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‫زهراء سليم حميد‬

Q1/ Are sense relation for a given lexeme stable?

Sense relation for a given lexeme is not always stable, as it may vary depending
on the context, the language, and the theory of meaning. Most lexical semantics
texts claim that semantic relations are not really relations among words, but
relations among word senses. For example, the lexeme university can have
different senses in different contexts, such as an institution, a building, or a group
of people. The lexeme stable can also have different senses, such as a place where
horses are kept, a condition of being steady, or an adjective meaning not likely to
change. Therefore, sense relation for a given lexeme is not a fixed or universal
phenomenon, but rather a dynamic and relative one, that depends on various
factors and perspectives.

Q2/ Is lexical meaning indeterminate?

The term indeterminacy refers to the instability of meaning, the uncertainty

of reference, and the variations in interpretations of grammatical forms and
categories in any natural language. No, lexical meaning is not indeterminate. It
refers to the basic and stable meaning of a word, but it can be influenced by
context and usage. For example, the word "bank" has a basic meaning of a
financial institution, but in certain contexts, it can also refer to a river bank or a
snow bank. However, these additional meanings do not change the basic and stable
meaning of the word. Lexical meaning is not inherently indeterminate, but rather
contextual. Words have a core or central meaning, often referred to as the
"dictionary definition." However, the precise interpretation of a word can vary
depending on the context in which it is used. This means that the meaning of a
word is not fixed and can change based on the specific situation or conversation.

Q/ What is the difference between vagueness and ambiguity?

Vagueness refers to a lack of clarity and meaning. Ambiguity also refers to a
lack of clarity and meaning, but ambiguity arises when there is more than one
meaning it is difficult to choose which meaning was intended. For example, the
stool is in the garden that ambiguity because stool can be poop or chair and so on.
They are both lack clarity, but vagueness lacks clarity because there is a continuum
of meanings, whereas ambiguity lacks clarity because there are multiple and
distinct meanings. In another word, Vagueness is like a gray area whereas
ambiguity is like black and white. In brief, vagueness comes in degrees; ambiguity
is all-or-nothing.

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