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Some people say the fasion industry has a bad effect on people’s lives. Do you agree?

Yes, i agree, because the fashion industry always use perfect bodies to use their clothes, even if
mosto f the people who bought their products are not like the models, and it makes feel to the
people it’s something wrong with their bodies, if you are short, fat, or you don’t have the perfect
body they show, because, in magazines, is always a perfect man or woman, and is perfect because
they modify the potos, only because the models have to look perfect, but they make people think
that is something wrong with they.

Something more that have a bad effect is the Price, some clothes from famous companys are more
expensive than basic products, so, try to bought represents an amazing sacrifice, something really
unfair for people who doesn’t won a lot of money.

Finally, the worst part of fashion industry, is the people who think they’re better than you because
they have better clothes than you, wich is really bad, because make feel bad to people who
doesn’t have the same money than you is an injustice wich have a bad effect on people

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