. In some cases, they could also improve their communication by
employing a variety of graphics. However, only a select few are able to learn new
information by utilizing these two media;
The final section of this chapter explains how artificial intelligence can provide you
with sensory perception that is nearly identical to your own. After all, maybe that
electronic nose is really what you want; When it comes to detecting scents that are
significantly less aromatic than those that humans are able to smell, it actually
offers significant advantages. Imagine being able to smell at the same level as a dog,
which has 100 million fragrance receptors as opposed to the one million that
people have. It turns out that you have two options for achieving this objective:
making use of monitors that a person can't see and directly stimulating their

Prior to the development of a developed language, human communication was


primarily accomplished through speech rather than writing. The fact that both
parties must appear sufficiently close to one another to converse is the only
drawback of spoken communication. Because it enables time-delayed
communications that never require face-to-face communication, written
communication is superior in many ways. There are three main categories of
human nonverbal communication:
» Briefs: The detachment of individual human words or symbols » Language: the
joining of words or pictures to form sentences or express ideas in writing »
Nonverbal communication:
However, computers frequently require artificial intelligence (AI) just to determine
what emotion a human is attempting to convey through the tiny images because
applications lack the human sense of art.
Automating language translation There has never been a universal language. Yes,
English is now more or less spoken everywhere, though not entirely. Although
translators are necessary in many situations, they are not always the best option
because hiring someone to translate between languages can be costly, time-
consuming, and error-prone. Without the assistance of a translator, dealing with
other languages can be quite challenging.

It is more of a universal bridge. Make the case that the GNMT is unable to translate
between Spanish and Chinese. Despite this, it can translate between Chinese and
English as well as English and Spanish. By constructing a three-dimensional
network (the interlingua) that represents these three languages, GNMT is able to
create its own translation between Chinese and Spanish. This system cannot
translate between Chinese and Martian because there is currently no method that
can comprehend and translate Martian into any other human language. A base
translation must still be created by humans in order for GNMT to work.
Using emojis and emoticons to communicate Body language is important because it
plays a significant role in human communication. People, on the other hand, are
getting used to working directly with cameras to make videos and other forms of
non-written communication. A computer could possibly listen to human input,
parse it into tokens that represent human speech, and then process those tokens to

fulfill a request, just like Alexa, Google Home, and other similar devices do.

Even if an AI is able to master these five aspects, it can greatly assist in providing
an accurate interpretation of body language. There are undoubtedly additional
characteristics. Body language is also taken into account by current AI
implementations, such as tone quality. As a consequence of this, the AI is extremely
complicated and does not even come close to performing tasks that the human
brain does with apparent ease.
A man-made intelligence's inability to comprehend the concept of an individual
need makes it difficult for it to address individual requirements. An artificial
intelligence can look up a radio station, find a news article, buy products, set up an
appointment, tell you when to take your medication, and even turn on and off your
lights. It can also buy products and schedule appointments. However, it is unable to
inform you when a thought is extremely harmful and likely to cause significant
harm. In situations where there are no rules to follow and the person giving you
advice needs real-world experience, you really need a human to get useful advice.
Because of this, counselors, doctors, nurses, and even the woman you talk to at the
coffee shop are all needed. Some of these people are compensated, while others just
rely on you to listen to them when they need help. Human contact is always
required when dealing with genuine personal needs.

People with special needs must be treated with compassion when developmental
issues are discussed. The special need often turns out to be a special gift when the
caregiver notices it. A person who has a special need may be completely functional
except in one area; However, ingenuity and inventiveness are required to
overcome the obstacle.

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