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CLASS- III Total Marks: 40
DATE: 16/02/2021 Duration: 1hr
No of pages: 2 Name:________________

I. Underline the adverbs in the following sentences
1. The two boys went upstairs.
2. Next morning, he got up early.
3. The girl acted foolishly.
4. She comes to the museum regularly.
5. They have built a house nearby

II. Add prefixes or suffixes for the following questions:

1. care - ______________
2. obey - ______________
3. truth - ________________
4. possible - _________________
5. hope- __________________

III. Pick out the subject and predicate in the following sentences: (3x1=3)

1. Kaveri is making a sandwich.

2. My brothers are playing in the garden.
3. The dog is barking loudly.

IV. Identify whether the following sentences are Statement or Question

sentence: (4x1=4)
1. Are you going to the market _________________
2. Dolphins are like humans ___________________
3. Would you like to have some coffee ____________________
4. My father loves travelling ____________________

V. Begin each question with who , what, where, when or why: (3x1=3)
1. ____________ do you wake up?
2. ____________ is your best friend?
3. ___________ didn’t you do your homework?
I. Write the opposites for the following: (4x1=4)
1. outdoor x
2. mighty x
3. comfort x
4. tired x

II. Write the following verbs into past tense form and frame a
sentence on your own:

1. announce
2. spend
3. reply
4. pour
III. Write the meanings for the following: (5x1=5)
1. basement-
2. ripping -
3. stumble -
4. trek -
5. startled-

IV. Who says these words to whom? (3x1=3)

a) ”Let’s make a snowman”.
b) “He’s only looking for shelter from the storm”.
c) “Don’t be sad, Kaku I am sure Lal Hawa will stop here”.
V. Answer the following:
1. How does the speaker describe the storm?
2. What did Kaku like about Lal Hawa?
CLASS: III ____ Marks: 40
DATE: 16/02/2020 Name:__________________


Reading Comprehension:
A. Read the passage carefully and answer the following questions: (5)

Our national flag is called Tricolour. It is rectangular in shape. Its

length is one and a half times of its width. It has been divided equally
into three horizontal bands. The top band is saffron in colour. The
middle band is white. It has blue Ashok Chakra in the centre which has
24 spokes. The third band at the bottom is green.

The different colours of the flag have different meanings. The

saffron colour stands for courage and sacrifice. The white colour stands
for peace and the green colour is the symbol of prosperity. Thus, our
national flag conveys the message of courage, sacrifice peace and
prosperity. Our flag is a symbol of our freedom.
The Constituent Assembly approved it on 22nd July, 1947. The national
flag stands for our unity. A large number of Indians sacrificed their lives
to maintain its honour and glory. We must respect our national flag.

I. Fill in the blanks: (5x1=5)

1. The shape of our national flag is ____________________________.

2. The flag is divided into _________________ horizontal bands.
3. Ashok Chakra has _______________ spokes.
4. Saffron colour stands for _________________.
5. The third band at the bottom is __________________.

Creative writing:
B. Write a few lines on the topic”

I. Underline the adverbs from the following sentences:
(6x ½ =3)
1. Shalini writes her exercises neatly.
2. The sun shines everywhere.
3. The smoke rises upward.
4. The king treated the guest very cruelly.
5. Praveen is always helpful to his friends.
6. The old woman went outside.
in the blanks by choosing the right prepositions from the given
brackets: (4x ½ =2)

1. My mother rests_____________ the afternoon. (at / in )

2. The dog hid ___________ the sofa. (between/ behind)
3. We are going to the mall ____________Sunday, ( at/ on )
4. Suman likes staying _____ home and watch TV on Sundays (in/ at)
III. Underline the main verbs from the following sentences. (4x ½ =2)

1. Manav is practicing for next year’s competition.

2. Sarah has lifted a heavy box.
3. The girls were using colourful ribbons for the dance.
4. Tim is painting a picture of a famous actor.
IV. Fill in the blanks choosing the correct adjectives from the box.

stronger, better, fastest , near (4x 1 =4)

1. The cheetah is the _________________ animal.

2. My house is _______________ to the school.

3. This year, my brother performed _____________ than last year.

4. Shyam is ___________ than any other boy in the class.

V. Use the pair of homonyms in sentences of your own: (4x 1 =4)

1. (right / right)
a) ____________________________________________________
b) ____________________________________________________

2. (drop / drop)
c) _____________________________________________________
d) _____________________________________________________

VI. Fill in the blanks with suitable possessive pronouns: (5x 1 =5)
1. Abdul said, This parrot is ______________.
2. I don’t drink cold drinks. I don’t like ______________.
3. This is my friend Raj. Have you met _____________ earlier?
4. I don’t know that old woman. Do you know ____________?
5. This shirt isn’t warm . I don’t wear _________ in winter.


I. Write the meanings: (4x1=4)
1. still - ________________________
2. basement - _________________________
3. island - _________________________
4. mighty - __________________________
II. Write the opposites: (6x ½
1. whispered x _____________________
2. overjoyed x ______________________
3. straight x ______________________
4. deep x ______________________
5. clear x ______________________
6. lonely x ______________________
III. Write the past tense for the following verbs and frame a
meaningful sentence :
1. cross - _________________
2. decide - _________________

IV. Who said these words to whom?

1. “They are frightening beasts with bodies and heads like tigers”.
2. “You can sing for us”.
3. “Why doesn’t Lal Hawa stop at Chhoti Dadi, sir”?

V. Answer the following sentences :

1. Who were the rescuers in the story” The Seven Snowmen?
2. Who said Benjamin had a wonderful gift?
3. Which animals helped the golden bird in the forest at the time of
danger? And how?
4. What did Kaku do as the train came nearer?


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