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In school-type pageants or beauty contests, the awards can vary depending on the specific event and its

objectives. Here are some common awards that are often given in school pageants:

1. Title Winners: These are the main awards given to the contestants who are crowned as winners in
different categories. For example:

- Miss [School Name]: The overall winner of the pageant, representing the school.

- First Runner-Up/Second Runner-Up: The contestants who come in second and third place,

2. Sub-Category Awards: These awards recognize specific achievements or qualities of the contestants,
such as:

- Miss Congeniality/Friendship: Awarded to the contestant who is deemed the most friendly and

- Best in Talent: Given to the contestant who showcases outstanding skills in a talent performance.

- Best in Evening Gown/Catwalk: Recognizes the contestant with the most graceful or confident walk
on the stage.

- Best in Costume: Awarded to the contestant with the most creative or representative costume.

3. Personality Awards: These awards highlight the contestants' personal qualities and characteristics,
such as:

- Most Photogenic: Given to the contestant who photographs exceptionally well.

- Miss Personality/Best Smile: Recognizes the contestant with a charming and engaging personality or
a beautiful smile.

- Miss Congeniality/Best Sportsmanship: Awarded to the contestant who displays exceptional

sportsmanship and camaraderie.

4. Academic/Achievement Awards: Some school pageants may include awards that recognize academic
excellence or extracurricular achievements, such as:

- Miss Intellect/Academic Excellence: Given to the contestant with outstanding academic performance.
- Miss Leadership/Student Ambassador: Awarded to the contestant who has demonstrated
exceptional leadership skills or community involvement.

5. People's Choice Award: This award allows the audience or participants to vote for their favorite

Please note that these awards are just examples, and the actual awards given in a school pageant can
vary depending on the event's specific criteria, theme, and objectives.

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