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© Drama Notebook wwww.dramanotebook.

com Bad Monkey

Bad Monkey
Objective: Students use movement and pantomime to combine portraying animal characters
and performing everyday tasks.

How to Play!
Print out the next two pages on different colors. Introduce this game as “impossible
pantomime.” Each student will have to act out an animal doing an activity such as: an elephant
washing the windows. Tell kids, “It is impossible to perform this and impossible to guess. Who
wants to go first?!”

© Drama Notebook Bad Monkey

Bad Monkey-Animals

Monkey Squirrel

Giraffe Cow

Lion Chicken

Seal Anteater

Butterfly Turtle

Lizard Horse

Cat Cheetah

Dog Porcupine

Elephant Mouse

Bear Penguin

© Drama Notebook Bad Monkey

Bad Monkey-Activities

Mowing the lawn Eating dinner

Watching a movie Shopping at the grocery store

Playing a video game Reading the newspaper

Walking the dog Riding a bike

Playing tennis Playing golf

Scrubbing the floor Making a pizza

Setting the table Washing the windows

Vacuuming Eating an ice cream cone

Brushing your hair Dancing

Taking a shower Marching in a parade

© Drama Notebook Bad Monkey

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