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Requirements for precast concrete piles generally apply

equally to prestressed units, except reinforcement. Such piles must
be designed and installed in accordance with the general provisions
for !filing. Precast piles must be proportioned, reinforced , cast ,
cured, handled and driven so as to resist the. stress induced by
handling and driving as well as by structural loads. Handling
stresses can be computed on the basis of 50 percent of the weight
of the pile added as an allowance for impact. Design details should
indicate suitable points of pickup and support for each length of
pile. Handling equipment shall be constructed so as to equalize
the reactions on multiple lines of pile pickups.

2.3.1 Design

The minimum lateral dimensions of precast concrete piles

should be 10 in. except for taper at the tip. For piles designed
with voids, the minimum wall thickness of concrete should be 4 in.
The maximum departure of the pile axis from a straight line ,
measured before installation while the pile is not subject to bend-
ing forces, should not exceed 1/8 in. in 10 ft., or 3/8 in. in 40ft.
or 0.1 percent of the pile length.
2.3.1 . 1 Concrete preferably should have a higher strength than
the usually specified minimum of 5,000 psi at 7 days if steam
cured or at 28 days if cured by other means. It should have a
cement content of 6 to 8 bags per cubic yard. Type II cement
may be used where moderate sulphate resistance is required. Air
entraining cement or suitable admixtures may be used to increase
Workability of the concrete. Calcium chlo ride may not be used ,
Piles and Accessories/ 45
44 / Piles and Accessories

e cept for a trace in fonnulations used to accelerate strength gain fonn a void in the pile has been known to decompose and develop
and reduce shrinkage . destructive gas pressures; remove, or permanently vent the pile. The minimum amow1t of ordinary longitudinal reinforce- If prestressed piles are used, the minimum working net
ment should be at least 1.5 to 2 percent of the concrete section, prestress in the pile should be 700 psi. Prestressing strands are of
made up of a minimum of four bars symmetrically place.d. F~I a the ungalvanized seven-strand type conforming to the general
length equal to at least three t imes the mjnimum ~ateral dune.JlSlon requirements o f ASTM designation A 4 16 and may be either regu-
at each end of the pile lateral tie reinforcement IS spaced 3 m. on lar or high-strength. Strand properties, manufacture and installa-
centers increased elsewhere to a maximum of lQ in. Such rods tion Should conform to guidelines of the Prestressed Concrete
are No~ 5 gauge or equivalent spi raL For piles designed \~ith voids, lnst1Lute . (For some years this was a standard of the American
the 3 in. spacing of ties or laterals is extended for a dJstance of Association of State Highway Officials and PCI. AASHTO has
12 ft. o r one-third the length of the pile, whichever is s~uller. discontinued participation in such joint activities.) See page 46.
Clo ely spaced ties or spirals improve th? duc~il.ity of ~ pile. If Design bearing capacity has been increased substantially in the
hard driving is expected, spacing of 4 m. mmunw11 1s recom- new chart.
mended. The fo undation code of the City of New Orleans where Current practice is to cover longitudinal rein fordng steel long prestressed concrete piles are a principal means of support,
with 1Y2 in. of concrete. However, Bengt FeLlenius. who has had has the following:
long experience with precast piles, suggests less cover fo r greater Prestressed precast concrete piles shall be limited to a pileload
pile strength. This requires capacity for a single pile by the following expression:
that close positioning toler-
ance be strictly adherred to. Design load, pounds"' Ac (0.33f,o - 0.27fpe )
Plach\g, the longitudinal rein-
Area of concrete, square inches
forcing accurately so it has a
dependable cover of just 1 in. = Concrete 28-day strength, pounds per square inch
to the outside of the steel Effective prestress on the gross section after prestress
will result in a stiffer pile that losses, pounds per square inch.
is better able to withstand The maximum pennitted value for r' shall be 7,000 psi and the
driving stress. This will pro- minimum pennitted value for fpe shall b~ 700 psi.
vide greater strength and mini-
mize risk of cracks in the pile. 2.3.1. 7 For long columns for bridge piers and for offshore towers
large diameter, open-center piles are centrifugally cast in about
Prestressing wires are stretched per-
16 ft. lengths. Through openings formed in the 4 or 5 in. thick
haps 600 ft in well made forms. waUs post-tensioning wires are inserted to develop required lengths,
Bulkheads are set in the form to which may be over 2 00 ft. In formation on this is available from
establish pile lengths. Here H- PCI and from the producers.
stubs with APF cast steel points 2.3.2 Forms and Casting
are cast in the 20 in. square, 80 ft
long piles. Precast, especiaJiy prestressed, piles are made in forms 400
to 600 ft. or more in length. Prestressing wires are pretensioned Voids, when used_ shall be located within 3 /8 in . o fthe across this le ngth by hydraulic jacks. BulkJ1eads are set in the
position shown on plans. Voids may extend through either or form to make the d esired length of pile; prestressing wires go
both ends of the pHe. If the void extends through the lower end ~rough the bulkheads, which serve as spacers. Spiral reinforcing
of the pile, the pile head must be vented to prevent buildup of IS slipped over the strands during stringing and distributed before
intcmal hydraulic pressure during driving. Paper or fiber used to Placing the bulkheads. Forms for casting piles are preferably rela-
46/Piles and Accessories Piles and Accessories/ 47

