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Questions and Answers for GRADE 3

1. 100+100-100+100
Correct Answer
A. 200
The given expression involves addition and subtraction operations. Starting from left to right, we
add 100 and 100, resulting in 200. Then, we subtract 100 from 200, which gives us a final
answer of 100. Therefore, the correct answer is 100.
2. 530-100+400-100
Correct Answer
B. 730
The given expression involves addition and subtraction operations. Starting from left to right, we
first subtract 100 from 530, resulting in 430. Then, we add 400 to 430, giving us 830. Finally, we
subtract 100 from 830, which equals 730. Therefore, the correct answer is 730.
3. Which of the following talks about the past or past tense?
Correct Answer
B. I played football.
The correct answer is "I played football." This sentence uses the past tense verb "played" to
indicate that the action of playing football occurred in the past. The other options either use
present tense verbs ("I play football" and "I am playing football") or have incorrect sentence
structure ("I playing football").
4. Which of the following talks about the present or the present tense?
Correct Answer
C. I am going to school.
The correct answer is "I am going to school" because it uses the present tense "am going" to
describe an action that is happening in the present. The other options use the future tense "will
go" and the past tense "went" to describe actions that either happened in the past or will happen
in the future.
5. Which sentence is correct?
Correct Answer
B. I was sitting on my chair.
The correct answer is "I was sitting on my chair." This sentence is correct because it uses the past
tense of the verb "to be" (was) and the present participle form of the verb "to sit" (sitting), which
is appropriate for describing an action that happened in the past.
6. What can a living thing do?
Correct Answer
A. It can move, or it is alive.
The correct answer is "It can move, or it is alive." This answer is correct because one of the
defining characteristics of a living thing is its ability to move. Movement is a key attribute of life
as it allows organisms to respond to their environment, find food, escape from predators, and
carry out essential life processes. Therefore, if something can move, it is considered alive.
7. What is the process by which plants make their own food using sunlight?
Correct Answer
B. Photosynthesis
Photosynthesis: This is the correct answer. Photosynthesis is the process by which plants use
sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water to produce glucose (sugar) and oxygen. It is how plants make
their own food.
8. We can listen to sounds and music from the speakers.
Correct Answer
A. True
The statement implies that the speakers are capable of producing sounds and music, which can
be heard by us. Therefore, the answer "True" indicates that it is possible to listen to sounds and
music from the speakers.
9. Where do you type in a computer?
Correct Answer
A. Keyboard
The keyboard is where you type in a computer. It is an input device that allows the user to input
text and commands into the computer system. The other options, such as CPU, mouse, and
monitor, are not used for typing. The CPU is the central processing unit that processes data, the
mouse is used for pointing and clicking, and the monitor is the display screen. Therefore, the
correct answer is keyboard.
10. Which device allows you to see images and pictures on the computer?
Correct Answer
A. Monitor
A monitor is a device that allows you to see images and pictures on the computer. It is an output
device that displays the visual output from the computer's graphics card. The monitor usually
consists of a screen, which can be either LCD or LED, and it is connected to the computer via a
cable. The images and pictures are displayed on the monitor's screen, allowing the user to
visually interact with the computer and view the content being displayed.
11. What do living things need to survive?
Correct Answer(s)
A. Sunlight
B. Food
C. Water
Living things need sunlight, food, and water to survive. Sunlight is necessary for photosynthesis
in plants, which provides them with energy. Food provides organisms with the necessary
nutrients and energy to carry out their life processes. Water is essential for various metabolic
reactions, maintaining temperature, and transporting nutrients and waste products. Plastic is not a
requirement for survival and does not provide any essential nutrients or energy for living things.
12. 200+200-50
Correct Answer
A. 350
The given expression is 200+200-50. First, we add 200 and 200, which gives us 400. Then, we
subtract 50 from 400, resulting in 350. Therefore, the correct answer is 350.
