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Learning Module in

PCK 7:Building and Enhancing New Literacies


Learning Objectives
After reading this information sheet, you must be able to:
a) analyze the importance of global literacy in areas such as cultural understanding, effective
communication, and global citizenship.
b) demonstrate an increased sense of empathy and respect for cultural diversity, and they will
express a heightened awareness of their responsibility as global citizens.
c) apply their global literacy skills to engage in cross-cultural communication effectively.

Global literacy is a fundamental aspect of human development, essential for personal growth,
social progress, and economic stability worldwide. This lesson explores the definition, importance,
advantages, disadvantages, and examples of global literacy, shedding light on its pivotal role in
shaping a more inclusive and equitable world.
Global literacy encompasses the ability to read, write, and comprehend information in
multiple languages and across various cultural contexts. It goes beyond basic literacy skills, requiring
individuals to understand and appreciate the diversity of perspectives, ideas, and cultures that exist
globally. It involves a range of social and digital competencies necessary for participating in a
diverse democratic society, both locally and globally. Within the worldwide community, having
environmental and social proficiency becomes essential to uphold peace and promote the well-being
of all.(Cazden et al, 1996)
According to Roser & Ortiz-Ospina(2018), among the world’s population older than 15 years
old, 86% are literate. The interactive map below shows how the literacy rates varies between
countries around the world.

In many countries more than 95% have basic literacy skills. Literacy skills of the majority of
the population is a modern achievement. Globally however, large inequalities remain, notably
between sub-Saharan Africa and the rest of the world. In the African countries at the bottom of the
rank, literacy rates are still below 30%.
In addition to these, global literacy is an understanding of how the world is organized and
interconnected. It brings awareness of the possibilities and constraints facing the world’s people.

Students who are globally literate are able to think critically about the world and the role that they
play in it. These students have an understanding and appreciation for the different cultures, customs,
systems and relationships that exist throughout the world. Globally literate students are empowered
to affect positive change in the world.

Importance of Global Literacy

In an increasingly interconnected and interdependent global society, global literacy holds
immense importance for individuals, communities, and nations. Below are several reasons why
global literacy is important in our society.

1. Global Citizenship.Global literacy plays a pivotal role in nurturing global citizenship. Global
citizens are individuals who recognize their role and responsibility in a world that extends far beyond
their immediate surroundings. Without global literacy, individuals may remain insular, unaware of
the broader global context and their potential to effect positive change.Global citizens are better
equipped to empathize with and support people from diverse backgrounds and cultures. They have a
heightened awareness of global inequalities, environmental challenges, and social injustices. As
global literacy equips individuals with the knowledge and critical thinking skills needed to
comprehend these complex issues, it empowers them to take informed actions aimed at making the
world a better place.

2. Promoting Cross-Cultural Understanding.Global literacy is a bridge to cross-cultural

understanding and empathy. It enables individuals to appreciate and respect the richness of human
diversity. When people are globally literate, they are more likely to approach different cultures and
perspectives with an open mind, curiosity, and respect. This understanding is especially crucial in a
world where diversity is the norm. It helps reduce stereotypes, prejudices, and misunderstandings
that often arise from ignorance or misinformation. When individuals are globally literate, they can
engage in meaningful intercultural dialogue, fostering harmony and cooperation across borders.

3. Addressing Global Challenges.The world faces numerous pressing challenges, from climate
change and pandemics to poverty and conflict. Global literacy is a key tool for addressing these
issues effectively. It equips individuals with the knowledge and analytical skills to comprehend the
complexities of these problems and identify potential solutions. Moreover, global literacy promotes
critical thinking and problem-solving abilities. In an era where international cooperation is
imperative, global literacy enhances the capacity of individuals to participate actively in global
efforts. It enables them to engage with policy makers, advocate for change, and support
organizations working towards positive global outcomes.

Advantage of Global Literacy

1. Enhanced Communication Skills - Global literacy enhances an individual's ability to
communicate effectively across linguistic and cultural boundaries. It encourages the development of
intercultural competence, promoting empathy and understanding. As people become proficient in
multiple languages and communication styles, they can bridge gaps and foster international

2. Improved Career Prospects - In an increasingly globalized job market, global literacy is a
valuable asset. Multinational companies seek employees who can navigate diverse cultures and
communicate fluently in multiple languages. Individuals with global literacy are better equipped to
compete for jobs and succeed in international careers.
3. Greater Civic Participation - Global literacy empowers individuals to engage in civic activities
and contribute to their communities on a global scale. Informed citizens are more likely to participate
in local and international initiatives, advocating for positive change and addressing global challenges
such as climate change, poverty, and inequality.
4. Increased Adaptability in a Rapidly Changing World - As the world undergoes rapid
technological advancements and shifts in social, political, and economic landscapes, global literacy
equips individuals with the skills to adapt and thrive in this ever-changing environment. It fosters
critical thinking and problem-solving abilities necessary for addressing complex global issues.
5. Encouragement of Lifelong Learning - Global literacy encourages lifelong learning and
curiosity about the world. It instills a desire to explore different perspectives, cultures, and ideas.
This continuous learning not only enriches individuals' lives but also contributes to personal growth
and a deeper understanding of the global community.

Disadvantages of Global Literacy

1. Digital Divide - One of the significant disadvantages of global literacy is the digital divide. Not
everyone has equal access to digital resources, including the internet and technology. This inequality
in access creates disparities in global literacy, hindering the ability of disadvantaged populations to
fully participate in the digital age.
2. Language Barriers - Language diversity is a double-edged sword in the context of global
literacy. While it encourages cultural richness, it can also be a barrier to effective communication
and understanding. Language barriers may lead to misunderstandings, conflicts, and exclusion,
especially in international contexts.
3. Misinformation - In the digital age, misinformation and fake news can spread easily through
online platforms. Global literacy does not always equate to critical media literacy, and individuals
may be susceptible to misinformation, leading to confusion and division within societies. Navigating
the vast sea of information requires critical thinking skills that not everyone possesses.


In conclusion, global literacy is not a luxury but a necessity in today's interconnected world.
It goes beyond the traditional notion of literacy and encompasses a deep understanding of global
issues, cultures, and the inter dependencies that define our modern existence. Global literacy fosters
global citizenship, promotes cross-cultural understanding, and equips individuals to address pressing
global challenges.
As we navigate an increasingly complex and interdependent world, investing in global
literacy is an investment in a brighter, more harmonious future. It empowers individuals to become
informed, compassionate, and proactive global citizens who work collectively to tackle the countless
challenges that face humanity. Therefore, promoting global literacy should be a priority for
individuals, communities, and societies worldwide.

In addition to these, global literacy presents numerous advantages, ranging from improved
communication skills and enhanced career prospects to increased civic participation and adaptability
in a rapidly changing world. It also fosters a commitment to lifelong learning. However, it is not
without its disadvantages, such as the digital divide, language barriers, and the proliferation of
misinformation. To harness the benefits of global literacy while mitigating its drawbacks, it is crucial
to promote equitable access to digital resources, invest in media literacy education, and encourage
multilingualism and cross-cultural understanding. Ultimately, global literacy is a powerful tool for
individuals and societies to navigate and thrive in our interconnected world.

 Roser, M. (2016, August 13). Literacy. Our World in Data.
 Global Literacy in Jamestown. (n.d.-b). About.
 Global Literacy in Jamestown. (n.d.-a). About.
 Cazden et al, 1996 ; Zammit, 2012 ; Bajaj & Chui, 2009 AU31

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