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Unit 7

Ways to acquire fame

1. Through reality tv shows (contestants seek fame, are ambitious and want to
become famous celebrities, want to satisfy their inner need)
2. Heroic acts; the rescuers are ready to expose themselves to danger and risk
their lives to help other people, selfless, put their own lives at risk, are brave,
set an example
Advantages of being famous
 Fame and money that lead to easier lives (luxury holidays, big houses,
expensive cars)
 No stress about paying the bills
 Can afford almost everything
 Get special treatment
 Have many opportunities for example in their profession

Disadvantages of being famous

 No privacy (paparazzi trying to take a photo of them, people stop them and
ask for autographs, not able to do ordinary/normal stuff)
 Worries about their safety (crazy fans – bodyguards)
 Do not really know if people like them for themselves or for their money-
superficial relationships
 Negative and harsh criticism from the media and generally the public
 Stressful lives- constantly under pressure to look “perfect” (physical
appearance) ------ leads them to breakdowns and mental illnesses or drug and
alcohol abuse

Ways to react to their invasion of privacy

 On the one hand, some celebrities feel like the paparazzi are invading their
privacy, their private lives. It’s an intrusion of privacy. They feel distressed.
Their personal life is being violated.
 On the other hand, other celebrities enjoy the attention and love being on the
limelight. They pose and even invite the media to gain more publicity and
promote their work.
Reasons people are interested in celebrities’ lives
 Curiosity
 Glimpse in their life escape from the reality, the routine
 Distraction of their problems provides relaxation
 Wish we could be like them

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