. SQUARE PRESTRESSED PILES tively pennanent, of steel or other reusable material. Provision
should be made to cham fer edges and corners of the piles, except
~h where reinforcement may protrude through an end. Rei.J1force-

B'~ tJ1
ment 1nust be spaced away from the pile faces by small cement

c~ TYP. ~
blocks or by metal chairs with plastic tips. Lateral bars must be
W' 4'h: TYP. _J
effectively tied to the longitudinal steel. The tolerance for pile

"$. #S GAUGE .2070" SPIRAL
size, square or diameter, is 1/4 in. The tolerance for positioning
longitudinal reinforcement should be 1/8 in. Th.i.s will avoid
Pn, :;,i n_. U fe'-the Strand< P•r Pjle Secti o.q o.s19,. e~~·r~~·P•cttr uneven thickness of concrete cover and will minimize the risk of
SiR (I! ~re-a . Ac_ .:~;~"i2l Pre:nreh Pod\ihls "ferfoet e.t
Con(rctt St rtngth , psi
force {3) Dl>ce! er (4)
in . l n. 2 l?o./lln , f t. ~lP< 7( 1.S-in . l/2- in. tn. 3 fn. 5000 €000 spalling.
10 100 105 10 167 4() 73 90
12 144 ISO 101 288 48 105 129 Prestressing strands must be stressed uniformly by
1~3 116
14 196 205 137 6 457 56
64 187 229
hydratlic jacks or other means. An accurately calibrated gage
16 256 265 179 II 683
Ul !2~ 33S 227 13 10 972 12 237 290 incorporated in the system permits stress computation at any ti.Jn e.
20 400 415 200 16 12 1333 80 292 358
Elongation should be measured at com pletion of stressing and at
22 481 51.)5 l l9 20 15 1775 88 354 433
i• ~ 16 600 ¢03 23 18 2304 96 421 516 time of placin g concrete ; it should conform to elongation tables
20 H> 305 320 l" lJ 1,0 1261 60 223 273
furnished by the manufacturer of the strand. Strands must be
22 HC 351 ;lOS 246 14 11 1647 88 256
24"' 399 415 279 16 12 2097 96 29 1 357 kept free of oil and other substances han11ful to bond. Some dis-
coloring of U1e strand may not be hannful but corrosion must be
~41-1 "

~ .....,,_,.,.. ...,......~
EQUAL SPACING Concrete should be compacted by high frequ eno.,y internal
or external vi.brators; contact of vibrators witlr prcstressing strands
must be kept to a. m.jnimum . FuJ I tension OJl the stiands shall be

2'h" TYP~ 2 1'2" TYP.

