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consistent ‘same tuong ty comprise/ contain ‘bao gom constitutional ‘contract shorten. rat ngan derive originate bat nguon tr environment surrounding moi tring, establish build ‘thanh Tap estimate/predic/ | forecast dy tinh anticipate income/revenue | earning ‘thu nhap indicate ‘show cho théy individual each ‘moi, c& nhan 90 | interpret explain giai thich involve/ associate | relate Tién quan issue/ matter problem van dé | major main chinb/ quantrong occur happen xay ra require need can research study nghién ctu response/ feedback phan hoy phan reaction ing section/ segment | part phan sector field phan, mang 91 a significance meaning. © ¥ nghia Sublist 2 Study the list of academic vocabulary below and give some examples with these academic words. ‘Academic words | Common words | Vietnamese Examples meaning obtain’ acquire/| get gain dat duge attain/ ——_achieve/ accomplish ‘appropriaie/ relevant | suitable phihop ‘Facilitate/ aid/assist | help/ case hd tr9, gitip 46 classify categorize | sort phan loai_ ‘fulfil implement conduct do) carry out/| thye hién’ tién perform kai consequence! result it qua, hu qua outcome construction building xy dmg 92 distinction’ __| difference su khdée nhaw/ discrimination/ phan bigt differentiation/ discrepancy element substance thanh phan feature characteristic | @ic diém finaly eventual’ | end/ last cudi cing, ultimate ‘impact influence ‘anh hwong/ the dong item thing/ stuff @ dac journal paper/ magazine | bai bao ‘maintain/ retain keep duy tr Participate join/ take partin | tham gia know/ hiéu/ nh§n thire ‘perceive! 93 ‘aware/acknowledge/ | understand! comprehensive realize/ recognize ‘prior? previous/| before! in | trurde preceding advance ‘fundamental/primary/ | basic cin bin radical principal purchase buy mua region area kchu vue regulation nile quy dink resident ‘occupant cu dan restrict Timit gigi han security safe an ton, an nin seek/ search for Took for fim kiém seleci/ opt choose Twa chon 94 = site/ location place dia diém transfer move chuyén Sublist 3 Study the list of academic vocabulary below and give some examples with these academic words. ‘Academic words | Common words | Vietnamese ‘Examples meaning alternative other khde circumstance | situation oan cia commen ‘opinion’ ‘¥ kiga/ quan diém perspective viewpoint ‘component ingredient think phan conseni/ approve | accept chap thug constant/ stable $n dinh, ben ving 95 sustainable conventional traditional thuje ve truyén théng core center trung tim, cbt 16i corresponding consistent tuong img criteria ‘requirement ‘yeu cau deduction cut off? reduce/ | c&t giam remove Prevalent/ popular/ common | phd bién/ chiém dominant/ wu thé predominate emphasis/ stress/ | focus han mank highlight ensure/ warrantee ‘bio dim ‘guarantee exclude except Toai trir fund stock quy imply/ implicit | mean nguy 96 first/ begin bat dau, dau tién instance example vidy minority small/ tiny it, thidu s6 ‘publish ‘bring out/ release/ | xudt ban, cong bS announce vellance believe ‘in tuong ‘scheme outline Khung sequence! serial ‘inh ty, tt successive! hierarchical Sublist 4 97 Study the list of academic vocabulary below and give some examples with these academic words. ‘Academic words | Common words | Vietnamese Examples meaning access Teach tigp can adequate/ enough a sufficient annual yearly ‘hang nim ‘apparent/ visual | evident] seeming | cy thé attitude behaviour thai &6 attribute dueto ‘quy cho debate/ argument ‘rank luda controversy domestic Tocal dia phuong emerge ‘appear xudt biga 98 objective/ target/| aim muc tiéu goal/ rational incorporate merge gin véi internal inner én trong mechanism principle nguyen ly obvious/explicit/ | cleat 76 rang transparent Project plan