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My personal profile

Hi, my name is Cosmin

I am 14 years old and
I am from Romanian, ILFOV
I'm very friendly with everyone.
My favorite food

My favorite food is Romanian food.

My favorite food is sarmales,
If you don't know what sarmales
taste like, you don't know what
you're missing out on, it's one of the
best dishes.
I am in the 7th grade and I would like to become a car mechanic, it is said
that it is a job (Dirty).
In what sense Dirty? That is, when you think of the car mechanic you think
that you are repairing the car and when you are repairing the car you can't
help but get dirty, in a car there can be cracks of Vaseline oil leaks when you
open certain things so you can't get dirty. But on the other hand it is also
quite (Suspicious) That is, they earn quite well as part of their salary.

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