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Ensuring the well-being of lower class people and maintaining the balance of
the environment by taking initiative to reuse unused cloths to reduce
environment pollution.

We usually change our clothes every few days. Those who are more elegant
change their clothes they changes before it gets old. Those from middle class or
lower class families also change. Maybe when it gets too old. It happens to
many people that after putting on new clothes, they don't remember the old
clothes anymore. It is left everywhere. Once it becomes completely
unwearable. It is useless without as mop of the house.

We generally use these old clothes in three ways:

 Maybe make as mop leave it at home and waste it.

 Or sell it to a hawker.
 If it is not wearable then it is ok to make rags.

And if it's wearable, leaving it at home is absolutely absurd. But when we sell
it, how much do we sell it for? We sell the clothes of fourteen hundred taka for
forty taka. What can be done with this forty taka? Not even a single meal bill
at the hotel. Apart from these three sectors, we can spend old clothes in one
more sector.

 Donate your unwanted garments. It’s a simple way to recycle that helps
both the environment, those in need, and yourself.
 Turn old clothing into cleaning rags. Cut the clothes and turn them into
rags for dusting and cleaning. It’ll help you save money, keep your
home clean, and reuse items you were going to toss in the trash.
 Use them for crafting purposes, and if you’re not a crafter, lend the items
to someone you know who is.
 Look up other textile recycling programs. For example, Nike has a
Reuse-A-Shoe program where they’ll take worn-out athletic shoes, grind
them up, and use them to create playgrounds, courts, and more.
 See if the clothes can be composted. Items that are 100 percent cotton
can be composted—shred them finely, remove any attachments, and add
it to your compost pile.

When clothes end up in landfills they create greenhouse gases, so recycling

them with Planet Aid instead helps diminish the forces that contribute to climate

Reusing the fabric in old clothes means less resources, both monetary and
environmental, are wasted in growing fiber for new ones.

Gently-worn clothing can re-enter the market in other countries where the
demand for used clothing is high.

The idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level

Our project will strengthen democracy and active citizenship as we envisage the
following impact on our local community’s participation:

1. Individuals will have the chance to participate in and influence the

development of their society:
 People will change their behavior and start donating clothes
 People will be, for the first time at a large scale, aware of the impact their
donations may have on our society
 Donors will be role-models for others, showing the easy way in which
together we can make a change.
2. Charities will act coordinated and together - they will have an efficient
tool through which they can collect clothes, they will be more visible to
people who want to enroll as volunteers.

3. School dropout rate will be reduced - poor people will receive the clothes
they need.

Reduce, reuse, recycle—we’ve all had this ingrained in our heads for years. We
make sure to toss the plastic bottle in the blue bin, but reusing and recycling
play a bigger role than in just the plastic and paper industry. In fact, the textile
industry is equally important for recycling. People shop more and buy more, so
the output for clothes is greater. But this fast fashion industry and these
overstuffed closets have all led to overflowing landfills.

Maybe your new year’s resolution was to make more eco-friendly choices, or
maybe you know you need to pare down your closet, but you’re not sure what to
do with the clothes afterward. Before you throw unwanted clothes in the trash,
consider the ramifications of adding to the landfill versus textile recycling.
Below, we’ll delve into some of the most important reasons to recycle your
clothes. From avoiding the landfill to limiting unethical business practices,
textile recycling should come just as naturally as tossing paper in a blue bin.

The idea important to individual

Growing up close to a poor neighborhood has given us a clear view on the large
gap between social classes and the need for such a program. Multiple family
members sharing the same clothes or wearing them repeatedly for days lead to
severe bullying.
In our grown-ups life, being willing to donate clothes and not having the
necessary clear and easy means to do so, has given us again a clear view of how
important such an application would be.

We want to make a great change in how our society acts and thinks when it
comes to textile reusing / recycling.

Large amounts of water and energy have made textile industry one of the most
polluting and waste producing industries, while in Romania one of the reasons
for school drop-out is children not having enough clothes to go to school.

For damaged or ill-fitting clothes, the first thing you should consider before
discarding is repairing them. If you have a few pieces that are a little damaged
or don’t fit right, see how they can be repaired. You can easily fix some issues
by yourself (with the help of YouTube tutorials).

