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Ain Soltane Secondary School Monday, March 06th, 2023

Level: 3rd year (SC, M.T, G.E) Duration: 2hrs

Second Term Exam of English

Part I: Reading (15 pts)
A) Comprehension (08 pts)

Read the text carefully and do the activities

People drink diet soda when they go for a diet. They think these drinks are healthier than fizzy drinks. A
new study says "diet" versions of sugary drinks can be as bad for our heart as sugar-filled fizzy drinks. The
researchers said people should avoid diet sodas and other artificially sweetened drinks if they want to stay
healthy. They said artificial sweeteners in diet drinks are not healthy. A heart specialist said: "The belief that
artificial sweeteners are a safe substitute for sugar is fake news." He added: "Artificial sweeteners have been
associated with weight gain...and diabetes."
The research is published in an American cardiology journal. Researchers looked at data from 100,000
people. The people recorded their diet, activity level, and health status twice a year. The researchers said:
"Higher intakes of...artificially sweetened beverages were associated with a higher risk of [heart] diseases."
They said artificially sweetened drinks were not so healthy. They added: "Water, water, and more water
should be the [drink] of choice. Given childhood obesity, no sweetened or artificially sweetened beverage
should children's diets."

1. Say whether the following statements are true or false.

a) People drink diet soda because they believe that they are healthy.
b) Both diet sugary drink and sugar filled fizzy drinks are bad.
c) Higher intakes of sweetened drinks do not cause heart disease.
d) Water is the best substitute drink.

2. Put the following ideas in the order they appear in the text.
a) Researchers warned people about artificially sweetened drinks.
b) Diabetes and obesity are consequences of artificially sweeteners.
c) Contrary to what people think, diet soda is unhealthy.

3. Answer the following questions according to the text.

a) Why do researchers advise people to avoid diet soda?
b) Are artificially sweetened drinks unhealthy? Justify from the text

4. Find what or who the underlined words in the text refer to.
a- they (§1)………………. b- the people (§2)………………………..
B) Text Exploration (07 pts)
1. Find words, phrases or expressions in the text whose definitions follow:
a- The kinds of food that a person, or an animal or a community habitually eats. (§1)
b- An abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that may hurt the health. (§2)
2. Divide the following words into roots and affixes.

Words Prefixes Roots Suffixes

Example un Appeal ing

3. Complete sentence (b) so that it means the same as sentence (a):

1/a) The reporter asked him: “How do food companies encourage children to buy more products?”
b) The reporter asked him …………………………………………………..
2/a) The attraction of junk foods is so strong that you will be easily addicted to them.
b) Owing to………………………………………………………………………………...
3/a) Fast foods have a negative impact on health; however, consumers have become addicted to them.
b) In spite of …………………………………………………………………………….….

4. Fill in each gap with the appropriate word from the list given.

intake- effective -danger -decrease

The no-sugar diet has become extremely popular in the past few years. For this reason, more and
more people are looking for an …(1)….way to get back on track, slim down and stay health-conscious.
Most people are aware of the sweet …(2)…of sugar; therefore, they try to ………(3)…… their daily
sugar…(4)…., although many give up in the process.

Part II: Written Expression. (05 pts)

Choose ONE of the following topics.
Topic One:
A review in the Journal of the American Medical Association shows that added sugar can increase the
risk of cardiovascular disease. Moreover, it can lead to many health conditions. Write an article of about 80
to 100 words about the consequences of added- sugar and the advantages of no- sugar diet. Use the
following notes: Make the best use of the following notes:

- Diabetes /obesity /high blood pressure /high cholesterol

- lose weight and prevent obesity /have clearer skin and reduce the risk of skin cancer
- prevent mood swings /reduce inflammation
- reduce the risk of diabetes
- improve sleep / reduce anxiety
Topic Two:
Many people suffer from stress at work because of the bad working conditions. This often causes
serious sicknesses and sometimes premature death. Imagine you were a journalist, write an article of
about 80 to 120 words to convince business owners that improved working conditions will not only lead
to a healthier work force but to higher productivity as well .

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