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This chapter describes the methodological components such

as research design, materials, equipment and procedure.

Research Design

The study used an experimental research design in the

development of the digital device for manual pole alignment

detection by utilizing an accelerometer circuit from Arduino or tilt

sensors to determine the proper vertical angle of electric utility

poles and to apply proper alignment.

Figure 3.1 Circuit Diagram of the Proposed Study

Research Materials

The following materials were used in the construction of the

prototype. (1) Arduino Nano, (2) ADXL345 Module, (3) 9V

Battery, (4) OLED, (5) Battery Connector, (6) Standard Led, (7)

3D Printed Plastic Container, (8) Adjustable Strap/Magnet, (9)


Figure 3.2 ADXL345

The ADXL345 is a low-power, 3-axis MEMS accelerometer

modules with both I2C and SPI interfaces. The Adafruit Breakout

boards for these modules feature on-board 3.3v voltage

regulation and level shifting which makes them simple to interface

with 5v microcontrollers such as the Arduino (Adafruit editorial

staff, 2013).

Figure 3.3 Arduino Nano

The Arduino Nano is a small, complete, and breadboard-

friendly board based on the ATmega328 (Arduino Nano 3.x). It

has more or less the same functionality of the Arduino

Duemilanove, but in a different package. It lacks only a DC power

jack, and works with a Mini-B USB cable instead of a standard

one. (Arduino editorial staff, 2008).

Figure 3.4 OLED

OLED (Organic Light Emitting Diodes) is a flat light


emitting technology, made by placing a series of organic thin films

between two conductors. When electrical current is applied, a

bright light is emitted. OLEDs are emissive displays that do not

require a backlight and so are thinner and more efficient than

LCD displays (which do require a white backlight) (OLED-info

editorial staff, 2021).

Figure 3.5 Battery Connector

This is 9V Battery Connector with a 10 cm cable. It is used

to connect a 9V battery to the required application. This snap

power cable to DC 9V clip male line battery adapter for mostly

used to power Arduino boards as well as many development

boards (Instructables editorial staff, 2021).


Figure 3.6 9V Battery

A battery is a device that stores chemical energy and

converts it to electrical energy. The chemical reactions in a battery

involve the flow of electrons from one material (electrode) to

another, through an external circuit ( editorial staff,


Figure 3.7 3D printed Plastic Enclosure


Plastic containers are material storage products made of a

variety of plastics. Plastics are an ideal material for creating

containers. They are known for their excellent formability,

degradation resistance, durability, lightweight, recyclability, and

controllable mechanical properties (LGS directory editorial staff,


Figure 3.8 Adjustable Strap

A strap is a narrow piece of leather, cloth, or other

material. Straps are used to carry things, fasten things together,

or to hold a piece of clothing in place (Collins editorial staff, 2020).


Figure 3.9 SPST Switch

A Single Pole Single Throw (SPST) switch is a switch that

only has a single input and can connect only to one output. This

means it only has one input terminal and only one output

terminal. (Learning About Electronics editorial staff, 2017)

Figure 3.10 Connecting Wires

The Connecting wires provide a medium to an electrical

current so that they can travel from one point on a circuit to


another. In the case of computers, wires are embedded into

circuit boards to carry pulses of electricity. Most wires in

computers and electronic components are made of copper or

aluminum, because copper is cheap and electrically conductive.

(EPCB Editorial staff, 2016).

Research Procedure

First step in developing the device is to secure all the

necessary components and order it online as early as possible so

that if some parts will be unavailable, the researcher can look for

alternative components with the same function especially the

acquisition of the Arduino nano and ADXL345 to be ordered from

overseas manufacturers. Second after acquiring the components

be sure to research and familiarize its installation for these are

very delicate and one simple mistake can damage the

component, to be sure the researcher should purchase extra

pieces of each. Third step is to fasten and solder every

component on the circuit board based on the circuit below, be

careful in using the hot soldering iron. Remember that your circuit

should be electrically and mechanically firm. Fourth step is the

software programming, the researcher can acquire similar

programs online and use it as basis in formulating the program

that will arrive in the researcher’s desired output, C++


programming is the language used by Arduino and many free

programming platforms are compatible with Arduino. Fifth step is

to secure a weather proof container of the device that can protect

the internal circuitry in times of rain also an adjustable strap is

used as attachment of the device on poles during its operation.

The prototype will also undergo an efficiency test that will involve

manual testing of the angles in a test subject where it will be

compared to the output of the device which will test its efficiency.

The last part is the testing of electric utility poles owned by ILPI

with their consent within the vicinity of Iligan City, 2 utility poles of

different sizes and will be subjected for testing to determine the

effectiveness and efficiency of the device in determining the

leaning angle, if errors will be encountered the researcher can

adjust and improve the device and innovate the design.


Figure 3.11 Flowchart of the Proposed Project Study

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