Others may require the help of a local tailor or seamstress. If the tailor route
hasn’t been your go-to in the past, we highly recommend taking that first step. It
may jump to the top of your options once you see how simple and often
affordable it is.


As we mentioned above, donating isn’t as simple as dropping off all of your

used clothing. But with that in mind, there are still so many ways to donate used
clothing. Aside from a general donation shop like Goodwill or Salvation Army,
there’s also specialty donation stores for different types of clothing.

Three Big Benefits of Donating Clothing

There’s nothing like a fresh start, especially in the spring! If you’re like many
people, now is a time when you like to clean and clear out any clutter you don’t
need anymore. But while you may be eager to shed your winter wardrobe this
spring, don’t just throw your clothing out—donate it!

Donating to Goodwill is the smart way to clear out any clothes you don’t want
or need, and it offers some significant benefits to you, the environment, and
your community.

Here’s a closer look at three big benefits of donating your clothing to Goodwill:

Keep your home clutter-free

We all want to maintain a clean, organized home, but sometimes it’s easier said
than done. If your closets are overflowing with clothes, shoes, or accessories
that you don’t wear anymore, make life easier by donating them to Goodwill!
Clearing out your closets doesn’t have to be a lot of hard work. Just keep a box
in your wardrobe and add any items that you don’t want, need, or wear. When
the box is full, it’s time to head to Goodwill!

Donating your clothes is so much easier than trying to sell them online. Instead
of spending time and energy taking photos, writing a description, and hoping for
an offer, you can simply take your clothes to one of Goodwill’s convenient
donation center locations! We make the clothing donation process simple and
easy so you can get back to your busy day.

If you love clothes but don’t have room for new additions, donating to Goodwill
is a win-win situation! After dropping off your donations, head into one of our
retail stores and replenish your wardrobe with stylish pieces at incredible prices.

Protect the planet

Donating your clothing helps the planet in amazing ways. First, by donating
your clothes to Goodwill instead of throwing them in the trash, you prevent
them from ending up in a landfill, where they can take years to fully break
down, and releasing harmful gases into the environment in the process.
Goodwill organizations divert millions of pounds of items from local landfills
every year, helping to keep our planet beautiful. We even accept clothing that’s
in less-than-perfect condition, so don’t throw away that shirt just because it’s
missing a button! If we receive items that can’t be sold in our stores, we work to
ensure they are recycled responsibly.

Donating to Goodwill also gives your well-loved clothing a new life. Even if
you don’t want an item anymore, your clothing still has value. Someone else is
sure to appreciate finding a great deal on your gently-used pieces while
shopping at Goodwill. Thrift shopping is a great way to save money, and it also
reduces the demand for brand-new clothing, helping to make fashion more
attainable and sustainable for everyone!

Help others in your community

Donating to your local Goodwill is one of the easiest ways to support people
living right here, in your community. The donated items sold in our stores not
only help people find affordable clothing and household goods but also generate
revenue to provide life-changing employment training and job placement
services for individuals with disabilities and veterans.

Every single donation, no matter how big or small, makes a meaningful

difference in the lives of people within your community.


Mass people are stakeholders of the project. There are three major sectors

1. Provider of the cloths (Upper class people)

Everyone has clothes in their closet that they no longer like, need, or fit.
Nevertheless, lots of clothes are either hardly worn and they just sit in the
wardrobe or when they have been sorted out, they are then thrown away. In both
cases the clothing can still be used. Clothes that are no longer worn should be
sorted out regularly this creates space in the wardrobe and gives new life to old

Consider donating clothes you simply don’t wear anymore.

Too small or tight? It’s time to pass it down to someone else.

No longer going through “that phase”? Get rid of anything that you doesn’t fit
your style.

Don’t be afraid to include high-end items like a suit or formal dress. We will
take those items aside for special programs and charities that help people in
need look sharp for a job interview or for events.

2. Channel of influencers (Project worker or member)

Our motive is sending a message to people to donate clothes and gifts that can
still be used and make those available to the needy free of cost

Write to. Influence to donate gently used clothing, shoes, and household
items .Give proper knowledge about donate almost any type of clothing in good
condition. All sizes and seasons are acceptable, as are footwear and sleepwear.
It also accepts donations like household goods, books, and musical instruments.

