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Feature Article: DOI. No. 10.1109/MAES.2016.


Relevance of Electromagnetics in Wireless Systems

Tapan K. Sarkar, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, USA
Eric L. Mokole, Private Consultant, Burke, VA, USA
Magdalena S. Palma, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Madrid, Spain

In his seminal article [3], Gabor observed

Communication theory has up to now developed mainly on
Current research on wireless radio frequency (RF) systems of-
mathematical lines, taking for granted the physical signifi-
ten makes unphysical simplifying assumptions and treats the as-
cance of the quantities which figure in its formalism. But
sociated signal processing and electromagnetic (EM) analyses
communication is the transmission of physical effects from
independently, resulting in improper inclusion of the underlying
one system to another, hence communication theory should
physics (EM theory) of such systems and consequently leading
be considered as a branch of physics. Thus it is necessary to
to inaccurate and erroneous performance predictions. To achieve
embody in its foundations such fundamental physical data as
accurate modeling and predictions, EM theory and signal pro-
the quantum of action, and the discreteness of electric charges
cessing must be intelligently merged. Examples of such errors
…. We observe first that all electric signals are conveyed by
commonly appearing in both fields are the following: not includ-
radiation. Even if lines or cables are used in the transmission,
ing the platform on which an antenna is mounted, which leads
by the Maxwell-Poynting theory the energy can be located
to completely erroneous predictions of antenna coverage [1], a
in empty space. Hence we can apply to our problem the well
serious issue for designing relevant antennas for RF systems,
known results of the theory of radiation.
and optimizing transmitted waveforms without including proper
differentiability requirements imposed by Maxwellian electro- The point here is that in the design of the physical layer one has
magnetics yielding inaccurate and physically unrealizable wave- to apply other concepts besides the principles of communication
forms [2]. Because discussions of these topics appear in [1] and theory.
[2], this article concentrates on the different concepts of chan- More recently, this point was further investigated by Ivrlac and
nel capacity and their implications and on the antenna and its Nossek [4], where they state
relationship to the maximum power transfer theorem. Although
Electromagnetic field theory provides the physics of radio
the discussion addresses communication systems, much of it is
communications, while information theory approaches the
applicable to noncommunication systems. A future of improved
problem from a purely mathematical point of view. While there
performance and better spectral harmony requires coding at RF,
is a law of conservation of energy in physics, there is no such
initially envisioned by Shannon and subsequently investigated
law in information theory. Consequently, when, in informa-
by Viterbi, which is similar to the coding in global positioning
tion theory, reference is made (as it frequently is) to terms like
satellite (GPS) and satellite communication. Such a methodol-
energy, power, noise, or antennas, it is by no means guaranteed
ogy can also be carried out in radar in which, for example, a
that their use is consistent with the physics of the communica-
radar can transmit coded waveforms, such as a Barker code, to
tion system. Information theory serves well as the mathematical
increase detection capabilities.
theory of communication. However, it contains no provision
that makes sure its theorems are consistent with the physical
laws that govern any existing realization of a communication
Authors’ current addresses: T. K. Sarkar, Syracuse University,
system. Therefore, it may not be surprising that applications of
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,
Syracuse, NY 13235-5060, USA, E-mail: E. information theory or signal processing, as currently practiced,
L. Mokole, Private Consultant, 5816 Fitzhugh Street, Burke, easily turn out to be inconsistent with fundamental principles of
VA 22015-3625, USA. M. S. Palma, Departmento de Teoría de physics, such as the law of conservation of energy.
la Senal y Comunicaciones, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid,
28911 Leganes, Madrid, Spain. Ivrlac and Nossek further elaborate [5]
Manuscript received December 28, 2015, revised April 15,
2016, and ready for publication June 8, 2016. There exist a number of fundamental principles in physics
Review handled by M. Greco. which can be stated as conservation laws, meaning that there
0885/8985/$26.00 © 2016 IEEE are quantities which can be calculated for a physical system at


