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Grade 9 Technology Worksheet

Comparison of indigenous fish traps in Africa and Australia

Africa Australia
Basket fish traps Basket eel traps

Kosi Bay barrier fish traps Barrier fish traps

AW can be found at

1. Look carefully at the pictures above, then write a report from your observations.
Use the suggested headings to assist you.

1.1 Basket traps

 What materials were used? [4 marks]
 What method was used to construct it? [6 marks]
 How is the design suited to the need? [3 marks]

1.2 Barrier traps

 What materials were used? [4 marks]
 What method was used to construct it? How is it the same as the basket trap and
how is it different? [6 marks]
 How is the design suited to the need? [3 marks]

2. Briefly discuss how these indigenous designs have been adapted today in our fishing.
[4 marks]

[30 marks]

Edupstairs Grade R - 9 Learning

Grade 9 Technology Worksheet
Suggested Solutions

Questio Possibl Answers

n e
number marks
1.1 4 marks 1.1
6 marks Africa Australia
3 marks Materials Reeds and grass Reeds and grass
Method Woven loosely with Woven tightly.
large gaps.
Design Wide conical structure Wide mouth but narrow
to swim into easily. tube so eel is caught and
1.2 4 marks trapped.
6 marks 1.2
3 marks Africa Australia
Materials Sturdy sticks with Straight thin poles
flexible thinner ones supported in place by
horisontal ones Grass
woven trapdoors
Method Flexible thinner ones Supported in place by
woven in between. horisontal one and others
acting as a buttress with
trapdoors at intervals.
Design Arranged in concentric Fish swim in through
circles – fish swim in woven trap door. This
with tide to feed, closes and fish are trapped.
trapped as tide

2 4 marks Today we have fishing nets on a small scale, as in hand nets for rock
pools or for landing fish caught, and larger drag nets that act as
barriers and trap hundreds of fish at a time.
[30 marks]

Edupstairs Grade R - 9 Learning

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