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Reclamation of Bamboo Sheaths Scrap Into Woven Materials


Bamboo sheath (culm sheath) has always been considered a modified leaf. In this study, the anatomical structure of the
culm sheath from Fargesia yunnanensis was analyzed to determine whether it originated from the foliage leaf blade or from the
branch. The vascular bundles of the culm sheath showed greater similarity to the branches in shape and anatomical structure. In
contrast to foliage blades, there are no midribs in culm sheaths. (Wang, 2017). In making a material or any product out of
bamboo sheath you have to be creative with your own designs. The creativeness will developed your skills and realization,
process of developing and strengthening the skills, instinct, abilities, processes and resources that organization and communities
need to survive, adapt, and thrive in a fast-changing world.


Bamboo culms were environmentally The results showed that some
and financially assessed and compared to sheath pieces of bamboo were used to come
building materials. Furthermore, bamboo is a up with the wallet sheath bamboo product.
very sustainable building material for many Its economic significance showed a
countries and can be competitive to materials sustainable impact on the weavers’ lives.
1. After gathering the bamboo The wallet bamboo sheaths art of weaving
more commonly used. (Bamboo Production, sheath, make sure to clean, boil,
Janssen, 2006.) Analysis were made on represented the values of resiliency to
and laminate it. hardships, adaptability to changes, passion
characteristics of bamboo resources for the
effect on forestry ecology on the basis that 2. Cut the bamboo sheath for craftsmanship, sense of community and
conifer problem during afforestation and horizontally in equal size. family centeredness. Aspiring craftsmen
relations between bamboos and ecological and artists may enhance their craftsmanship
3. Arrange the strips horizontally.
forestry. In this study, bamboo culm sheaths, continuously for sustainable development
All the strips should be center.
sheath blades and foliage blades were with government support through the
4. After you've arranged the strips creation of the School of Living Traditions.
observed and analyzed to draw distinguish horizontally, use stick glue or shoe
them and to determine whether the culm In recent years, the size, functions, and
glue to adhere them together. materials of local bamboo weaving crafts as
sheath is a modified leaf or originated from a
branch. 5. Turn-over and attach the well as their market mode have been
vertical strips. Flip back to front changed to adapt to new development
and start to weave vertically. trends and to cater to the market. In
6. Attach the reinforcement strips addition, the cooperation among bamboo
and fold them all upward. Place a weavers, bamboo companies, and
OBJECTIVES household workshops has provided great
weaving strip behind the second
1. To rejuvenate the underdeveloped vertical strip, then glue the support to the local bamboo industry and to
bamboo materials weaving strips together and weave reboot the economy of the local
2. To promote skill development, alternately until the six row is community. Some suggestions for the
awareness generation, capacity building for complete. sustainable economic development of
the development of the bamboo. bamboo weaving and other traditional
7. Stitch the zipper in place with handicrafts are proposed.
MATERIALS thick yarn before attaching the CONCLUSION
 Bamboo sheath bag's strap. The researchers concluded that
 Yarn 8. To make it more appealing, Bamboo Sheath is acceptable, however, it
 Needle apply some varnish to make it a needs further studies and examinations to
 Scissors little shinier. We also used design prove its effectiveness. Bamboo sheath were
 Knife materials to improve its environmentally and financially assessed
 Shoe glue or stick glue appearance. and compared to building materials.
 Varnish Furthermore, bamboo is a very sustainable
 Paint brush building material for many countries and
can be competitive to materials more
REFERENCES commonly used. The applications of bamboo sheath is many spheres of life as a
16470-7 suitable replacement for woody biomass in
some instances provides arrays of
opportunities in materials industries.

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