13. The Sun is a star.
Correct Answer
A. True
The statement is true. The Sun is a star, and it is the closest star to Earth. It provides us with light
and heat, making life on Earth possible.
14. Motherboard is a software.
Correct Answer
B. False
The given statement is incorrect. A motherboard is not a software, but rather a physical
component of a computer system. It is a printed circuit board that allows communication
between various hardware components such as the processor, memory, and storage devices.
Software, on the other hand, refers to the programs and instructions that run on the computer
15. How many planets are there in our solar system?
Correct Answer
B. 8
There are 8 planets in our solar system. This includes Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter,
Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Pluto was previously considered the ninth planet but was
reclassified as a dwarf planet in 2006.
16. In which country did chess originate?
Ans: India
17. Which are the three positive numbers that give the same result when multiplied and added
Ans: 1,2,3 (1+2+3=6 and 1*2*3=6)
18. What is a name of a polygon that has 5 sides?
Ans: Pentagon
19. Which planet has Moon as a Satellite?
Ans: Earth
20. What is Kangaroo baby called?
Ans: Joeys
21. Which is the biggest planet in our solar system?
Ans: Jupiter
22. Which is the National Tree of the Philippines?
Ans: Banyan Tree
23. Who was the National hero of the Philippines?
Ans: Dr. Jose Rizal
24. Who was the first president of the Philippines?
Ans: Emilio Aguinaldo
25. Which is the highest mountain peak in the world?
Ans: Mount Everest
26. Which is the highest mountain in the Philippines?
Ans: Mt Apo
27. Which is the biggest part of the brain?
Ans: Cerebrum
28. Which is the holy river of Israel?
Ans: Jordan
29. Who is the author of the famous book Noli Me Tangere?
Ans: Dr. Jose Rizal
30. Which is the biggest continent in the world
Ans: Asia
31. Which is the smallest continent in the world?
Ans: Australia
32. The smallest country in the world is?
Ans: Vatican City
33. The largest country in the world is?
Ans: Russia
34. What is the full form of SIM?
Ans: Subscriber Identity Module or Subscriber Identification Module.
35. When is World Environment Day celebrated?
Ans: 5th June.
36. Which country has no words but has only music in their National Anthem?
Ans: Spain
37. Who is the author of the famous Harry Potter book series?
Ans: J K Rowling
38. Who was the first woman to become President of the Philippines?
Ans: Corazon Aquino
39. Who is known as the first man who stepped on the moon?
Ans: Neil Armstrong
40. In which country is Taj Mahal is located?
Ans: Dubai
41. Where is the Capital of the Philippines?
Ans: Philippines
42. Which is the national game of the Philippiness?
Ans: Arnis
43. When is Independence Day celebrated?
Ans: June 12
44. Which festival that used Maskara?
Ans: Maskara Festival
45. How many regions are there in the Philippines?
Ans: 17 regions
46. Which is the hottest planet?
Ans: Venus
47. Which is the coldest place on Earth?
Ans: Vostok Station in Antarctica
48. Which is the nearest star to Earth?
Ans: Sun
49. What is the name of two holes in the nose?
Ans: Nostrils
50. What is the metal filament in a light bulb made of?
Ans: Tungsten
51. Who is known as the first person who invented cell phone?
Ans: Alexander Graham Bell
52. Which is the longest river in the world?
Ans: Amazon
53. Which is the largest reef in the world?
Ans: The Great Barrier Reef
54. What planet is known as the red planet?
Ans: Mars
55. A polygon with 5 sides is called a _________.
Ans- Pentagon
56. What is the young one of a kangaroo called?
Ans- Joey
57. What is the name of India’s highest mountain peak?
Ans- Kanchenjunga
58. The capital of Andaman & Nicobar Islands is ______.
Ans- Port Blair
59. Which is the largest country in the world, in terms of area?
Ans- Russia
60. The two holes on the nose through which we breathe are called _________.
Ans- Nostrils
9) Who is the author of Harry Potter series of books?
Ans- J.K. RowlinG

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