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Date: Reading 2.

Abuse means to treat someone with
abuse, but it can also include no-physical
cruelty or violence, often to gain benefit behaviours. Sexual abuse can involve
or power. There are many different types forcing someone to engage in sexual
of abuse, and sometimes individuals may activity while they do not give consent. It
be victims of multiple forms of abuse. can also be criticizing or making fun of
someone ina sexual manner.

A. Physical Abuse
This is often the most easily E. Cultural/Identity
recognized form of abuse. Physical abuse Cultural abuse happens when the
can be any kind of hitting, shaking, abuser uses parts of a victim's cultural
burning, punching, biting, etc. These actions identity to criticize or judge, or ag a
cause physical injury, leave marks, and means of control. Examples of this type
cause pain. of abuse can include isolation, or
threatening to reveal the sexual identity
B. Emotional Abuse of an individual.
This can be the most difficult form
of abuse to identify because there usually THE iMPACT OF ABUSE
are no signs that we can see on a person Sometimes it can be difficult for
that they are being emotionally abused. individuals to know that they are being
Emotional abuse happens when yelling and
abused. A person might just think thot it's
anger go too far, or when individuals are Just the way things are and that nothing
constantly criticized, threatened or can be done about it. Others might think
dismissed. the abuse is their fault and not ask for
help because they think they deserveit.
C. Verbal Abuse
Getting help is one of the most
This form of abuse is the act of important things to do in cases of abuse.
criticizing and/or using words to frighten, There are anonymous phone lines that can
or threaten individuals. be used by individuals to talk to a trusted
individual without having fo talk to them
D. Sexual Abuse
face to face.

O deachingunallendertand uO

Harassment is when someone
unwelcome remarks are made about the
demeans, humiliates, or embarrasses a victim based on their identity.
person. Harassment happens when
someone: C. Power Harassment
* Makes unwelcome remarks or This form of harassment is
Jokes about race, religion, sex, characterized by a difference between the
age, disability, and so on. victim and the haraseer.
Threatens or intimidates
because of race, religion, sex, D. Psychological Harassment
age, disability, and so on. This form of harassment has a
Makes unwelcome physical negative impact on a person's
contact such as touching, psychological well-being. An example is the
patting, or pinching. spreading of rumours about individuals.
Harassment can be carried out by Victims feel put down and their self-
a single individual, or a group of individuals. esteem is affected.

FORMS OF HARASSMENT E. Sexual Haraeement

There are different forms of This form of harassment involves
harassment, just as there are different behaviour related to a person's sex.
types of bullying and abuse. Examples can be mocking, sexual annoyance
and unwanted and unwelcome words.
A. Physical Harassment
This form of harassmentinvolves THE iMPACT OF HARASSMENT
physical attacks, destruction of property In some cases there might be
threats, and in some cases, assault. evidence of harassment, such as with
comments or actions carried out around a
B. Discriminatory Harassment group of individuals. Other times it can be
This form of harassment involves unseen which makes it hard for the victim
the victim's race, gender, age, and to seek assistance.
sexuality. The victim is threatened or

@ deachinginalvandentand a
Activity 2.9
Name: Date: ctivity A

Aarassmenr € Abuse
Define what harassment and abuse are. List some forms that each can take.

Define It: DefineIt:

Forms of Harassment: Forms of Abuse:

The Impact of Harassment and Abuse:

Brainstorm what the general physical, emotional, social, and psychological Impact of harassment and abuse
might be.


Comparing Harassment, Abuse, and Bullying:

How might harassment, abuse and bullying be similar to each other? Think about the Impact of each on an

© deachingunalendentand 42
Activity 2.10

Prevenrion &
Resolurion Sire T1eGies
Brainstorm waysin which bullying, harassment and abuse can be prevented. Then, brainstorm resolution
strategies that can be used if an individual becomes a victim of bullying, harassment, or abuse.



Sources of Support:
Identify sources of support for each area below. You can research community and online support services
that are avallable as well.



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