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one time, and when recalculated at a later time come out the filter, as it can be tuned to a desired bandwidth, which the signal
same [6]. An example is the law of conservation of energy …. processing community exploits to develop innovative algorithms
The movement of the planets around the sun can be obtained primarily based on the temporal properties of the signals. However,
solely by following the implications of the laws of conserva- an antenna is simultaneously both a temporal filter and a spatial filter
tion of energy and angular momentum [7]. Moreover, the that are connected. This space-time relationship and its associated
conservation laws are also deep principles for they relate to properties can be characterized in an exact fashion with Maxwell’s
symmetry in physics [8]. For instance, conservation of energy equations. This set of equations is one of the few in physics that has
implies that the laws of Nature are time-invariant, and vice withstood the erosion and corrosion of progress; even the inclusion
versa. Also in signal processing and information theory, the of relativity has had no effect on Maxwell’s equations, because it is
concept of energy is a prominent one. It appears as the energy built into them. Recognition of this important space-time relation-
required to transfer one bit of information, or one symbol of ship can make it possible to address problems that may not be solved
the signal alphabet, or sometimes in form of transmit power, by using temporal or spatial properties alone or independently.
i.e., the rate at which energy must be supplied per unit of time Second, an antenna does not radiate power; it radiates pow-
to keep the communication going. Yet, it is interesting that er density, which is related to the electric (E(w)) and magnetic
the fact that energy is conserved, this very fact that is of such (H(w)) fields—the exact relationship is given by the Poynting vec-
fundamental importance in physics, apparently plays no role in tor (E(w)H*(w)/2), where * denotes complex conjugation. When
standard textbooks on information theory [9], signal process- a power density radiated by a transmitting antenna is incident on
ing [10], communication theory [11] or signal theory [12]. The a receiving antenna, the receiving antenna integrates the incident
authors are also not aware of any research work in these areas electric field intensity (which has units of volt per meter) to gener-
where the remarkable fact that energy is conserved is explored ate a voltage at its terminals. In other words, an antenna is excited
or discussed. The reason for this strange absence of conserva- by a voltage source or a current source and not by a power source.
tion laws in signal processing, information theory and related Once the voltage applied to the antenna and the environment into
disciplines seems to be the fact that inputs and outputs are which it subsequently radiates (which dictates the input impedance
described by single variables each, instead of by a pair of con- of the antenna) are known, the input power applied to the antenna
jugated variables, like position and momentum in Hamiltonian can be obtained. When comparing performances of systems con-
mechanics [8], or voltage and current in circuit theory [13]. taining radiating antennas, it is imperative that the input power to
the radiating antenna be kept fixed; otherwise, the comparison may
Therefore, to address the development of the physical layer ad-
not be scientific. Hence, it is relevant to deal with antenna radiation
equately and to ensure that systems perform according to design
efficiency rather than use of the maximum power transfer theorem
criteria, it is necessary to merge the principles of electromagnet-
that has no direct connection with the total amount of applied input
ics, which are primarily related to antennas and maximum power
power. Note that in nature, the term power amplifier is a misnomer,
transfer, to the issues of channel capacity and how it can be quanti-
as no such device exists. The only physically realizable amplifier is
fied using the principles of physics and the radiation efficiency of
either a voltage amplifier or a current amplifier that converts the in-
antennas rather than use of the maximum power transfer theorem.
put direct current (DC) power into alternating current (AC) power;
hence, the terminology power amplifier leads to misunderstand-
PROPERTIES OF ANTENNAS THAT ARE PARAMOUNT IN ings. Consequently, an antenna excitation needs to be implemented
and analytically modeled using one of these two sources—either
SYSTEM DESIGN a voltage source or a current source, then focusing on the design
Antennas have unique properties that must be understood and cor- of the antenna, based on the radiation efficiency, which relates the
rectly applied. First, note that an antenna is a spatial filter. Unfortu- fraction of the input power that is radiated from it.
nately, the EM community only considers this topic when developing The last point addresses an important issue in electrical en-
methodologies such as beamforming. An antenna is also a temporal gineering in which two principles are of paramount importance:


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Relevance of Electromagnetics in Wireless Systems Design

convolution and correlation. Convolution is related to reciprocity smallest physically realizable radiating current element is a short
and allows one to find the total response of a system in the trans- (Hertzian) dipole, which can produce omnidirectional patterns only
formed domain as the product of the input with the transfer func- along certain directions. The practical significance of this truth is
tion; whereas in the original domain, it is worked out as a convolu- that a propagation path loss is independent of frequency, and by
tion. It is well-known that the principle of superposition applies proper choice of transmitting and receiving antennas, it is possible
to convolution. However, the principle of correlation is related to to transmit a wideband signal in free space, for example, without
power as it is equal to VI* (voltage V times the conjugate of the any distortion. This point will be illustrated by using measured data
current I in the frequency domain). Note that superposition does and illustrate how a 40 GHz bandwidth waveform can be transmit-
not apply to correlation; therefore, power cannot be superposed, ted and received through free space without any distortion.
except under special conditions! In short, convolution is additive, For illustration purposes, consider the two forms of the Friis
and correlation is not additive, in general. transmission formula in (2),
To illustrate these points, consider two different transmitters
that radiate ideal plane waves with power densities of 100 and 1
W/m2 that are allowed to interact with each other as it propagates (2)
through space. Even though one of the waves has only 1% of the
power density of the other, if the two waves interfere construc-
where Pr is the power obtained at the receiving antenna, Pt is the
tively or destructively, as they propagate through free space, the
power radiated by the transmitting antenna, Gr and Gt are the gains
resulting variation in the resultant power density is neither 101 (=
of the receiving and transmitting antennas with respect to an iso-
100 + 1) nor 99 (= 100 − 1)W/m2 but rather is
tropic radiator, λ is the wavelength of transmission, and R is the
separation distance between the transmitting and receiving anten-
(1) nas. The first form (middle) is conventionally used, and the second
one (right) is a special form that illustrates the principle of UWB
transmission of waveforms when the transmitting and the receiv-
both of which are derived from E2(2h) = |E(w)H*(w)2| = |E|2(2h),
ing antennas are factored into the channel characterization. In the
where E is the electric field intensity in V/m and η is the impedance of
second part, AR is the effective area of the receiving antenna and is
free space (120p = 377 Ω). Thus, the variation of the received power
related to the gain of the receiving antenna by GR = 4p AR/l2. Now,
density is 121 or 81 W/m2, because electric fields only add or subtract
if we focus our attention on the second form of Friis transmission
and the power or power densities do not. Consequently, the differ-
formula, we observe that a UWB transmission without any distor-
ence between the maximum and minimum received power densities
tion can be achieved simply by transmitting a waveform with an
is 40%, instead of the 2% change calculated when inappropriately
antenna that has a nearly constant gain with frequency, instead of
adding and subtracting the power densities, because it is the electric
with a nonexisting isotropic omnidirectional point radiator. In ad-
field related to the voltages in an equivalent receiving circuit or the
dition, if the receive antenna has an effective aperture whose size
magnetic field related to the currents in the circuit that can be added
does not vary with frequency, we will achieve our goal of distor-
in the electrical engineering context—that is, the principle of super-
tionless transmission and reception of UWB signals.
position applies to voltages/currents and not to the powers or power
To verify experimentally the various theoretical simulations that
densities. Therefore, if one uses two antennas and each of them radi-
were presented earlier, we include here the experimental results ob-
ates 1 W/m2, the total variation of the received field will be between
tained by Andrews [14], [15] and the theoretical analysis that confirms
4 W/m2 and 0 W/m2. Thus, does the result of 4 W/m2 imply there is
those experimental results [16]. A miniature UWB antenna range
some sort of power gain generated by using a multiantenna system?
(Figure 1) was designed to demonstrate the principles of UWB trans-
Of course, the answer is no, because power densities cannot be added
mission, reception, and propagation. The UWB metrology antennas
because superposition only applies to the voltages (electric fields)
demonstrated on this range include the conical, transverse electro-
and currents (magnetic fields) in a system. Also, if one talks about the
magnetic (TEM) horn, and waveguide horn antennas in addition to
increase in the resultant power density then one must also mention
others. The transmitting and the receiving antennas were placed on a
about the power loss to 0! This discussion shows the relevant phys-
36-cm × 44-cm aluminum plate. The UWB test input signal for this
ics of signal reception, and nonacceptance of this basic fact can lead
antenna range was a 4-V, 9-ps rise time step of the Picosecond Pulse
to designs of unrealistic systems and inaccurate predictions of their
Laboratory signal generator (Figure 2). All of the waveforms shown
performance. The other issue is that these principles require vector
in this section were measured by using an HP-54752B, 50 GHz, 9-ps
properties in computing the total electric field; therefore, the phases
rise time oscilloscope. A 35-cm, 9-ps rise time, Gore, subminiature
of the incident fields are relevant and scalar addition is not correct.
version A coaxial cable was used to connect the antennas to the oscil-
loscope. Summing all the distortions, the composite rise time of the
pulse generator, coaxial cable, and oscilloscope was 16 ps.
WIRELESS TRANSMISSION OF ULTRAWIDEBAND (UWB) SIGNALS A conical antenna was used for transmission, because it has a
Another relevant issue is that often in the published literature, an gain that is essentially constant over a wide bandwidth primarily
antenna is characterized by a point source generating an isotropic along the broadside direction. Furthermore, the conical antenna sus-
omnidirectional radiation pattern. In reality, an isotropic omnidi- pended over a large metal ground plane is the preferred antenna for
rectional point radiator does not exist in electromagnetics. The transmitting known transient EM waves. This type of antenna, used


