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Dear valued customer,

Thank you for taking the time to participate in our survey. Your feedback is essential in helping us
improve our services at Opus Restaurant & Lounge.

1. Did the lounge meet your expectations in terms of atmosphere and decor?
A. Yes, exceeded my expectations
B. Yes, met my expectations
C. No, fell below my expectations
2. How satisfied were you with the music selection at the lounge?
A. Very satisfied
B. Satisfied
C. Neutral
D. Unsatisfied
E. Very unsatisfied
3. Were the drinks and beverages to your liking?
A. Loved them! Great variety and taste.
B. They were okay. Some were good, others not so much.
C. Not impressed. The drinks were below average.
D. Disappointed. The drinks were terrible for the price.
4. How would you rate the quality of service you received from the staff?
A. Exceptional service
B. Good service
C. Average service
D. Poor service
E. Very poor service
5. Did you find the seating arrangements comfortable?
A. Very comfortable
B. Comfortable
C. Neutral
D. Uncomfortable
E. Very uncomfortable
6. How satisfied are you with the cleanliness and hygiene standards maintained at our lounge?
A. Very Satisfied
B. Satisfied
C. Neutral
D. Unsatisfied
E. Very Unsatisfied
7. How would you rate the overall ambiance of our lounge in terms of setting the right mood and
atmosphere for your visit?
A. Excellent
B. Good
C. Neutral
D. Needs Improvement
E. Poor
8. How would you rate the hospitality and friendliness of our staff during your visits?
A. Excellent
B. Good
C. Neutral
D. Needs Improvement
E. Poor
9. Were the prices of the drinks and food items reasonable for the quality offered?
A. Very reasonable
B. Somewhat reasonable
C. Neutral
D. Somewhat overpriced
E. Very overpriced
10. How likely are you to recommend this lounge to a friend or colleague?
A. Very likely
B. Likely
C. Neutral
D. Unlikely
E. Very unlikely
11. Have you experienced any delays, cold food, or negative experiences related to online orders
from our lounge?
A. Yes
B. No
12. How often do you frequent lounges or similar establishments?
A. Regularly
B. Occasionally
C. Rarely
D. This was my first time
13. Would you consider visiting this lounge again in the future?
A. Definitely
B. Maybe
C. Not sure
D. Probably not
E. Definitely not
14. How often do you use online food delivery platforms like Swiggy or Zomato to order from our
A. Frequently
B. Occasionally
C. Rarely
D. Never

Dear Opus Restaurant & Lounge team member,

Your insights and experiences are crucial in helping us enhance the quality of service we provide. Rate
you answer on a scale of 1 to 5.

1. How would you rate the Overall satisfaction with your role at Opus Restaurant & Lounge?


2. How would you rate Opus Restaurant & Lounge's commitment to customer service?


3. In your opinion, what are the top three strengths of Opus Restaurant & Lounge in terms of
customer service?
A. Location
B. Service
C. Food
D. Family Friendly
E. Good Management
4. How would you rate the overall satisfaction of customers you have interacted with?


How effectively do you think Opus Restaurant & Lounge addresses customer feedback and concerns?


5. How would you rate Opus Restaurant & Lounge's approach to addressing challenges related to
location (e.g., parking or visibility)? Ans.

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