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Journal of South American Earth Sciences 12 (1999) 607±613

The Basin of Mexico and its metropolitan area: water abstraction

and related environmental problems
T. GonzaÂlez-MoraÂn*, R. RodrõÂ guez, S.A. Cortes
Departamento de Recursos Naturales, Instituto de GeofõÂsica, Universidad Nacional de MeÂxico, Del. Coyoacan, 04510, D.F., Mexico


The Basin of Mexico is a closed basin of lacustrine character, with an average elevation of 2200 m above sea level. The
watershed covers a vast extension in ®ve states. Mexico City and its metropolitan area are located within this basin. The aquifer
system is the main source of water supply for more than 20 million people. Water consumption is about 60 m3/s. The aquifer
supplies about 43 m3/s from around 1000 wells at 70±200 m depth. Pumping policies have generated subsidence and degradation
of the ground water quality in the Basin of Mexico The lacustrian clay layers play an important role in the local hydrogeology,
protecting the aquifer from pollution, but the transition and piedmont areas are highly vulnerable to surface pollutants. # 1999
Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Basin of Mexico; Aquifer system; Vulnerability; Subsidence

1. Introduction proximately 9560 km2. It is a topographic sink of vol-

canic origin. The watershed borders on the headwaters
By the year 2000, about 30 million people will live of the Balsas River; on the basins of Toluca and Tula,
in the Valley of Mexico, which occupies 0.03% of the and on the volcanic ranges of Mt. Ixtaccihuatl and
total surface of the country. The potential sources of Popocatepetl (Fig. 1). The Basin contains a set of
water supply lie outside the valley. A pipeline from the interconnected lakes of fresh to brackish water.
Lerma Basin, NW of Mexico City, was laid in 1941, Sediment deposition in this lake system occurred
using 15 km of aqueduct over the Cruces Range. The mainly during the Quaternary period. Before intensive
Cutzamala aqueduct was established later, over a dis- water abstraction, many springs were found along the
tance of 127 km. This system requires pumping water foothills.
to an elevation of 1200 m. At present, about 70% of During the 18th century, the lake was drained to the
the water supply in the Valley of Mexico (45 m3/s) is north of the Basin by the Nochistongo canal
abstracted from a deep aquifer in pyroclastic±alluvial (Bibriesca, 1960). The surface drainage works con-
units underlying the lacustrine sediments. cluded around 1900. A Deep Drainage System, orig-
The Basin of Mexico is located in the central part of inally built for storm sewerage, was ®nished in 1975. It
the Mexican Volcanic Belt, covering an area of ap- is located at a depth of 200 m and has a capacity of
200 m3/s. Drainage of the basin has contributed to
* Corresponding author.
severe ecological degradation including elimination of
E-mail address: (T. GonzaÂlez- wildlife, deforestation, erosion, and air and water pol-
MoraÂn). lution.

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608 T. GonzaÂlez-MoraÂn et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 12 (1999) 607±613

Fig. 1. Schematic map of the Basin of Mexico and the Mexican Volcanic Belt. The location of the Texcoco lake, state limits and major volcanic
ranges have been added.

2. The geological framework geology and shallow wells (Arellano, 1953; Fries, 1960;
Schaepfer, 1968; Mooser, 1975, 1978; VaÂzquez-SaÂnchez
The Basin was formed by sedimentation, tectonism, and Jaimes-Palomera, 1989). A well near Texcoco tra-
and volcanism. The main geological events can be verses 200 m of Quaternary lake deposits. Further in-
summarized as follows: (i) deposition of Cretaceous formation was supplied by deep wells and seismic
limestones rocks in a shallow marine environment; (ii) re¯ection pro®les from PEMEX (Perez-Cruz, 1988)
deposition of volcanics and alluvial sediments; (iii) and by the Federal Commission of Electricity
Tertiary to Recent volcanic activity producing import- (Benhumea Leon and Vazquez, 1988). Studies of sur-
ant deposits of lava ¯ows and pyroclastics; and (iv) face geology (Mooser, 1990; Mooser and Molina,
development of the lake system due to closure of the 1993), and geophysical studies (RodrõÂ guez and
basin. GonzaÂlez-MoraÂn, 1989; GonzaÂlez-MoraÂn, 1992) pro-
Before the 1985 earthquakes, the geology of the cen- vide regional data on the stratigraphy of the Basin of
tral Mexican Volcanic Belt was known from surface Mexico.
T. GonzaÂlez-MoraÂn et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 12 (1999) 607±613 609