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Sarkar, Mokole, and Palma

line. Again, the rational for choosing it as a receiving antenna for this
example is that it has a fixed aperture over a wideband. A TEM horn
typically tapers from a large aperture at the receiving end down to a
small aperture at the coaxial connector output. The height-to-width
ratio of the parallel plate is constant along the length of the antenna
to maintain uniform characteristic impedance. However, to optimize
sensitivity, most TEM antennas are designed with a 100-Ω antenna
impedance. Practical UWB TEM horn antennas are usually designed
with resistive loading near the mouth of the antenna to help sup-
press multiple reflections. The upper bandwidth of a TEM antenna is
mainly determined by the size of its aperture and secondarily by the
transition from the parallel plate to the coaxial connector. To demon-
strate faithful UWB radiation and propagation, the conical antenna
and TEM horn in Figure 1 were used on the test range. The TEM horn
Figure 1.
Miniature UWB antenna range. Antennas are a conical antenna, a TEM was also fabricated from brass with a length of 15 cm. The height at
horn, in addition to a monopole, and D dot. the mouth was 2.6 cm, and its width was 3.8 cm. At the mouth, it was
supported by a nylon spacer. The approximate incline angle was 9°.
The 4-V 9-ps rise time pulse (Figure 2) was inputted directly to the
conical antenna. The output of the 15-cm TEM horn antenna was
connected through the 35-cm cable to the 50 GHz oscilloscope and
had an impedance of 106 Ω. The conical antenna was 7 cm high and
had an input impedance of 132 Ω. For the experimental data to be
presented, the separation between the transmitting conical antenna
with the receiving TEM horn antenna was 25 cm. The received out-
put at the load of the TEM horn antenna has a 23-ps rise time step
waveform that is in good agreement with the input waveform (Figure
2). The received signal when the two antennas were separated by 5 m
(Figure 4) is exactly the same in wave shape to the 25-cm path signal
(Figure 3), except that it is weaker in amplitude. It is clear that very
little dispersion/distortion is introduced by the transmitting-receiving
Figure 2. system, which was also independently verified through simulations
A 4-V, 9-ps rise time, step pulse used for UWB antenna testing. Mea- [16]. The path loss then is independent of frequency!
sured by 50 GHz, 9-ps rise time, HP sampling oscilloscope (Keysight
Technology-current company of Agilent which evolved from Hewlett
Packard [HP]). Vertical and horizontal divisions respectively are 750
mV/div and 10 ps/division.

by National Institute of Standards and Technology as their reference

standard for a transient transmitting antenna, radiates an EM field
that is a perfect replica of the driving-point voltage waveform. How-
ever, when the pulse from the feed point reaches the top of the cone,
it is reflected back, so the perfect replica property of the transmit-
ted pulse no longer holds, unless resistive loading on the far end of
the antenna is used to help suppress multiple reflections. The upper Figure 3.
Transmission from a conical antenna to a TEM horn antenna over a
bandwidth of a conical antenna is mainly determined by the fidelity
25-cm path.
of the coaxial connector to the transition region of the conical anten-
na. Its gain along the broadside direction is essentially independent
of frequency. If a conical antenna is used as a receiving antenna, its
output is the integral of the incident E field, because from the fun-
damental EM principles, it is clear that the impulse response of an
antenna on transmit is essentially the time derivative of the impulse
response of the same antenna on receive [14]! For these measure-
ments, the conical antenna was constructed from a brass sheet and
had a half solid angle of 12° and a height of 7 cm (Figure 1).
A TEM horn is the most preferred metrology for a receiving an-
tenna to make direct measurements of transient EM fields. A TEM
horn antenna is basically an open-ended parallel-plate transmission Figure 4.
Transmission from a conical antenna to a TEM horn antenna over a 5-m path.


