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Business and Personal Development Chapter 4

Creative and Innovative Entrepreneur

Competitive strategy

The innovation sandbox

 Constraints
o The innovation must result in a product or service of world-class quality.
( produk yang dihasilkan harus berupa barang dan jasa )
o The innovation must achieve a significant price reduction — at least 90
percent off the cost of a comparable product or service in the West. ( harus
bisa menghasilkan harga yang signifikan atau murah hingga sampai diskon
90% )
o The innovation must be scalable: It must be able to be produced, marketed,
and used in many locales and circumstances. Bisa diukur produk yang
o The innovation must be affordable at the bottom of the economic pyramid,
reaching people with the lowest levels of income in any given society.
( inovasinya harus affordable hingga bisa mencapai orang orang dengan
kelas ekonomi bawah )
 Lesson Learned
o Specialization. JF in prosthetics, Aravind in eye care, and NH in cardiac
care. Specialization allows: - Make the most of their resources - Build a
unique brand identity - Builds expertise. Adanya spesialisasi jadi misalkan
rumah sakit khusus mata, klinik khusus kecantikan
o Pricing. NH → many patients still cannot afford this surgery; Collaborate
with the ICICI Bank Ltd. NH designed a health insurance plan for the poor,
at a cost of 20 cents per person per month. Harus bisa menghasilkan harga
yang affordable misalnya dengan cara bekerjasama dengan bank untuk
membuat asuransi keseharan bagi mereka yang miskin
o Capital Intensity. Example Aravind produces its own intraocular lenses
(used in cataract surgery) for $3 (import for $60 to $100 each). The quality
is so good that Aravind now exports 50 percent of its production to the
United States and other countries. Menciptakan suatu produk baru dengan
harga yang jauh lebih murah jika dibandingkan dengan barang yang
diimport jadi bisa menekan cost perusahaan
o Talent Leverage. amid a scarcity of trained medical practitioners (India
trains only 80 cardiac surgeons per year, U.S. trains 8,000). Surgical skills
are improved by frequency of encounters. Menyiapkan tenaga kerja yang
ahli yang dilatih di bidang dimana dia bekerja dengan melakukan pelatihan,
praktek, dll agar memiliki skills yang bagus sekelas dunia
o Workflow. At NH and Aravind, surgeons specialize and the team is
responsible for outcomes. At Aravind, a surgeon moves from one operating
table to another, focusing on just the procedure, while teams of two
nursepractitioners remain at each table and oversee the patient’s care. Jadi
tiap orang punya dan focus mengerjakan bagian masing masing. Jadi kayak
ada step yang pertama bagian yang mengerjakan siapa, yang kedua siapa,
ketiga siapa, dll
o Customer Acquisition. The success of this business model is based on
volume. Aravind organizes about 1,400 one-day “eye camps” per year.
Aravind screens more than 1.6 million people per year. This yields 240,000
surgeries. NH is organizing a “tele-link” with two video monitors: one for
reviewing medical data and the other for discussing the patient’s condition
with the patient and his or her family. NH conducts more than 350 remote
consultations per month.
o Values and Organization ( the foundation ). Everyone who works at NH,
for example, is imbued with the same purpose: to provide all people, rich
and poor, with world-class care. • one doctor at Aravind put it, “All the
doctors speak softly to the patients and nurses. No shouting here. If a doctor
behaves in an unacceptable manner, word goes around the hospital in no
time, and the doctor will be in trouble. We believe in mutual respect as a
core value. Setiap orang bekerja dengan visi misi yang sama seperti misal
seorang dokter mengelayani pasiennya dengan baik dan professional tanpa
membeda bedakan baik itu kaya miskin, tua muda, semua diperlakukan

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