3. Receiver of the cloths (Lower standard people or who have strongly needed)

There are lots of people and children’s who have either no shelter or who are
living in slums, on roads. This chilling winter do not have any mercy on them
they also feel the same cold and more than that which we feel sitting inside our
homes with lots of clothes and heater. Many children’s and poor people die
because they are not able to cope the winter and they do not have proper clothes
to wear. We have so many old clothes which we do not wear and are still of use.
Let’s get together for those who really need our help in fight with this chilling
winter. We will also distribute small gifts to the children’s. So, in order to share
your contribution for gifts and sending clothes you can contact on the below
address and send your bit on the below given details.


Creates public awareness about proper use of cloths and creates opportunity for
needy people to wear as well as ensure to make clean community.



Public awareness is explaining issues and disseminating knowledge to people so

that they can make their own decisions. Increase public awareness for donating
clothes to Goodwill instead of throwing it in the trash, prevent them from
ending up in a landfill, where they can take years to fully break down, and
releasing harmful gases into the environment in the process.

Firstly, we are doing this for people that feel excluded from society because
they are poor. The lack of clothes is among the reasons that prevent children
from poor communities from going to school and thus increases the school
drop-out rate.

Through our application, charities will be able to collect more clothes to be

further donated to people in need and thus people from Romania will be able to
contribute to reducing the school drop-out rate in their society.

Secondly, we are doing this for the donors, who will be able to actively
contribute to make their community a better place, from the comfort of their
home. They will feel that they are not alone, but part of a bigger community
with the same goals – reduce poverty, reduce textile waste and protect the


1. Establish our goals and objectives

First, our seminar’s purpose 'creates awareness about donating old

clothes. Then, set the goals for mass people we want to attend in person
or to watch our live stream.

2. Put together a rough budget

With your profit goal in mind, set your ticket prices. Reflecting on the expenses
of past seminars or webinars will help you price your event competitively
without sacrificing profit. If you’re not sure about some of the details, you can
fill unknown budget categories with educated guesses based on some quick
research. This extra step ensures you create a realistic budget so that you aren’t
caught off guard by surprise expenses as your event approaches.

3. Select a date

Choose two dates —

An optimal 5th August 2022 and a second-best for backup just in case.12
August 2022

4. Decide on our event format

Determine whether we should host our event online or offline. Depending on

our location and target date, COVID-19 restrictions might make large in-person
seminars difficult to host. A webinar can be a practical alternative that isn’t
bound to travel or event restrictions. So arranging affordable seminars to reach a
large audience.

5. Research speakers, locations, and vendors

Start by identifying speakers who’ve appeared at similar seminars. Research

each one’s previous talks and seminar topics to determine our top picks. As
we’re planning a webinar, keep in mind that your speaker selection isn’t bound
by location, so everyone can livestream from their home base. Once we’ve
targeted your top speaker, reach out to them and solidify details like the date,
their compensation, and the type and length of their talk.

6. Build our seminar website

A website for our seminar can generate buzz and attract attendees. Before we
start building one, decide whether we'll need to design an all-inclusive website.
Build it with these steps in mind:
Get sign-off from stakeholders on the design Update our site (if you have one)
or build a new site once you have stakeholder approval


Everybody is looking for ways to make a difference. Whether it’s small

donations or big drives, people want to find a way to help their communities in
whatever way they can. If that’s you, then take the step toward big change by
starting with some sort of donation drive. Maybe it’s a clothing drive or a food
drive for locals. Whatever your idea is, take the steps and run with it! We’ve
compiled a guide with tips, tricks, and steps on how to plan a donation drive for
charity. Check them out and see what a difference you can make!

1 .Build your team

If you decide that you want to take the step and organize a donation drive, then
you’re going to need some help. Don’t try to tackle all of this by yourself, it’ll
make it way more stressful than necessary. Maybe your group of friends or
some coworkers from your job want to help. Either way, broadening your team
also expands the audience for the donation drive.

Think about having someone who will deal with sorting donations, someone
who will keep track of donors, someone who wants to control social media
postings, and whatever other little tasks you think need delegating. In general,
your team will help develop the perfect project for the situation and community.