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Relevance of Electromagnetics in Wireless Systems Design

Note that an antenna does not radiate DC. Because these are the Thevenin or Norton resistance of the network supplying the
waveforms observed in a time domain reflectometer, note that one power. If the load resistance is not equal to the Thevenin-Norton
is observing only the positive cycle on the oscilloscope. However, resistance of the source network, the network’s dissipated power
by simply observing Figures 3 and 4, one would get the impres- will be less than maximal.
sion that DC is being radiated. This observation is not true. In the Unfortunately, this highly misused theorem is irrelevant to
figures, we focus only on the rise time of a single pulse to illus- antenna systems, because an antenna is a radiator of fields that
trate the fidelity with which the wave shapes have been radiated are excited by a voltage source. In an antenna system, the goal
and received by the different antennas. Also, Figures 3 and 4 illus- should be to improve the radiation efficiency of an antenna and
trate that path loss is independent of frequency if the proper anten- not to focus on the maximum power transfer, just like what is
nas are chosen for transmission and reception of waveforms. The done in simple household appliances, when increased efficiency
key point here is that the useful popularized properties of antennas is the objective and not maximum power transfer. If the appli-
in the frequency domain do not apply to the analysis of antennas ance industry had sought to maximize power transfer, it would
in the time domain. For example, an antenna operating in the time have achieved a mere 50% efficiency, with half of the power lost
domain has no antenna pattern; hence; the popular belief that the (wasted) because it is not absorbed by the desired load and is
radiation pattern of the antenna is equivalent to the reception pat- equivalent to the amount radiated by the antenna. Therefore, it
tern of the same antenna does not hold in the time domain. More- is necessary to pay attention to the efficiency of power or energy
over, the impulse response of an antenna on transmit is the time transfer and not to maximum power transfer. This approach is
derivative of the impulse response of the same antenna on receive. illustrated next.
In addition, a single antenna is a nonreciprocal system; whereas Consider the electrical circuit of a voltage divider in Figure 5,
the transmission and reception using two antennas are reciprocal. where the antenna is characterized by the load RL. Recall that an
The previously mentioned figures have tremendous implications antenna is excited by a voltage source and not by a power source.
when dealing with broadband wireless systems. Many researchers are The total input power to the antenna is calculated by multiplying
used to performing channel modeling of free space for a broadband the excitation voltage VS and the input current I. Thus, what is re-
wireless system routinely. From the perspective of the Figures 1–4, it quired here is efficiency in converting most of the power from the
appears that modeling of a broadband wireless system in free space is source to the load. The efficiency η of the circuit is the proportion
equivalent to channel modeling of free space, which is dispersionless! of the power dissipated in the load to all the power dissipated in the
Many researchers only look at the channel and are not considering the circuit (i.e., supplied by the source)
effect of the transmitting and receiving antennas, which are integral
parts of a wireless system. Alternately, antennas are often modeled
as point sources, thereby excluding the fundamental physics from
the analysis. Now, if one looks at the Friis transmission formula and
Maximum power is transferred to the load when the internal re-
selects the appropriate transmitting and receiving antennas, then it is
sistance of the source RS equals the resistance of the load RL, that
possible to transmit and receive a UWB signal traveling through free
is, RL = RS, which yields an efficiency of h = 0.5. When the exter-
space without distortion! On the point, vector EM problems differ
nal load resistance RL can be varied and the internal resistance of
from scalar acoustic problems. Specifically, observe that an acous-
the excitation source RS is kept constant, then when RL = ∞, the
tic signal is not distorted when it is converted to electrical energy
radiation efficiency is h = 1.0. Alternately, if the load resistance
through any microphone or when the electrical energy is converted
RL is kept fixed, then maximum power transfer from the source to
to acoustic energy through any loudspeaker. However, the problem
the load occurs for zero internal resistance; that is, RS = 0 which
is quite different for the vector EM problem. In the time domain, the
implies h = 1.0. However, if the source resistance RS is kept fixed
impulse response of an antenna when it operates in the transmit mode
and the external load resistance RL is varied, then h = 0, when
is the time derivative of the impulse response when the same antenna
RL = 0. The behaviors of efficiency and power transfer versus
operates in the receive mode. Hence, even a point source, which is
RL/RS are illustrated in Figure 6. Thus, in household appliances,
often used for modeling the antennas, differentiates the input wave-
where the goal is to obtain the maximum energy transferred to
form on transmit. Therefore, the modeling of any wireless system and
the load, one is aiming for an efficiency exceeding 90%, which
moreover that of a broadband system must include the antenna effects
is quite different from maximum power transfer where the ef-
to obtain a physically meaningful solution [14], [15], [16]. We next
ficiency of conversion is only 50%, and therefore is not a good
discuss another important issue related to antennas.
practical solution! This principle becomes apparent when a com-
parison of two systems is made by keeping the input power to
MAXIMUM POWER TRANSFER each system exactly the same. To calculate the input power for
a general AC circuit, it is also apparent that one needs to have
Another popular property that invariably arises in antenna system
values of both the voltage and the current. Just considering the
design is the principle of maximum power transfer.
voltage and relating its correlation to power spectral density only
applies to stationary systems, where there are no inductors and
Maximum Power Transfer Theorem
capacitors in the system because they destroy the stationarity as-
For a source network, the maximum amount of power will be dis- sumption—thus, stationarity is only valid for resistive circuits.
sipated by a load resistance when that load resistance is equal to Therefore, to compute the radiated power density in antenna


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Sarkar, Mokole, and Palma

Figure 5.
A voltage divider.

