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Downtime Activities (all cost one day unless stated differently below):

- Shopping
- Enchanting an object
- Doing Odd Jobs (50 Gold per day)
- Relax at The Yawning Portal (Gain 1 Inspiration – Max of 3 between adventures)
Ability Scores o Takes 3 days to learn a skill
(like Potion maker)
o Ability Score increases 3 days
o Making an item, downtime
per point increase
day cost varies on level of
 Incremental increase
item (see Brewing Potions
per point increase per
 Basic– 1 Day
i.e. first point
 Greater – 2 Days
increase to Dexterity
 Superior – 3 Days
takes 3 days, next
 Supreme – 4 Days
point increase for
Dexterity takes 4 days Feats
o Each Feat costs 3 days to

Copying Spells. If you can copy spells, you may use the rules presented in the “Your Spellbook”
sidebar in the Player’s Handbook to copy spells found in adventures, except it costs 1 downtime
day for each spell up to 4th level and 2 downtime days for each spell 5th level and above. If you
are copying spells from another character’s spellbook, you may do so immediately after an
adventure in which both characters were present. You are always successful at copying spells
from scrolls.
Brewing Potions. You may brew potions of healing as presented under “Crafting an Item”. A
“workweek” is defined as 5 downtime days for the purposes of this campaign. 1 potion regular
potion per day; day cost increase as potion complexity increases (Common (common) = 1,
greater(uncommon) = 2 days, Superior = 3 days, Supreme = 4 days)
Scribing Scrolls. You may scribe spell scrolls as presented under “Scribing a Spell Scroll” in
Xanathar’s Guide to Everything. A “workweek” is defined as 5 downtime days for the purposes
of this campaign.

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