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Students will be able to use latitude and longitude to find specific places in Utah on a map.
Each student needs the latitude/longitude, and the instruction page. Students follow the
instructions to find and color code coordinates of specific places on the map.
Answers on page 4.

Font by Kimberly Geswein Fonts

Utah Latitude and Longitude Challenge

114° 113° 112° 111°

42° 42°

110° 109°
41° 41°

40° 40°

39° 39°

38° 38°

37° 37°
114° 113° 112° 111° 110° 109°

Utah Latitude and Longitude Challenge

The Great Salt Lake is at a latitude of 41° between a longitude of 113° and 112°.
Mark it with red.

Murray, Utah, has a latitude of 40° and a longitude of 112°. Mark it with orange.

Bear Lake has a latitude of 42° between a longitude of 112° and 111°.
Mark it with yellow.

Arches National Park has a latitude of 39° between a longitude of 110° and 109°.
Mark it with green.

St. George, Utah, has a latitude of 37° and a longitude between 114° and 113°.
Mark it with blue.

Dinosaur National Park is between a latitude of 41° and 40°,

and between a longitude of 110° and 109°. Mark it with purple.

Lake Powell is at latitude of 37° and a longitude of 112°. Mark it with pink.

Let's reflect... explain, in your own words, how latitude and longitude help us use maps.

Utah Latitude and Longitude Challenge

114° 113° 112° 111°

42° 42°

110° 109°
41° 41°

40° 40°

39° 39°

38° 38°

37° 37°
114° 113° 112° 111° 110° 109°

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