Figure 6.
theory, one needs to have the quantifications of both the electric Efficiency versus power transfer.
and the magnetic fields. Unless one is operating in the far field of
an antenna, where only one of the field components provides the
power density, as the electric and the magnetic fields are related and it is of paramount importance to supply as much signal power
by the impedance of free space (377 Ω), both the electric and the as possible to the receiving end of the system (the load).
magnetic field components are required to evaluate the radiated
power density. This issue will be addressed later. Use/Misuse of the S-Parameters
In radio circuits, the internal resistance of a source of power
cannot usually be reduced to a small value, so the load resistance The previous discussion leads to a related topic, the use of the S-
is made equal to it for maximum power transfer. The powers in- parameters in analyzing antenna problems. Unfortunately, the S-
volved are very small, and losses are unimportant—only the parameters are not suitable for characterizing antenna problems
amount of power that comes through is important. The situation when the impedance changes as a function of frequency. Treating
is quite different for power transmission, when losses are impor- the forward and the backward waves in the formulation of the S-
tant—or equivalently for the antenna radiation problem where ef- parameters as a sum of weighted voltages and currents makes it
ficiency is paramount! Clearly, maximum power transfer does not possible to apply the principle of superposition of power in the S-
coincide with maximum efficiency. Application of the maximum parameter formulation, because the waves representing power are
power transfer theorem to AC power distribution will result in nei- related to the voltages and currents to which superposition applies!
ther a maximum nor high efficiency. The goal of high efficiency is In antenna problems, one wants to increase the radiation efficiency
more important for AC power distribution, which dictates a rela- just as in household electrical appliances and to avoid involve-
tively low generator impedance compared to load impedance and ment in power transfer, as maximum power transfer implies an ef-
consequently should be the approach when deploying antennas. ficiency of only 50% with half of the generated power wasted! The
For example, similar to AC power distribution, high-fidelity au- crucial takeaway is that an antenna does not radiate power; rather
dio amplifiers are designed for relatively low output impedances it radiates power density, which is related to the radiated electric
and relatively high load impedances of the speakers. The ratio of field. Therefore in antenna design, the goal should be to radiate the
“output impedance” to “load impedance” is known as the damping maximum electric field intensity as the input power to the system
factor and is typically in the range of 100 to 1,000. Also, maximum is fixed and not to dwell on power where the principle of superpo-
power transfer does not coincide with the goal of lowest noise. sition does not apply!
For example, the low-level RF amplifier between an antenna and a As an example, consider a center fed dipole antenna [17] of
radio receiver is often designed to have the lowest possible noise. length 0.475 λ with a half-length of 0.2375 λ. This structure is
This design often requires a mismatch of the amplifier’s input im- resonant as for an input exciting voltage at the center fed delta
pedance to the antenna instead of that dictated by the maximum gap of 1.0 V, the current at the feed point is 13.84 − j 0.0227
power transfer theorem. mA. The broadside radiated field is 0.063 − j 0.82 V/m for this
In summary, the maximum power transfer theorem states that excitation. Therefore, for an input V-mA (volt-milliamperes) of
the maximum amount of power will be dissipated by a load re- 1.0 the maximum absolute value for the radiated field is 0.0594
sistance if it is equal to the Thevenin or Norton resistance of the mVA (milli-Volt-amperes). Next, consider a dipole of length 0.52
network supplying the power resulting in a 50% efficiency, as λ that is nonresonant, as its half-length is 0.26 λ. For a center
only half of the input power is dissipated in the load. This theorem fed applied voltage of 1.0 V, the complex value of the input cur-
does not satisfy the goal of maximum efficiency (a transformer rent in mA is 5.72 − j 4.9. The value of the radiated field in the
or a heater in a power system needs to be >90% efficient), where broadside direction is 0.39 − j 0.37 V/m. Thus, for an input V-mA
the supplied power remains constant. Note that under conditions (volt-milliamperes) of 1.0, which is the same as that of the previ-
of maximum power transfer, as much power is dissipated in the ous case, the maximum absolute value for the radiated field is
source as in the load. The maximum power transfer condition is 0.0714. Hence this nonresonant antenna radiates more energy in
used in communication systems (usually at RF) when the source the broadside direction for the same input power in V-A (Volt-
resistance cannot be made low, the power levels are relatively low, amperes). Hence, a resonant structure does not imply that it is


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Relevance of Electromagnetics in Wireless Systems Design

