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CPI Roles

 Integration_Provisioner - For provisioning and basic configuration of the Integration


 Subaccount Administrator - Administrative access to the subaccount.

 PI_Administrator - SAP Process Integration - for the administrator

 PI_Integration_Developer - SAP Process Integration - for users developing integration flows
 PI_Read_Only - SAP Process Integration - read access for support users without access to
sensitive business data.
 PI_Business_Expert - SAP Process Integration for users with expertise who are allowed to
access business sensitive data.

1. Different transformative techniques:

Content Modifer:

It modifies incoming messages with additional information.

Error Scenarios:

Solution: Use Plain User name and Password instead of Encrypted user / password.
2. Message Monitoring:

1st Row: Monitor Message Processing:

Artifact Tiles which are Deployed successfully and issue in Message flow towards target(All msgs,
Failed msgs, retry msgs and Completed ones)

2nd Row: Manage Integration Content:

Developed Integration Flows which are not deployed (All, Started, Stopping and Error msgs)
Successfully Deployed IFLOWs will be shown in Message Integrated Content.
What Information is available in Manage Integration Content?

Log Configurations available in CPI:

Note: By default, Log Level will be set to Info

It provides step by step details except message Content(Payload).


Highest level of Logging happens to Trace and it will remains for 10 mins and after that it will switch to

For Trace Payload will be stored to troubleshoot the issue.

Trace will remain for 10 mins and switches to Info

Note: As we humans forget to revert back to Info once troubleshoot is done and by which space will be
consumed for each transaction, to avoid the space issue Trace will be switched to Info after 10 mins.

Exchange Properties:

Below highlighted one comes under Message Exchange

Based on Apache Camel Framework Message Exchange takes place.

When Message is sent to Receiver System, what details will be forwarded to System?

Header and Payload details will be sent to Receiver system and exchange properties will not be

Scope is limited to Integration flow only below is the screenshot.

Camel Expression:

Is to read or Write the Contents in Message Exchange.


This is same like Info, when we set Log to Error and when message fails, then it logs error details except
Message Content(Payload).


It capture all information step wise except Message Content(Payload),this will switch back to Error after
24 hours.
After expiry the log level Debug switches back to 'Error'.

3. Manage Security:
 Security Material: We will store the Credentials and uses the Alias or Variable name in
Connection parameter in Channel level.
 Keystore: Will store the certificates and SSH keys.

 PGP Keys(Pretty Good Privacy): Used for Encryption and Decryption.

 Connectivity Tests: We will test the connections from this Tile.

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