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Name Day and Night

You Are My Sunshine! Classification

Color the daytime objects.

©The Education Center, Inc. • Teacher’s Helper® • TEC8681 • Feb/Mar 2001

Background For The Teacher
Daytime occurs when the sun shines on our part of the
earth, and nighttime occurs when our part of the earth is
turned away from the sun. The earth revolves on its axis
as it orbits the sun. It takes 24 hours for the earth to
revolve one time, thus completing one day/night cycle.

Note To The Teacher

This unit is designed to reinforce the concepts of day
and night. Lead your students in a group discussion of
objects visible primarily during the daytime, such as rain-
bows and birds. Then discuss objects visible primarily dur-
ing nighttime, such as pajamas and a flashlight. (Remind
students that some objects are seen during the day, but
are primarily used at night.) If desired, record student
ideas on chart paper for easy reference while working on
this unit.

How To Use Page 3

1. Duplicate the page for each child.
2. Discuss the picture on each cloud.
3. Have each child lightly color the pictures that are
mainly seen during the daytime.
4. Invite each child to color the sun picture.

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