going to radiate more power—a fallacious assumption often used In particular, the physical basis, or lack thereof, issues, and appro-
in the matching of antennas, where it is assumed that if the cur- priate usage for each formulation are explored.
rent is resonant the structure will radiate more power! Hence, in
antenna design, the emphasis should be on radiation efficiency
and not on the maximum power transfer principles.
The final topic addressed in this section are the near field and The most popular form of the channel capacity theorem was devel-
far field of antennas and the computation of the power density to oped by Claude Shannon [18]. As he pointed out
characterize an efficient radiating antenna. An antenna has no pat-
The ordinary capacity C of a noisy channel may be thought of
tern nulls in the near field, where the radiating wave fronts are not
as follows. There exists a sequence of codes for the channel of
planar but rather spherical. The antenna pattern is only defined in
increasing block length such that the input rate of transmission
the far field, where the wave fronts radiated by the antenna are ap-
approaches C and the probability of error in decoding at the
proximately planar. In the near field, the radiated power is a com-
receiving point approaches zero. Furthermore this is not true for
plex number with the real and imaginary parts associated with radi-
any value higher than C. In some situations it may be of interest
ation and the input reactance of the antenna, respectively. In the far
to consider, rather than codes with probability of error approach-
field, the radiated power becomes real, and the wave fronts become
ing zero, codes for which the probability is zero and to inves-
nearly planar, generating a transverse EM propagating wave; then it
tigate the highest possible rate of transmission for these codes.
is possible to calculate the power only in terms of the electric field
This rate C0 is the main object of investigation of the paper.
or the magnetic field, as they are related in the far field by the char-
acteristic impedance of the medium (377 Ω). To the point, an an- Consequently, if there is no coding, then the channel capacity car-
tenna pattern null can only be produced in the far field. In the near ries little information.
field an antenna has no pattern nulls and so space division multiple This point was very well illustrated by Viterbi [19]:
access (SDMA) has no relevance in the near field of an antenna, as
From the beginning, the additive white Gaussian noise
in that region, an antenna radiation pattern cannot be defined.
(AWGN) channel was a favorite vehicle of information theo-
As a rule of thumb [17], if one is within a radius of 2D2/λ from
rists. But the launch of the first artificial satellite generated
the broadside direction of the antenna, where D is the largest di-
a need for conserving transmitted power over a real channel
mension of the antenna and λ is the operating wavelength, then one
that is closely approximated by this model, and thus served
will be in the near field of the antenna, beyond which the far field
as a powerful stimulus to further theoretical work, particu-
of the antenna starts. For example, if one is operating a half-wave
larly toward the goal of minimum-complexity decoding. In
dipole at a frequency of 1 GHz, then the far field will start at a dis-
the sixties, the demands of satellite networks carrying large
tance of 2D2/λ = λ/2 = 0.5 m. However, if the antenna is deployed
amount of data traffic increased the need for coding. In fact,
on top of a 20-m tower over the Earth, representing an imperfect-
by the end of sixties the state of the art of digital technology,
ly conducting ground, the equivalent dimension of the radiating
together with the evolution of the theory, rendered feasible
source will not be λ/2 = 0.5 m; rather, it will be 40 m, because the
coding for the AWGN channel with an error probabilities of
equivalent aperture of the radiating system will not only involve
10─5, could conserve 5-6 dB of power relative to the uncoded
the antenna, but also the mounting structure above the ground plus
operation, even at data rates in megabits per second. To gauge
its image below the ground. In that case, the far field will start at
the economic advantage, consider that an alternative method
2D2/λ = 2 × 40 × 40/0.3 = 10.6 km, so the antenna pattern will
of gaining 5 dB power would be to more than triple the area
begin at a distance that is outside the cell (typically a cell size in
of the receiving antenna.
wireless communication will have a maximum of 5 km in radius).
This simple, yet misunderstood, concept about where a far field Hence, the contribution of Shannon made satellite communi-
begins leads to erroneous conclusions about base station antenna pat- cation possible, where the received signal can be well below the
terns and the performances of communications systems. Essentially, level of thermal noise and the information can still be extracted in
antenna patterns cannot be defined for typical base station place- such an environment if adequate redundancy is introduced in the
ments because the antennas will have no pattern nulls in the near form of a code at the RF stage of transmission. Note that accord-
field that cover the entire cells of the base stations. In particular, this ing to Shannon the transmitter is the coder [20]. Shannon further
concept has had tremendous relevance for the implementation failure noted, “An encoding or transmitting element. Mathematically this
of SDMA in designing cellular systems, because they all typically op- amounts to a transformation applied to a message to produce the
erate in the near field, where an antenna pattern cannot be character- signal, i.e., the encoded message.” He also talks about pulse code
ized, as is clearly seen from the basic physical principles of antennas. modulation and pulse position modulation in which the coding is
done at the transmitter stage at the RF frequency. Currently, there
are two popular systems that code at RF, namely, satellite com-
DISCUSSIONS ON CHANNEL CAPACITY FROM A SYSTEM munication and GPS. In wireless communication, coding is done
at baseband and not at the final RF stage, unless one uses totally
VIEWPOINT digital transmission as advocated by Viterbi [21]. Some radars use
In this section, the three notions of communication channel capac- the Barker code during transmission, and this coding can be con-
ity by Shannon, Gabor, and Hartley-Nyquist-Tuller are discussed. sidered to be part of this group.


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Sarkar, Mokole, and Palma

For those who ignored and continue to ignore this subtle but modulation, this bandwidth will be twice that of the baseband sig-
important point made by Shannon, namely, coding at the transmit- nal. Therefore, just because the carrier frequency is 26 GHz, it has
ter, he offered a cautionary note in [22]: no effect on (4) because it is related to the bandwidth of the compo-
nents used in the system and this bandwidth of system components
Information theory has, in the last few years, become
seldom exceeds 500 MHz for any individual component, as the
something of a scientific bandwagon. Starting as a techni-
group delay and hence the rates of distortion of the components
cal tool for the communication engineer, it has received an
increase beyond such a bandwidth. The RF carrier frequency really
extraordinary amount of publicity in the popular as well as the
is not relevant when defining the capacity.
scientific press. In part, this has been due to connections with
For a wireless system where a transmitting antenna is involved,
such fashionable fields as computing machines, cybernet-
it is necessary to consider the radiation efficiency of the antenna, in
ics, and automation; and in part, to the novelty of its subject
addition to coding, because to compare the channel capacity of the
matter. As a consequence, it has perhaps been ballooned to an
various systems, the input power to the transmitting antenna must
importance beyond its actual accomplishments. Our fellow
be fixed and the received power is the transmitted power density
scientists in many different fields, attracted by the fanfare
incident on a receiving antenna. As noted earlier, an antenna does
and by the new avenues opened to scientific analysis, are
not radiate power, it radiates a power density through the radiating
using these ideas in their own problems. Applications are
fields, and when the received power density is integrated by the re-
being made to biology, psychology, linguistics, fundamental
ceiving antenna, it provides the received power. Therefore, without
physics, economics, the theory of organization, and many
specifying the transmitter and the receiving antennas and without
others. In short, information theory is currently partaking of
keeping the input power to the transmitting antenna fixed, it is dif-
a somewhat heady draught of general popularity …. While
ficult to characterize the received power! It must also be pointed
we feel that information theory is indeed a valuable tool in
out that the noise here is purely random; thus multipath and other
providing fundamental insights into the nature of commu-
interference sources are not incorporated in Shannon’s formula.
nication problems and will continue to grow in importance,
Thus, the first question that arises in connection with Shannon’s
it is certainly no panacea for the communication engineer
definition of capacity is how to apply his formula in a near-field
or, a fortiori, for anyone else. Seldom do more than a few of
environment, which is pertinent for operations in microcell and
nature’s secrets give way at one time. What can be done to
pico-cell environments. In the near field of an antenna, the wave
inject a note of moderation in this situation? In the first place,
fronts are nearly planar, and the power has both real and reactive
workers in other fields should realize that the basic results of
forms as discussed in the last section. From a Maxwellian point
the subject are aimed in a very specific direction, a direction
of view, the Poynting vector in the near field is a complex-valued
that is not necessarily relevant to such fields as psychology,
quantity. Thus, what value of the Poynting vector should one put in
economics, and other social sciences. Indeed, the hard core
the capacity formula for the signal power S? Is it the real part or the
of information theory is, essentially, a branch of mathemat-
magnitude of the Poynting vector? This question poses an interest-
ics, a strictly deductive system. A thorough understanding of
ing dilemma. Another point is that the capacity also should vary as
the mathematical foundation and its communication applica-
a function of the square of the distance between the transmitter and
tion is surely a prerequisite to other applications. I personally
the receiver, particularly if one uses an array of antenna elements.
believe that many of the concepts of information theory will
Therefore, to perceive a total electromagnetically accurate picture,
prove useful in these other fields-and, indeed, some results
one must relate the S/N in Shannon’s formula, the Poynting vector
are already quite promising-but the establishing of such ap-
associated with the transmitting antenna, and the Friis transmission
plications is not a trivial matter of translating words to a new
formula. This interconnectivity implies that the channel capacity is
domain, but rather the slow tedious process of hypothesis and
a function of the separation distance between the transmitter and
experimental verification.
the receiver; therefore, Shannon’s formula is applicable only at the
If applied in the proper context, the Shannon channel capacity CS receiver terminals. If the transmitting and the receiving systems
is defined by are deployed over the Earth, which is an imperfectly conducting
ground, then the images of the transmitting-receiving structures
are generated by the presence of the Earth. Hence, the effect of the
ground reflected through the images generated by the transmitting-
receiving structures should also be incorporated in the analysis.
where B is the one-sided 3 dB bandwidth of the channel, S is the Shannon’s formula does not say anything about the transmit power
magnitude of the received signal power from the transmitter, and of the system; only the received power is defined with respect to
S/N is the signal-to-noise ratio of the received signal. Shannon con- the background thermal noise.
sidered this formula for point-to-point communication between a In most modeling of communication systems, one typically
transmitter and a receiver. Hence, it is imperative to describe the deals with the voltages induced on the antennas, which are treated
transmitting and the receiving antennas, as without them in place as point sources, and then takes the square of the absolute value to
S cannot be clearly defined. It is quite important to emphasize that estimate the power by relating the autocorrelation function of the
B here is the bandwidth of the RF channel and is not related to the voltage to the power spectral density through the Fourier trans-
carrier frequency of the RF channel; that is, for a low-pass signal form. The squared absolute value of any quantity, particularly the