2.1. Evolution of the lake system rainfall average of 213 m3/s. If the abstraction is 45 m3/
s, then the regional aquifer is being overexploited.
Niederberger (1987) described the lakes in the Basin Other authors calculated a lower recharge regimen
before 1900 as three sub-basins at slightly di€erent (16 m3/s), considering only the central and southern
levels: (a) The North Basin (Zumpango-Xaltocan), (b) area of the Basin (DGCOH-IGF UNAM, 1994).
The Central Basin (Mexico-Texcoco), and (c) The Although the estimates of the total recharge could
Southern Basin (Chalco-Xochimilco). change the exploitation regime, important variations
The central lake (Texcoco) was more brackish than are not observed in the piezometrical levels. This fact
the Chalco-Xochimilco and Zumpango-Xaltocan lakes. can be explained in terms of unknown contributions of
The central basin acted as a reservoir that drained the water from pipeline leakages (20±40% of the water
other two. supply) and water coming from the depressurization of
Orozco y Berra (1864) measured the relative el- the aquitard, 4 m3/s (Durazo and Farvolden, 1989;
evation of the secondary basins with respect to the Durazo, 1996).
lake of Texcoco. The north basin was at 6.06 m and
the southern one was at 3.14 m with reference to 2.3. Aquifer vulnerability
Texcoco lake. At that time, the initial lake had shrunk
to 500 km2. Today it does not exceed 50 km2. ``Plan The aquifer system of the Basin is polluted by sur-
Texcoco'' is a current project designed to rescue the face sources. Many factors in¯uence the leaching of
Texcoco lake, using treated sewage. contaminants into ground water (National Research
Council, 1993). In the urban area, aquifer vulnerability
2.2. The aquifer system di€ers among the three major hydrologic zones: the
lacustrine valley ¯oor, the transition zone in the pied-
The aquifer system consists of an upper aquitard mont region, and the hilly zone (Mazari and Mackay,
and a con®ned aquifer formed by two units, one gran- 1993).
ular and one of fractured volcanic rocks. At the mar- Lake zone: This area has elevations ranging from
gins of the basin, there is a transition zone with an 2230 to 2250 m above sea level with an area of
upper permeable layer. 1431 km2 and includes 23% of the ¯oor basin. The
The aquitard includes a thick unit of ®ne-grained surface is impermeable.
lake sediments, and volcanic sand layers with good Transition zone: This is located between the lake
permeability. During the early 1940s, these layers were zone and the foothills. It is an area of relatively
exploited by shallow wells. Towards Texcoco lake, high permeability, and is of concern due to urban
they carry highly mineralized water above 45,000 mg/l. growth and the increase in the number of water
GonzaÂlez-MoraÂn (1992), RodrõÂ guez and Lara (1988), supply wells.
Benhumea Leon and Vazquez (1988), Bellia et al. Hilly zone: This is the main recharge area. The
(1992), reported more than 400 m of these deposits in human population increases the potential for pol-
the Chalco sub-basin. The thickness decreases towards lution.
the margins of the basin.
The aquitard overlies the pyroclastic±alluvial sedi- The transition zone is the most vulnerable area, due to
ments which form the con®ned aquifer. This is the urban growth and the presence of garbage dumps and
main water supply system for Mexico City and its open sewers leaking into the aquifers. Some new indus-
metropolitan area. Drinking water is currently drawn trial developments are also located in the transition
from wells deeper than 400 m, where better quality zone.
water from the main aquifer is obtained. In the
southern margins, basaltic lavas and pyroclastic pro-
ducts are inter®ngered with alluvial and lacustrine ma- 3. Ground water pollution
The deeper aquifer unit includes fractured Tertiary Chemical and isotopic studies distinguish two types
volcanic rocks. The two units are hydraulically con- of water: aquifer and interstitial water in the aquitard
nected. The underlying Cretaceous limestones may also (Durazo, 1988; CorteÂs et al., 1997).
present a relatively good permeability (Fig. 2). In the aquitard, the mineralization is higher than in
The hydrological balance for the Basin of Mexico is the deep aquifer (RodrõÂ guez, 1987). The clay contains
not easy to establish because some of the required par- mineralization of up to 1100 mg/l, whereas the deep
ameters are unknown (evapotranspiration, in®ltration aquifer contains 200±300 mg/l (RodrõÂ guez and
rate, regional ¯ow apportions). In accordance with GonzaÂlez-MoraÂn, 1989). Some intrusion of brackish
ocial data, the total recharge in the Basin is 23 m3/s water into the main aquifer has been documented.
(CNA, 1991). This value assumes an estimated annual Chlorine concentrations have been attributed to the
610 T. GonzaÂlez-MoraÂn et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 12 (1999) 607±613

