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I.Multiple Choice Test (Instruction: Write the letter of your correct answer on the blank)

1.HELEN C. ERICKSON was born in?

a.1986 c.1963
b.1936 d.1990
2.Helen C. Erickson currently leave in ______ where she is a Professor Emeritus
at the University of _____ at Austin
a.Puerto Rico c.Michigan
b.San German d.Texas
3. She became the Director of the Doctoral Program in Nursing in 1975 and served in that capacity for 1 year.
a.Marry Ann P. Swain c.Evelyn M. Tomlin
b.Helen C. Erickson d.Chean Ann T. Leusen
pp c.Modeling and Role Modeling
b.Top Model d.Nursing Theory
5. Who developed the role modelling and modelling theory?
a. Helen Erickson, Evelyn M. Tamlin, and Mary Anne P. Swain.
b.Helan Erickson, Evelyn M. Tomlin, and Mary Anne P. Swain.
c. Helen Erickson, Evelyn M. Tomlin, and Mary Anne P. Swain.
d. Helen Erickson, Evelyn M. Tomlin, and Mary Anne P. Swayn.

II.Identification: Identity what is being asked on the following question.

_________________1. A U.S. Nursing who with Helen Erickson and Mary Ann Swain develop and publishes the grand
Nursing Theory of Modeling and Role-Modeling
_________________2. Care is offered that recognizes that clients have the knowledge and ability to understand what
has made them sick, as well as what will make them well.

_________________3. Occurs when nurse plan and implement interventions that are unique for the client.

_________________4. Occurs as the nurse accepts and understands her clients.

_________________5. When was Marry Ann P. Swain Born?

III. Enumeration: List down or enumerate what are being asked

What are the 5 Goals of Interventions 3 Theorist who developed the modeling and
Role Modeling Theory
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.

IV. True or False

___________1. “Modeling” is to gain an understanding of the client’s world from the client’s perspective. That is to
build a “model” of the client’s world view.
___________2. The nurse facilitates and nurtures the individual in attaining, maintaining , promoting health
through purposeful interventions is called as “role model”.

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