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1 Words as meaningful building blocks of language

Words as meaningful building-blocks mean that words can be merge into the
sentences as a building-blocks. We think of words as the basic units of language, but in fact it
is not to say that a sentence must always consist of more than one word. Even as adult, there
are quite a few circumstances in which we use single word outside the context of any actual
or reconstructable sentence.

An English dictionary is the key when we don’t know the meaning of the word. In
fact, that is what a dictionary entry basicly consist of. Not only for the meaning, but also
some information about grammar and how to spell the word.

2.2 Words as types and words as tokens

Token having a reference of individual occurrence of a type of the words.

Example :

Gina will go to London next week, and she intends going to Makkah next month.

The same word in that sentence (to and next) are distrinct token of a single type. In
much the same way, on can say that two perfomance of the sam tune, or two copies of the
same book are distinct tokens of one type.

The type-token distinction is relevant to the notion “word” in this way. Sentences may
be said to be composed of word-tokens, but it is clearly not word-tokens that are listed in
dictionaries. The distinction between a type and token is an ontological one between a
general sort of thing and its particular concrete instances.

2.3 Words with predictable meanings

Sometimes, words have meanings that are predictable. Thats mean that can be worked
out on the basic of the sounds and make them up. Onomatopoeic words are some words
whose sound seems to reflect their meaning fairly directly. So, easier to predict a sound
symbolism meaning than the real word. For present purposes, what matters is to be aware that
not every word can be listed in a dictionary, even in the fullest dictionary imaginable.

2.4 Non-words with unpredictable meanings

It is possible for a linguistics item to be a basic building-block of syntax. The item is

clearly not itself a sentence or a phrase and yet to have a meaning that is predictable.
Idiom are combination of words that have meaning owing to its common usage. Idiom
are enormously various in length, structure and function

2.5 Conclusion : words versus lexical items

We got the information about we can use lexical items for items with first
characteristics, and reserve word for items with second characteristics. Sometimes, we meet
there are some words that are not lexical item, and some lexical item that are not words. It is
mean there are not really the traditional view of words as things that are for listed in
dictionaries is entirely wrong. Many words have meanings that are predictable, there is
nevertheless a tendency for these meaning to lose motivation over time. Selected the
dicitonaries list to contain the lexicl items or words, or contain both of them influence the
most practice dictionaries to reflects a compromise. Because some are more generous than
other in listing idioms, and some are more generous than other in listing word with entirely
predictable meanings.

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