Fig. 2. Simpli®ed geological section for pro®le B±B'.

redistribution of water bodies with di€erent degrees of mentions artesian aquifers in the downtown area of
mineralization (Durazo, 1988). Mexico City. Spring water reached the city through
Towards the center of the lake area, the chlorine aqueducts and public fountains. The early wells were
concentration exceeds the drinking water standard shallow, dug wells called ``norias''. More than 200
(Cl > 250 mg/l) (Durazo, 1988). In the Texcoco area, artesian wells were drilled in the 19th century.
salt concentrations higher than 25,000 mg/l have been During the period 1850±1920, the increasing use of
found. Ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate ions follow a groundwater and new drainage works caused the dry-
complex pattern (Lesser-Illades et al., 1990). Sulfur ing-up of springs, the shrinking of the main lakes and
compounds (sulfates), iron, and manganese are attribu- a loss of pressure with consolidation of lake sediments.
ted to the local geology and their concentration Exploitation of wells in the aquitard (``hard layers'')
exceeds the water quality standard in a few areas eventually stopped, but water abstraction through
(Bellia et al., 1992). Some wells have been closed deep wells induced ¯ows from the upper aquitard by
down, and treatment is provided at the well head in depressurization of the ®ne-grained materials, causing
some locations, but the amount of water treated in subsidence.
this way is very small. Land subsidence has been reported since the early
1900s, reaching an average rate of 5 cm per year due
to high pumping rates (Mazari and Mackay, 1993;
4. Land subsidence GonzaÂlez-MoraÂn and RodrõÂ guez, 1995). Tall buildings
were a€ected and municipal infrastructure damaged.
The water supply of Mexico City was obtained from Nabor Carrillo proposed the installation of piezo-
springs until the mid-1800s. Orozco y Berra (1864) meters to monitor the subsidence (Carrillo, 1948).
T. GonzaÂlez-MoraÂn et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 12 (1999) 607±613 611