K€ hoach (promote encourage khich 16 ‘status condition ‘inh trang Phase stage giai dom Sublist 5 9 Study the list of academic vocabulary below and give some examples with these academic words. ‘Academic words | Common words | Vietnamese Examples meaning alter/ shifi/\ change ‘thay d6i modify/ transform amend add bd sung, supplement capacity/ ability kha ning competence ‘compound combine ghép vio conflict fight xung Gt enforcement compulsory bat bude expand enlarge mé rong fundamental | basic co ban underlying create/ generate | make tao ra 100 license/ certify | permit cap phép precise/ accurate | exact chinh xée pursue follow theo dudi eliminate/ reject | wipe out Toai tr style/ mode manner phongedch substitute Teplace/ switch | thay thé liberal free tu do distribution’ | divide phan phoi allocation attach’ adhere/| stick/bind inh kim bond/ coherence Sublist 6 lol Stisiatinaik, Study the list of academic vocabulary below and give some examples with these academic words, ‘Academic words | Common words | Vietnamese Examples meaning capable able 6 kha ning cite/ quotation | refer trich dan diversify vary da dang ‘enhance/ improve/ upgrade | nang cao reinforce | exceed pass vugt qué (federal union ign doin inhibit suppress tte ché ‘motivation’ dng lye incentive oversea abroad ‘nude ngoai reveal uncover tet 16 102 ‘scope range Khoang/ pham vi subsidiary supplement/ ‘hd tro, cia try subordinate transport carry ‘mang/ van chuyén usefulness tic dung? cong dung reverse/ contrary | opposite nguge lai deny refuse ‘tr choi empirical hands-on thye tién isolate/ extract | separate tach bigt Sublist 7 103 Study the list of academic vocabulary below and give some examples with these academic words. Academic words | Common words | Vietnamese Examples meaning identical/ analogous | same giong grade level hang innovation creation/ doi méi invention intervene interfere can thigp simulation copy/ imitate bat chuée abandon quill give up tr bd ‘accompany follow! come | di theo/ bam theo a with ‘accumulate/aggregate | collect ‘ich lay ambiguous unclear mo ho 104 clarify make clear lam ro ‘commodity goods hang hoa detect discover phat hign variation/ fluctuation | change bin a6: siyle/ mode manner phongedch induce cause/ resultin | gaya crucial vital/ | necessary! cin thiét indispensable essential ‘manipulate control Kiém soat prospect/ scenario | outlook/ view _ | vién cdnh ublist 8 105 Study the list of academic vocabulary below and give some examples with these academic words. ‘Academic words | Common words | Vietnamese ‘Examples meaning random/ by chance ngiu nhién arbitrary Testore/ recover | repait/ renew phyc hoi terminate stop/ finish ngimg lai ‘contemporary | present day dong dai coincidence/ co-occur ‘wing hop concurrent ‘commence stari/ begin bat dau ‘incompatible | mismatched! ‘Khong twong thich inappropriate device ‘equipment thidt Bj diminish/ ‘make small Tamm ahd di minimize distort twist dip méo 106 ethical moral do dite norm standard chun myc portion part ‘phan rigid inflexible, strict | cing nhc route/ itinerary | toad/ way/ path | 16 trinh ‘manual by hand bing tay violation lawbreaking vipham adjacent neighboring Tan cn 107 Study the list of academic vocabulary below and give some examples with these academic words. ‘Academic words | Common words | Vietnamese Examples meaning assembly get together lip rap, tong hgp collapse crash/ breakdown | sup 46 ‘encounter/ face 46i mit confront forthcoming ‘upcoming Shp ti ‘enormous ‘huge/ giant tolén impose ap dit reluctant hesitant/ unwilling | mién cudng ‘persistent chronic dai ding inclination slope xu huéng a 108 integrity unity toan ven straightforward | direct truc tiép undergo endure/suffer chju dmg

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