Desit:n 8~~!n? ~apad ty

maintain ed until test· cylinders, cast and cured under fhe s ame
conditions as the piles, indicate a strength of at least 4 ,000 psi.
Pretension in the strands or wi.res must be released from the
~iJ' .H fe< tl ve
Pile Approx.. Stt<lnds Ptr Pile Se,tion
Size (ll ~eiqht- (2} Pre.nreu ~dulus
anchorage grad ually and up,ifo.r:ml'y . This is done by burning
Cc,."'c ~te Strength. psi
( ol >m. )' OiM:eter ( 4}"
i p. lb ../l-d tt. ft. 7('6-in. 1/2-i n. ln.l i n. 5000 ocoo
strands in alternate locations, rather than all strands across one
as 109 33 61 74 side. When released from elongation strands expand and grip the
10 83 58
40 81 107
12 119
Il l
300 46 118 1<5 concrete ; fnU tension may not be achieved for 50 diameters of the 1

)6 l.lj m 148 11 ••s SJ

18 25'0 2'00 168 11 938
20 lJt . ~4 S ~n 14 10 !i6 66 Z4Z 2$6
16 12 1166 1J 29J 3S9
z~ 4b1 ' 29 2C1
151'3 348 421
2.3.3 Handling and Driving
24 417 ~95 3'34 19 IS &1
20 .,, 236 2,5 l$5 10 804 66 172 211
n )ic 26H 11!0 I &a 11 10J8 73 1>6 140
Precast piles may be moved when the compressive strength of
2~ H' JCO. ,.~ 210 12 1ilC6' &1 219 269
the concrete has reached 4,000 psi, but are not to be driven until
N 0 T E S : (For bot.h square and octagonal pHes) 5,000 psi strength is attained. Piles are to be lifted or supported
NOTE.$: (For both SQ~tt: lftd OC1agot)ll pftn) only at designated points and l1andled and driven in such a manner
as to avoid excessive bend ing stresses, cracking or spalling.
tH ~~~s~d'!;Z. ~~~~:!:~:~=~=c!,~~-;,:,~~;~~:
121 Wdgt)u ~on 150 lb. plf ciJbil:: foot <; a)nt;IC te..
t!)) ~:~~=~~q ~~~':!~ t::~:~:oo:~.a~ -~2;cr;~~~=
is ~ conc.rue "'*"
tn thl' pil~ ~ uu>res.t te»iA!I. aUeJ 1fl losses.. TMse
Q) &'Wmu~ eff~_ive P!tstten toJce bMtd' Of) Ol\i't p!Htf,e u o,f 700 ~I dte.r beating CSiPiCJtY ~~~~ m.av bJ i~ll~ \i blthtr str•nsth conc~te rs
C4 t 8Med Ofl1/t6 m t/2 in, '270> Gr-ldf! JVm:rellol.'lt.d~u·nd wfth anulliJ 16) Q.S::~IIIr Ehginetr~,
pid b t tM 1.,_e d 1(1\'trek av oe tiSeo wtlh • pp-ov•t Pile heads must be protected from direct impact of the
m1\e strt.ngttl o t 3 J,OOO I!Od41,300 lb. rtHp.tet,vely. U 250Grd suest-
,.l:ie-Yed or IOWtrtlalfiltiQA stnru! ts ~d. ~' numbof_r ot ttrtl'ldt pt1 pile
fn Oe.~tilii ..-e from Conc~te 1111\dard, which jtttes
more inform1lioo.
hammer by a cushion head so arra11ged that 'Strands or bars project-
should be mo<hf·td in c.Ott'Omlii'U with st1i<Od tnilnll.fJcu... ..-·, ded gn
~l'lfOul\etl'on ro t ive tilt toroe llsud fA .t be fourth columo.
ing from the pile head will not be displaced or deformed during
48/ Piles and Accessories Piles and Accessories/ 49