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Relevance of Electromagnetics in Wireless Systems Design

voltage or the current, provides an estimate of power only for a (phase and waveform); only the bandwidth, carrier frequency, and
strictly resistive circuit. For circuits containing complex-valued noise power are known. These beats resulted in increased energy
impedances that can be either inductive or capacitive, as is always fluctuations. To illustrate this phenomenon, superpose a signal of
the case for any realistic antennas, using only the voltage or the amplitude A1 and an interfering signal of variable amplitude A2(t)
current is not sufficient to give the value for the power. However, with a variable phase ψ(t) to obtain
the real part of the power can be evaluated by knowing either the
voltage or the current on the resistors in the circuit. One needs the
current, the voltage, and the phase angle between them to compute
the total power. The salient points of this discussion are that elec-
tromagnetics are the basis of electrical engineering and that one is which implies
treating a vector problem and not a scalar problem when dealing
with wireless systems. Hence, for a general system in electrical
engineering, the total complex power can never be computed ex-
clusively from the power spectral density of either only the volt-
age or the current! This point was made by Ivrlac and Nossek [4], Now, averaging over a few periods of the oscillation, represented
[5], who observe that both the voltage and the current are needed by an overbar, and assuming slow variations of A2 and ψ yield
to compute the complex power for a general circuit. Only for the
special case of a purely resistive circuit can power be obtained
from either the voltage or the current only.
The fundamental principle that one needs to apply in wireless
applications is use both the voltage and the current to compute The averaged power over such a relatively short interval of time is
the power for real antennas, a crucially essential fact that is of-
ten overlooked by communication theory practitioners, leading
to erroneous conclusions. For example, it is widely believed in (8)
communication theory and the signal processing literature that
deployment of multiple antennas will provide a better signal-to-
where P1 and P2, respectively, are the powers associated with sig-
noise ratio at the receiver. This belief cannot be far from the truth
nals 1 and 2. When the average is taken over a long interval of
in a vector problem, as the total field induced on a receiving
time, only the first two terms in (8) remain,
antenna is the vector sum of all the different field components
responsible for inducing currents on the system. Thus, the prob-
lem is how one connects the Shannon channel capacity formula (9)
to the Poynting vector, which actually provides the radiation ef-
ficiency and the gain of an antenna. Note here is that the source
because cosy is zero on the average [24]. The third term of (8)
of noise is outside the antenna and it acts independently, and
represents the beats between the signal and the undesired noise. It
furthermore, there is no assumed loss in the receiving antenna
plays an important role in the power fluctuations as

In many situations, thermal noise may not be the limiting factor
Consequently, the average of the fluctuations is
in preventing a communication channel from performing its job.
The environment may be interference limited. In this situation,
perhaps multipath may limit the detection capability of the signal,
even though the signal may be several times stronger than the ther-
mal noise. Gabor developed a channel capacity for this scenario,
when the channel is not limited by thermal noise, but is limited by
Because for the noise we have and , it is seen
from (10) that the fluctuations increase with the signal power P1
Gabor very thoroughly investigated the energy levels that can
be used in each cell of his logon concept to represent distinguish-
These results can be used for computing the number m of dis-
able signals [3], [23]. Because the concept of the Gabor channel
tinguishable power levels to evaluate the channel capacity. Choose
capacity that provides a signal processing explanation of the in-
depth and formal work performed by Gabor is not well-known, the step of size to be consistent with Shannon’s formula
it is included for completeness. In his analysis, Gabor introduced [24]. This step size is twice the one originally proposed by Gabor.
the phenomenon of beats between the signal and the noise (which If PM is the maximum power used in the signal transmission, the
in this case are deterministic unwanted signals). His development number of steps mG (including the one at P = 0) available for sig-
deals with a receiver without any knowledge of the desired signal naling is