2. Set Your Goals

As a team, set your goals for the donation. Do you want to raise a targeted
dollar amount? Do you want to reach a targeted weight of clothing donations?
When you solidify your goals as a team, you’ll have a firm task to strive for.
This also helps encourage donors—if they know you’re only a short way away
from your goal, they may be even more inclined to donate more. Share your
goals—transparency is key when it comes to donation drives.

3. Find a Local Partner

Once you’ve set goals as a team, your next step is to decide which charity
you’re going to partner with. Before you start collecting a ton of things that
people may not even need, make sure that the organization you donate to needs
these things. Get in touch with local organizations and figure out exactly what
the community they serve needs. When you can inform donors what to donate,
that will make the entire drive more focused.

In addition, you could also try to partner up with local small businesses. Can
they help advertise your drive? Can they agree to match donations monetarily?
Can they put on a donation drive night? It’s the same idea as creating and
expanding your team. When you have a business partner involved, you’ll have a
better chance of reaching more people.

4. Market Your Donation Drive

Getting the word out is incredibly important for the success of the donation
drive. Spread the word in as many different ways as possible. For example, use
all different social media platforms. Instagram and Facebook are vital,
especially if you set up a page and pay for them to advertise it for you! But
don’t forget about how there are more marketing avenues than just social media.

Don’t underestimate the power of flyers and posters. Depending on how big you
want the drive to be, you could even call your local radio station or reach out to
your local newspaper. Do what you can to reach out to your community as
much as you can!

5. Be Quick to Thank Donors

When the donation drive kicks off, make sure that you are quick to thank your
donors when they start to donate. When you reply quickly and thoughtfully to
companies or people that donate, you’ll make a lasting impact on them. You’ll
want to be on good terms with them especially if you want to keep organizing
donation drives. You never know when you might need someone to donate

You should also try to keep a donor registry. When people donate, ask them to
fill out some contact information so that you can keep track of them. Again, if
you plan on putting on future drives, you won’t want to ask the same donors to
donate every time. The more you can mix it up and tap into different donor
pools, the less likely they’ll feel “burnt out.”

6. Figure out a Sorting System

Now, depending on the sort of donation drive you put on, you’ll need to sort
through the donation proceeds. Don’t wait until the last donation rolls in—that
will only create more stress for you. Instead, as soon as donations start coming
in, begin pre-sorting everything. For example, when it comes to a clothing
drive, you can sort clothes into different categories: kid’s clothes, women’s and
men’s clothes, bedding, and more.

This is also where solid communication with the charity will come into play.
Ask them what will work best for them when it comes to sorting and delivering.
Make sure to pack everything in clean boxes or bags to make delivery easier.
Again, the sooner you start sorting and packaging for delivery, the better!

7. Share Results and Success

When you’ve finally finished everything up, share your success! Be sure to
document the entire process with lots of photos so that you can influence others

Inform the community about the negative impact of using

excess cloths

 Many of us want to be glamorous by wearing new clothes every day, but

the environment has to pay an extreme cost
 Garbage piles spoil the environment around the house. Rainwater causes
waterlogging, mosquito breeding and unsanitary conditions, resulting in
soil, water and environment pollution.

 Many a times we burn clothes by drying them which wastes fuel, creating
black smoke. As a result of which the air is getting polluted and
respiratory problems are increasing. Besides, the temperature of the
environment is increasing due to burning of clothes.


 Money is wasted due to buying more clothes than the demand. As a result
money is not being used properly.

 There are various types of waste in packing extra clothes. For example,
extra furniture is needed, extra money is needed for doing laundry. Also,
extra clothes are wasted and misused of electricity.


Firstly, we are doing this for people that feel excluded from society because
they are poor. The lack of clothes is among the reasons that prevent children
from poor communities from going to school and thus increases the school
drop-out rate.

Through our application, charities will be able to collect more clothes to be

further donated to people in need and thus people from Romania will be able to
contribute to reducing the school drop-out rate in their society.

