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Verbs and Verb Phrases

• Verbs are words that can show action or state of being.

1. The breeze felt chilly on her face.

2. Jeffrey untied the boy’s shoelace. (untied)

3. This sand is grimy and hard. (is)

4. I found a spider on my bed. (found)

5. The girls are happy that today is Friday. (are)

• A verb phrase contains a main verb and one or more helping verbs.
These are some helping verbs:

am is are was were will

can shall should would could

6. Wendy is planning a party.

7. She was considering a costume party. (was considering)

8. She will invite her entire class. (will invite)

9. Wendy will send the invitations this week. (will send)

10. I am wearing my favorite outfit. (am wearing)

© Harcourt

Grade 6, Lesson 17 LA110 Grammar

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