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Sarkar, Mokole, and Palma

frequency range which it transmits by the time during which it

is available for transmission.
Hartley’s treatment represented a first step in the direction of
measuring a message and the message-transmitting capacity of a
system [30]. Both Nyquist [28], [32] and Hartley [29], [30] showed
As illustrated in [24], for small values of the ratio PM /P2, mG re- what must indeed have been common knowledge from the ear-
duces to [1 + 0.5 (PM /P2)] = [1 + (Pav/P2)], where Pav is the average liest days of telegraphy, namely, the number of different signals
value. For large values of S/N, mG increases more slowly with PM. available to a single receiver is limited by the relative magnitude
For actual observation conditions, it will be necessary to inves- of interference [30]. Also, as the signals traverse the transmission
tigate whether the additional fluctuations due to beats between the medium (or channel, as it is commonly called), they are distorted,
signal and noise are important or not. That discussion will deter- and noise and interfering signals are added. Hence, it is a major
mine whether one should use Shannon’s or Gabor’s channel capac- challenge to interpret the signals correctly at a desired location
ity formula. Gabor’s channel capacity formula is given by [33]. However, real physical systems do not allow the practitioner
to increase the rate of signal change indefinitely or to distinguish
an arbitrarily large number of voltage amplitudes or levels [33]:
1. All of our systems have energy-storage devices present, such
(13) as inductances and capacitances, and changing the signal implies
changing the energy content. Limits on making these changes are
determined by the bandwidth of a particular system.
2. Every system provides inherent (even if small) variations or fluc-
When a long time of transmission is selected, the term averages tuations in voltage, or whatever parameter is used to measure the sig-
to zero, and the beats between the signal and the noise can be ignored, nal amplitude. One cannot subdivide amplitudes indefinitely. These
a situation which justifies the use of Shannon’s formula in the limit. unwanted fluctuations of a parameter to be varied are called noise.
The preceding two limitations are tied together by a simple ex-
pression developed for system capacity [33]: C = 1/r log2 n, where
TULLER CHANNEL CAPACITY r is the minimum time required for the system to respond to signal
The third form of the channel capacity was developed by Tuller, who changes and n is the number of distinguishable signal levels. The
designed and built the first Private Line Air Traffic Control Com- minimum response time is proportional to the reciprocal of the
munication System. The Tuller channel capacity parallel the works system bandwidth. Because system capacity can be written as C
of Nyquist and Hartley. As Tuller wrote [25], [26], [27], “The general = B log2 n, where B is the system bandwidth in hertz, the informa-
principles of the application of information theory to system design tion about the number of different amplitude levels can be sent
is discussed here and an example is given showing its use in study- by fewer numbers simply by binary encoding the different levels.
ing the Private Line Air Traffic Control Communication System.” For example, if a signal has 16 different levels, then four bits are
His “private line” communication link connected the aircraft traffic required. If the signal has 32 different levels, then five bits are
controllers of his day with the aircraft under their surveillance. To required. More generally, log2 n bits are required for characterizing
develop this system, he realized and used the fact that power plays n levels of the signal. The Hartley capacity can be shown to be
little role when dealing with a practical communication system but equivalent to Shannon’s definition of capacity, when the transmit-
rather that the sensitivity of the system depends on the value of the ting and receiving antenna systems are conjugately matched. The
fields. Because the sensitivity of a receiver is determined by the mini- basic form of Shannon’s theorem states [18] that
mum electric field intensity (typically on the order of 1 μV/m) it can
to distinguish between M different signal functions
receive, and below that value, the receiver will not recognize any
of duration T on a channel, we can say that the
signal, so Tuller developed a formula for the channel capacity that in-
channel can transmit log2 M bits in time T. The rate
corporates the fields and not the power. He followed the formulation
of Nyquist [28] for the development of his channel capacity formula, of transmission is then . More precisely, the
but unlike Nyquist, Tuller took the effect of noise into account. It is
channel capacity Cʹ may be defined as
also interesting to note that Tuller was aware of Shannon's work and
made reference to it in his 1949 paper [25]. It is also interesting to
observe that Shannon was also aware of Tuller's work and made ref- (14)
erence to it in his paper A Mathematical Theory of Communication.
A practical form of the channel capacity, which is more ap-
By following Hartley, one can obtain a simplified expression for
plicable to real systems, was first developed by Hartley [29], [30],
the capacity without delving into the concept of power, if one requires
[31] in 1928. Among his conclusions, he stated
the received signal to be separated into 2Q distinct levels, so the num-
The total amount of information which may be transmitted ber of amplitudes that can be reasonably well distinguished is 2Q.
over a system whose transmission is limited to frequencies Furthermore, as Shannon points out, “since in time T there are 2TB
lying in a restricted range is proportional to the product of the independent amplitudes, then the total number of distinct signals is”


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Relevance of Electromagnetics in Wireless Systems Design

to the design predictions. Currently, this connection between the

physics and mathematics of physically realizable systems is rather
weak, and much effort needs to be directed at strengthening their
where B is the one-sided bandwidth of the signal. Hence, the num- bonds, if real working systems are to be realized.
ber of bits that can be sent in time T is

Grateful acknowledgement is made to the reviewers for suggesting
ways to improve the readability of the manuscript.
This expression is more pertinent in characterizing near-field en-
vironments and is similar to the Hartley-Nyquist-Tuller form of
the channel-capacity theorem, which has been elaborated in [26], REFERENCES
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Sarkar, Mokole, and Palma

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