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1. Are you an adventurous person? What makes you think so.

Positive answer:
To my mind, I am an extemely adventurous person, I prefer to challenge
myself with new experiencies and activities because I think that so you can get
through boredom. However, I am a fan of extreme sports, for instanse rafting,
kanoying and bungee jumping, travelling because this kind of activities give an
andrenaline rush , it helps me to keep in form and to explore the world.
Negative answer:
In my opinion I am not an adventutous person, I prefer to stay at home with
my family, or to gather with my friends to watch a movie at home. I love the
my comfortable and cozy zone and I am a routine person. However I think that
you are able to entertain yuotself in a creative way without all the dangers of
extreme sports. For example, you can have a movie night at home with friends
or even go out.

Survival skills & adventure

Combined answers
• Survival skills are techniques that a person use in order to sustain life at
a difficult conditiont. These techniques provide basic necessities for
human life such as water, food, and shelter. So I believe that the water
purification tables, the tent and the fishing pole would be useful in
order to survive.

• An other useful combination that would be handy is the sleeping bag,

the compass and the axe. Because you are able to cut woods in order to
have a fireplace which can you provide a warm place to stay with your
sleeping bag and you can also be protected due to the fire from wild
animals and you can have a warm meal.
What are the qualities that someone should have in order to survive on a
desert island?
In order to be able to survive on a desert island,you need to posses a great
deal of patience and the ability to think logically and rationally in streesful
situations. In addition i believe that its important to have a good physical and
mental strenght. You have to remain calm and stay optimistic and make the
best with what you have and try to survive.

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