driving. Minimum energy per blow of the hammer to be used will From England the West splice provides for a driven wedge
be established by the. engineer. Jetting may be permitted , or at each corner to utilize the "extreme fibers" strength of the con-
required where necessary, to reach the desired depth. crete. Canada supplies the Sure-Loc, a thin square rod driven
around a machined circumferendal groove in mating ends. The
Note: For driyiJ)g, precast piles, a lteavy ram with low impact Hercules splice, from Scandinavia, has interlocking castings on
velocjty is sugge~ted by some, disput-ed by others. mating ends. The Anderson splice is a steel sleeve that slips over
W,hen d;Iivingjs easy, minimize th.e hammer blow until the two ends of the pile. There are several other splicers; all users
r~:;~tance develops. This will help to avoid stress waves continually strive to develop a better and more economical unit.
that might cause cracking. A splicer should provide means for keeping the sections
together, for holding alignment for the full depth and transmitting, Piles are cut off where necessary. Where the top must be the full design load. The joint must be adequate to resist the
removed, a circumferenti-al cut is made with a diamond saw to pre-- lateral load at the splice level and at the pile cap.
vent spalling. Piles dfiven beLow cutoff grade may be extended as
showq. o~ t he plans or in a manner approved by the engineer. 2.3.5 H-Stubs for Precast

S.K. Whitty & Co. Inc. Prestressed piles frequently can benefit from a length of
usedAPF'sAdv"nce Splicer H-section at the bottom end. The H-especially with cast steel
to quickly extend pre· HARD-BITE or Pruyn Point protection-can be d riven through
stressed concrete piles. debris and boulders that might stop or damage the large concrete
end. The teeth of the HARD-BITE will be especially effective in
penetrating dense till and in securing a toe hold on rock sloping
sharply in relation to the pile axis.
The prestressed-H combination can be a solution to corrosion
problem of piling in salt. water wharf and dock facilities. Below
the depth of corrosion effect a strong H section can be used with a
cast steel point. Titis will penetra te wa terfront debris and develop
a toe hold on sloping rock. The length of H extension can be
matched to required depth. With an APF Champion Splicer this
can be done with mini mum delay as driving progresses.
2.3.4 Splicing

Splicing of precast piles is time consuming and expensive.

This is especially true where splicing is not expected and prepared !----" - ~·
,-Po-v~ S1..aTS "\ P"\J"''IC PoiNT
for in advance. Special investigation should be made to detennine
~ ·
..tC ~~u:> H io ft. 75o OO•
how long p~;ec-ast piles may need to be. Where length will be
14¥.t:' VOIP c
I . ~: '1
grrtater than it is practical to handle splicing can be provided for. · -t
·-+ I ,.-j: I
l" 1-T~H No.ll ~s IS/...;' WELD
2.3.4. 1 At New Orleans, for example, supports for major struc-
tures may be at J 60 to 200 ft. depth. Here the Bruns splice is
frequently used. A pipe collar of the nominal size of the pile is
cast on the mating ends of each length. Then a splicer, usua11y For the Trident Submarine home base prestressed 24 in. octagonal piles have
Associated Pile & Fitting Corp.'s S-18000 Advance Pipe Pile design a center void. After casting an HP 14x102 with APF cast steel point was
in modified form, is used as a connection, without welding. attached for penetrating glacial till.
50 /Piles and Accessories

2.3.6 More on Concrete Piles

Additional in formation on concrete piles is available in :

• " Recom mendations for Design, Manufacture and Installa-
tion of Concrete Piles"; Part 3, 1974 of the American
Concre te Institute Manual of Practice.
• " Recommended Practice for Design, Manu facture and
Installa tion of Prestressed Concrete Piling". A reprint
from the JOURNAL of the Prestressed Concrete Institute,
March-April J 977 .
• The 1979 revision of design details for Prestressed Con-
cre te Piles from the Prestressed Concrete Institute. This is
an essential and worthwhile document.
• " Splicing of Precast, Prestressed Concrete Piles"; a reprint
from the PCI JOURNALS of Sept.-Oct. and Nov.-Dec.
• " Driving Stresses in Concrete Piles" by G. G. Goble, K.
Fricke and G. E. Likens , Jr. Reprint from PC! JOURNAL,
J an.-Feb. 1974, reporting tests made for the Florida
Department of Transportation.

Pruyn Point 75600 on HP 14x89 extensions of 18 in. octagonal prestressed

piles at the Port of Vancouver, WA.

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