Some shallow wells located in the vicinity of down- allow the leakage of pollutants from these sources.
town areas were closed down, and new deep wells were Surface water, which accumulates after the rainy sea-
drilled in Chalco, Xochimilco, and Tlahuac, where son, is observed in the ecological reservation (central
pumping rates of more than 10 m3/s have also resulted part of the Chalco Basin).
in subsidence. If the heavy pumping in the Basin of About 75% of the total industry in the Basin is
Chalco continues, the total subsidence in the center of located in the transition and hilly zones (AIC-ANIAC,
this Basin will be about 0.4 m/year (Ortega et al., 1995). Most of these industries operate with no en-
1993). As pumping and subsidence continue, the sur- vironmental controls. The generation and disposal of
face of the lake will expand. In the Chalco-Xochimilco liquid and solid wastes is unknown.
area, surface fractures, 1 m wide and 200 m long The ¯ow of groundwater from the aquitard towards
occur. The reduction of water withdrawal in the urban the aquifers does not greatly modify mineralization
area has generated some groundwater rise in the shal- content. However, the vulnerability of the deep aquifer
low formations (Lesser-Illades et al., 1990), which may increases towards the margins of the Basin, where a
a€ect the city's infrastructure. transition zone between the ®ne granular sediments
In 1940, abstraction was 4 m3/s, and by 1990, it and volcanic materials of the surrounding ranges is
reached 35 m3/s. Although an ocial ®gure on the located.
number of operating wells is not available, an esti- Many cities (Aguascalientes, Toluca, San Luis
mated 12,000 wells draw from the regional aquifer Potosi) are located in intermountain valleys where
(AIC-ANIAC,1995). There was no systematic data on lacustrine processes produce clay formations.
groundwater levels until 1980 and it is impossible to Land subsidence in the Basin of Mexico cannot
estimate the regional draw-down before that year. In totally be stopped; only controlled. The water supply
the period from 1980±1990, the mean water table system of Mexico City depends on groundwater from
depth dropped from 0.1 to 0.5 m per year. Three hun- the deep aquifer. The Cutzamala-Lerma System cannot
dred and twenty wells are currently used as observa- supply more than 15 m3/s from external sources. One
tional points (piezometry and chemical analysis; AIC- partial solution is to drill deep wells instead of shallow
ANIAC, 1995) and 1400 topographical surveys are wells in order to avoid direct extraction from clay
performed every 2 years to observe changes in subsi- units. New wells have a depth of 400 m or more.
dence. Subway lines are aligned every 6 months. Another solution is to re-use wastewater in arti®cial
According to the local water authorities (Gerencia recharge systems. Some technical problems must be
de Aguas del Valle de MeÂxico), the net subsidence solved: the sewage systems collect domestic sewage and
over the last 100 years has lowered the central part of industrial sewage as well as rainwater. The wastewater
the urban area more than 7.5 m. Some areas presented treatment systems must guarantee water of an accepta-
an accumulated subsidence of more than 15 m, due to ble quality. This is only possible with an adequate
the greater abstraction and/or greater thickness of the wastewater discharge regime.
clay layers. At present, the mean subsidence rate in the The irregular distribution of surface fractures pro-
urban area is 0.3 cm/year, and a rate of 2.2 cm/year is voked by subsidence can be explained in terms of the
reported north of the metropolitan area (GonzaÂlez- geometry of the lacustrine sediments. In Chalco, for
MoraÂn and RodrõÂ guez, 1995). Extensive damage to the instance, the subsidence is greater because the sediment
city's infrastructure, including building foundations package has an average thickness of 300±400 m.
and the sewer system is still common, and fractures in (GonzaÂlez-MoraÂn, 1992). Subsidence also produces ad-
the lacustrine clay layers which increase the aquifer's ditional mineralized ¯ows from the aquitard. The shal-
vulnerability to pollutants, are common as well (Bellia low groundwater from Chalco contains 1100 mg/l of
et al., 1992). total dissolved solids, while the standard values for
groundwater mineralization in the valley are 300±
400 mg/l.
5. Conclusions The most a€ected residential areas are poor areas,
where construction are done without technical advice,
Lacustrine formations play an important role in the with a mixture of materials. Improving construction
leakage process of the super®cial pollutants. The very methods can minimize damage and regulations have
low permeability and extensive thickness of these for- been proposed taking seismicity and subsidence into
mations (up to 50 m in the urban area) restrict move- consideration.
ment of the land-surface towards the deep aquifer. Groundwater rise has not been given enough study
Thus, excellent water quality is observed in wells from or consideration. Piezometric ``domes'' may not a€ect
the central part of the Santa Catarina well ®eld basements, but gasoline or diesel leakage ¯oating on
(Chalco Basin), where a garbage dump and an open top of shallow water levels may mobilize LNAPLs
sewer drain are located because the clay layers do not (light non-aqueous phase liquids), increasing the
612 T. GonzaÂlez-MoraÂn et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 12 (1999) 607±613

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