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Social Change and it’s

Effect in the Educational

Social change is a broad term and every society
develops and evolves in a unique way as influence by
various social factors and events. Change is always
happening in every aspect of the society and it is
inevitable.The physical features of the society are always
changing as a result of economic development. Human
relationships and interactions and cultures also have
changed as a result of various social factors and events.
In general, sociologist define social changes in the human interactions and
relationships that transform cultural and social transformation. These
changes occur over time and often have profound and long-term effects to
the society. The financial institutions 2025, risk Index identify six
megatrends that continues to shape and influence our society.

◦ Digitalization and Technological advances – technological

advancement is impacting the finance industry as new challengers are
emerging and growing customer expectations drives significant IT
infrastructure investment.

◦ Respond to geographic and behavioral changes- The changing demographics,
geographical and behavioral profile of customers are forcing financial institutions
to deal with divergent customer expectations, and new customer bases and

◦ Global talent and skills race – Talent capable of navigating a rapidly evolving
financial landscape will be required to respond to increasing regulatory pressures, a
changing approach to risk management and the emergence of new markets.

◦ Business Operating Model pressures – Regulation and the increasing cost of

capital is exerting pressure on business operating structures, driving segmentation,
and disintermediation in the financial sector.
◦ Regulatory changes and complexity –regulatory pressures arising from the financial crisis have
increased the cost of capital, prompted large- scale divestment reshaped attitudes towards risk, and
redrawn between retail and wholesale banking.

◦ Changes in investment, capital sources and returns – Non – bank financial institutions, fin-tech
companies, and new investors are bringing fresh capital into the sector while banks meet capital
requirements, manage stress test, and spend on compliance upgrades.

These social changes, among others, demands that all educational institutions at any level must not
only respond to these changes but they must evolve and be changed.
1. New ways of teaching be d learning must be developed and introduced.
2. Instruction must focus on the holistic development of every learners.
3. Technology must be utilized to improve access to quality education.
4. Curriculum must be progressive and innovative.
5. Alternative learning must be harnessed.
6. New literacies and skills must be developed.
7. Teachers must be equipped with high level of technological, pedagogical
content knowledge (TPK).
8. Classrooms must be equipped with technology. 9. New subject and courses
must be developed to respond to the needs of the society. 10.Old disciplines
must evolve to embrace new research and development in the field.
11. Critical thinking, creativity must be developed among students.
12. Industry school partnership must be developed .
Thank you !!!

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