Secondly, we are doing this for the donors, who will be able to actively
contribute to make their community a better place, from the comfort of their
home. They will feel that they are not alone, but part of a bigger community
with the same goals – reduce poverty, reduce textile waste and protect the

This 'donation basket' model can also be followed in Bangladesh in managing

old household clothes, household appliances, furniture etc. Initially this
initiative can be taken in different residential areas. In that case, entrepreneurs
must not be profiteers and must show integrity in all aspects. On the one hand,
the expansion of donation-based activities will make it easier for the low-
income and poor people to live, and the welfare mindset will also expand
among relatively well-off.


A wall A few hangers have been installed there. There are different kinds of
clothes hanging there. Shirts, T-shirts, Pants, Punjabi, Kameez, Baby clothes.
Put what you don't need on a banner or painted on the wall. Get what you need
from here. This is the wall of humanity. 'Wall of Humanity' or 'Wall of

Don’t throw away your clothes. There are many ways you can give them a
second life. You can make some money by selling them, you can swap them
with your friends or family, you can donate them to charities, or you can even
cut them and be creative by giving them a new use like handkerchiefs or clean


Hand-me-downs are an excellent option as children grow as they're both
environmentally friendly and save lots of money over the years. This can also
be a great solution between friends, if say you’ve changed sizes and want your
clothes to go to a loving home, gift them to a friend that fits! Remember to be
honest about any damage, make sure they want and will use them, and wash the
clothes before you pass them along.


Clothes that are in good condition can be passed on to local charity shops, or
there are often charities that will do collections. We will help you to find your
nearest charity shop. Uniforms and company-branded clothing are harder to get
rid of but it's worth asking your employers to look into this for you. Old school
uniforms can be donated through ‘old school uniform’, or your local school
uniform store might have a second-hand rail.


1. Buy less and keep clothes longer.

The most sustainable garment is the one that’s already in your closet — so resist
buying clothes you won’t wear often and take care of your wardrobe to make it
last longer.
2. Buy second-hand.

Instead of buying new clothes, save some clothing from a landfill by buying
secondhand. Giving clothes a second life contributes to a less wasteful
economy. Plus, many thrift, resale and vintage shops today sell clothes that look
brand-new for cheaper prices.

3. Invest in sustainable brands if you can.

When you do buy new clothes, try to buy clothing made from sustainable
materials that will last for years. Fast fashion brands use low-quality materials
that are bad for the planet and fall apart quickly, which creates more waste. If
you’re able to spend the extra money, buy from a sustainable brand.

4. Stay away from big oil’s fabrics.

Many fast fashion fabrics are actually made from fossil fuels. As much as you
can, try not to buy new garments that contain synthetic fabrics like nylon,
polyester, acrylic and spandex. These fabrics contribute to big oil’s
pocketbooks, and they aren’t made to last.

5. Repurpose old clothes.

After going through your closet, sell or donate wearable clothes instead of
throwing them away. And instead of tossing tattered garments, get creative.
Some sewing skills can turn t-shirts into rags, masks or headbands. Old sweaters
can be repurposed to create blankets or socks.


 First we need to create a message, so that those who have an extra clothes
that they have don’t waste them and donate them to those who suffer
from lack of clothes.
 We need to find out who in the society has extra clothes that they can
donate to the clothes people without wasting.
 We've all got clothes that we don't wear anymore. It could be the shirt
you stopped wearing when college ended or the denims that don't fit
anymore. Whatever it is, you know you're hoarding something that's of no
use to you. These clothes could be the reason for someone's unmatched
 So, do a good deed today and give away the clothes you don't use
anymore. If you want to donate your clothes to someone in need but don't
know how to go about it, go through this list
 We often don't know where to go and donate things we don't use
anymore. Care for Bharat makes it as easy as it can get. Give them a call
and they'll come at your doorstep to take the donations. All you have to
do is schedule a pick-up and hand over your contribution.
 We need to find out who is suffering from lack of clothing in the society.
 Search an organization should found, they can collect extra clothes and
donate them to clothes people to the society.
 With be more visible to people who want to enroll as volunteers.

 Communication skills
Since a project manager will lead team members of various seniority levels,
they will need to interact and communicate with all of them effectively.

Your project manager must have excellent communication skills, including

skills in active listening and understanding non-verbal cues, to lead and
communicate effectively.

 Leadership skills
It’s essential for a project manager to have excellent leadership skills. Part of
leadership involves leading team members who have different backgrounds,
strengths, and abilities.

