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Name Class-Section 2 Theme The World Around

Subject Unit of Enquiry Roll No Date

• Learning Objective: Observe and identify the characteristic features of the moon, sun and star

1. Correct the following statements.

a). When the sun rises, night begins.

b). The Sun is near to us.

c). The Sun seems to change its shape every night.

d). We see the moon in the morning everyday.

e). The heat and light of the moon help the plants grow.

2. Choose the correct option.

a). The Sun is a big ball of .

(Fire/ Water/ Sand)
b). The gives us heat and light.
(Moon/ Stars/ Sun)
c). The has no light of its own but shines because
it receives light from the Sun.
(Stars/ Moon/ Day)
d). Green plants make with the help of heat and
light from the Sun.
3. Answer the following questions.

a) How does the Sun help us?

b) What happens when the Sun sets?

The Sun is the best source of energy. Use the Suns energy and
save electricity. Switch off lights during the day and study in the
sunlight. Keep doors and windows open to receive enough sun
light. Plant trees where there is enough sunlight. Perform Yoga or
exercise in the morning in the presence of sunlight.

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