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All bullying is Let’s be clear

wrong about three things BULLY IN PRIVATE
someone always sees it or knows about it.
these people are calles bystanders.
Bystanders can choose to: 1-join the Bully
2- ignore the bullying or 3- stop it.
In the bullying cases are two mindsets. Usually
the bully have a debate mindeset and when Bystanders Can:
other people try to dialogue with him que -say something. tell the bully to stop
refuse the idea -do something.Get help, tell an adult
A Bully is someone who hurts others. There are 1-bullying is not
three kinds of bullying. Young Bullies usually
use words(verbal bullying). They call people
ugly names and tease their victims. older
bullies often use physical bullying-they
hit,push,kick and so on. Teenegers often use 2-one type of
the third kind,called emotional bullying.
bullying is not better
than another

3-all bullying is

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