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Task 2

Should people be encouraged to get married before 30?

-yes they should as it encourages a positive channeling of sexual urge .

- no they shouldn’t because they aren’t as mature to handle responsibility of marriage .

- yes they should because they will still be relatively younger when their offspring mature .

People should be encouraged to get married before 30 as it is normal for humans to have a sexual urge
and if they are married under 30 , then the sexual urge can be channeled in a healthy way . When they
are sexually active with a partner , in this way they will also be more productive at work and therefore
better for society at large .

Marriage comes with a whole set of responsibilities like taking care of your spouse and your children and
sometimes people don’t have necessary wisdom and maturity to tackle such responsibilities efficiently
when they are in their 20s and therefore mistakes can happen which can be detrimental for the
individual . Rather if they wait for a time after 30 , then they can perhaps handle this responsibility more
efficiently and therefore it can lead to a better union and this would be great for the society as well .

Another key aspect of marriage is the offspring concept . Parents are the caretakers and providers of
their offspring and later on , in many eastern cultures , the children take care of the parents when they
are older . If they get married earlier , then it will be easier for parents and children to spend quality
time when their children mature as they had married earlier . Often times , parents marry late and the
children therefore are born later and end up having lesser time to spend as a quality time with their
parents .

Task 2

Why do people get into debt by buying things they don’t need and cant afford?

How to stop this ?

The economic problem is that human wants are unlimited and resources are limited . Hereby , it is the
same case as humans want more materialistic objects for themselves . Therefore , they end up buying
things they don’t need and also can not afford . For these purposes , they indulge in buying things on
credit which isn’t a healthy way to operate as they struggle to repay back this credit later on .

Another way that humans can buy things they do not need is because of competition with others . A lot
of the time they can be prompted to act and buy something if a contemporary or a rival does the same
thing .
This is stopped across the world as the poorer ones are hardly allowed to take out loans since its not
sure that they will end up paying back the loan . Another way to stop this is to inquire the reason of
taking out of credit and if it is considered justified then they can be allowed to take out the loan and that
can be the only way in which they are allowed to take out the loan .

Perhaps healthier relationships amongst people could also limit competition and this unnecessary
spending . When individuals are secure in their personality and are sure of their self worth , then they
wouldn’t indulge in unnecessary spending just because a contemporary or rival has done so .

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