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What is bullying?

Types of bullying How it develops (bullying)

Physical: pushing, punching, 1. The harasser can begin to

establish harassment
slapping, rubbing ears, poking,
Bullying is an English potentials while the members
attacks with objects.
Word, also known as of the group position
“school bullying” or Psychological: spitting, insults, themselves against possible
nicknames, put-downs (some attacks.
“school bullying.”
physical defect or condition is 2. Soon the harasser begins to
Bullying is composed
highlighted) carry out small intimidations
of the voice “bully”
that are not dealt with
which means “bully” or Social: the individual is isolated
effectively by the victim, while
“quarrelsome” plus the from the group, a rumor
the spectators either support
ending “ing” which spreads. or ignore the first attacks.
indicates the action or 3. The physical aggression begins,
result. Of an action. with the victim suffering certain
The person doing the
bullying can be an 4. The severity of the attacks
gradually increases.
individual or a group.
!Types and forms of WHAT CAN YOU DO IF
Not to
Half employed BULLYING?
Oral, Written, Gestural, Cyberbullying
(telephone, cell phone, internet)
Due to the characteristics of the We can and
should avoid it
Racist, Homophobic, Sexist, Aimed at
students with disabilities
Exclusion and social
Ignoring someone (passive), Not YOU ARE NOT ALONE, NOT
letting you participate (indirect) ALONE!
Verbal aggression: • You are not to blame for what
Insult someone (direct), Speak badly you are going through.
about him/her (indirect)
• Ask yourself how it is affecting
Indirect physical aggression: you. You may notice fear,
Hiding things from someone, Breaking anger, nerves.
things, Stealing things from someone • Ask for help and tell someone
who understands you (your
Direct physical assault:
family, your friends, teachers Let's build a
Hit someone
or institutions...)
society without
Threatening someone to make them violence
afraid Forcing you to do things
Threatening them with weapons Alumno: Manuel Salvador
Holguín González
Harassment sexual abuse:
Materia: Inglés
Sexually harass, Sexually abuse.
Teacher: Olga Leticia Pérez

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