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MGT255 FALL 22-23

College of Business, Abu Dhabi University


Fall 2022-2023

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MGT255 FALL 22-23

Table of Contents
Identify three forces driving the need for change............................................................................3

Identify three (or more) expected barriers to change.......................................................................3




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MGT255 FALL 22-23

Identify three forces driving the need for change

The environment, society, technology.

Since all of these elements are interconnected, widespread disturbances or crises may affect
many of them simultaneously. The presence of change brings both opportunities and dangers. By
keeping an eye on these four aspects, we may anticipate and respond to their potential
revolutionary effect on the ISO system, ensuring our continued relevance in a dynamic global
world. Alterations or new procedures implemented inside an organization are examples of
organizational change. In business and other organizations, stability and increased output are
achieved via the use of motivating factors that spark change. (ISO, 2022).

Identify three (or more) expected barriers to change

There is a lack of specificity

Lacking a defined goal might make transitions more challenging. You can't move your company
in the direction you want it to go if you don't know where it is now. If the vision is not clear, then
neither the change agents nor the implementers will be. It will be disastrous for the project as a
whole. A more seamless transition may be achieved with well-defined project goals and an
engaging story (Malik, 2021). The introductory inquiries like:

 What problems does this new approach solve?

 What impact will it have on our present situation?
 Just how are you planning on getting there?

Inadequately Communicating the Need for Change

The communication involved in change management gradually decreases. According to the data,
just 68% of upper-level managers are aware of the true motivations for company shifts. When
looking at middle managers and frontline supervisors, the percentage drops even more, from
53% to 40%. Gartner reports that a whopping 73% of workers feel moderate to high stress levels
as a result of inadequate change communication, and that those workers' productivity drops by

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MGT255 FALL 22-23

5% compared to average. Don’t simply tell your staff about the changes and hope they adapt;
instead, figure up a good way to tell them about it (Malik, 2021).

Challenges in the Implementation of Strategic Measures

As a leader, you should ask yourself whether your plan is specific enough to be used as a road
map throughout the change. The success or failure of a transition depends on a well-thought-out
plan for managing change. The following are some of the most important components of a
comprehensive change management strategy:

 The importance of altering things.

 Change management resources.
 Quantifiable key performance indicators.
 Feedback (Malik, 2021).

As in the case study nonetheless, at the same time, a number of KMEC's most senior managers,
including the General Manager and two of his deputies, resigned or departed the company.
Vacancies created by these admirable pioneers necessitated the recruitment of younger, less
seasoned workers who were yet full of energy and enthusiasm. The minds of the surviving
workers were a mess at the moment. Before this point is reached, there is usually a motivating
event, such as falling profits, a lawsuit, or even simply employee dissatisfaction that
demonstrates the need for change to occur. Whenever a shift in direction is determined to be
necessary, an organization's leadership must disseminate a change management plan to all staff
members. The new CEO should make the change and motivate the employees that the persons
left the company may have their personal problems due to which they left the KMEC. (Awati,

As the government implemented changes to the export tariff, which resulted in a noticeable rise
in the cost of export products, reducing the competitiveness of their export business and leaving

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little profit for the exporting firms. Because of this, KMEC had to evaluate whether or not it
needed to make modifications to its business and organizational structure to accommodate these
shifts. As soon as the planned transformation has been effectively conveyed, the following step is
to put it into action in a way that causes as little disruption as feasible. The change phase is when
the new policies, procedures, or personnel are put into effect throughout the corporation. The
scope of these Adjustments may differ depending on the circumstances, but they should always
be deliberate and based on feedback from workers and other important stakeholders (Awati,

After the crises according to the case study, in the third issue it will not be help because of
financial crisis but this issue could be resolved by solving first issue according to Lewin’s Model
to KMEC. The third phase involves institutionalizing the new practices, such that the
adjustments achieved in the second phase become second nature to the organization's regular
operations. (Awati, 2021).

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MGT255 FALL 22-23

Awati, R. (2021, March 15). Unfreeze, Change, Refreeze (Kurt Lewin Change Management
Model). Retrieved from

ISO. (2022, May 15). Drivers of change. Retrieved from

Malik, P. (2021, june 21). 7 Barriers to Organizational Change (And How to Overcome Them).
Retrieved from

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