Your candidates should have project manager qualities that will help them unify
team members despite their differences.

 Technical expertise
To understand the projects they oversee, project managers must have technical

For example, a software engineering project manager must understand the

technical requirements of the team’s projects, including code reviews, testing,
debugging, and deployment.

They should also understand the tools, processes, and project management steps
needed to successfully complete projects
 Team-building skills
Another essential quality of a project manager is team-building skills.
Assembling an efficient team that can work together effectively to overcome
challenges is crucial to a project’s success.

Since several barriers can prevent team cohesion, such as team members’
individual, unique work priorities, you should look for project managers skilled
in team building to help build a productive team

 Problem-solving skills
Project managers with problem-solving skills have answers to complex
problems. However, other project manager qualities can also reinforce problem-
solving skills.

For example, you should look for an applicant who can draw upon their team’s
knowledge to solve problems or think of unique and creative ways to resolve

 Delegation skills
Task and project delegation skills are another example of the qualities of a
project manager.

Task delegation doesn’t only entail assigning team members their tasks. A
project manager must also understand the skills of their team.

Relying on the strengths of their team members and trusting them to complete
the tasks is another subskill related to delegation – it’s what makes a good
project manager successful in the role. Try to find project managers who have
delegation skills such as these.

 Ability to work under pressure

Can your candidate solve problems and work under pressure?

Project managers should know how to keep calm while handling the most
complex projects. To work efficiently under pressure, project managers need to
stay organized and be resourceful.

It’s also critical for them to know where to get the right information or who to
ask for support.

 Enthusiasm
Enthusiasm doesn’t just mean having a positive mindset when managing a team.
Buoying up team morale is a major part of what makes a good project manager

You should look for candidates who have a positive leadership mindset.
However, it’s also important to find applicants who are prepared to get their feet
wet and actively support their team.

For this reason, one of the sub qualities of a project manager that relates to
enthusiasm is the willingness to constantly learn new things about their field of
work. This skill will ensure your candidates lead by example and show
enthusiasm for the projects they lead.

 Competence
Ideally, a project manager should show mastery of their field, which gives them
the competence to lead a team. Competence encompasses a range of behaviors,
knowledge, attitudes, and skills that contribute to success.

Another example of competence as a project manager is the ability to make

business decisions. Project managers must know when to offer more assistance
to a team member or take a step back and reinforce a teachable moment by
letting their team take charge.

In short, competence is more than just having skills – it’s about knowing how to
use such skills and incorporate them fully into the behaviors required for project
management. This skill integration is what you must look for in a project

 Integrity
Top project managers have an honest, hardworking attitude, and this quality is a
fundamental element of integrity. But integrity is more than this.

In project management, candidates need to remain consistent in their actions

and behaviors with all team members. They must show that they are champions
of hard work by recognizing and rewarding their team’s efforts.

It’s essential to search for candidates with integrity because this quality enables
them to motivate teams and drive success

 Task Management Skills.

Task management skills include making lists, building spreadsheets, and team
building. You can develop and improve these by having a willingness to change
and redirect team members to a better solution.

 Risk management
Any big project can be a risk. A good project manager will willing to take on
the risk and see the big picture to find issues before they become a problem.
Risk management starts during the planning process to identify possible issues
that could arise throughout the process, and a good project manager will have
the ability to assess and manage the risks.

 Negotiation skills
Negotiation skills are necessary throughout an entire project. You might have to
negotiate a price from a vendor or negotiate with stakeholders over their
expectations vs. what the team can actually accomplish. Diplomacy is an
important part of negotiating since it gives you the ability to politely push back
when needed but give all the parties involved the feeling that they are getting
what they want.

 Teamwork Skills.
You can improve your teamwork skills by organizing team activities to build
trust and understanding.

Finally our message will be “DONATE DON’T DUMP”


 Collaboration:

Relationships formed during collaboration is a huge part of project learning.

Not only do we learn how to work better in groups, providing our own input,
listening to others, and resolving conflicts when it arise—we build positive
relationships with community members when working on projects, gaining
insight for careers and beyond.

 Problem Solving:

We learn how to solve problems that are important to us, including real
community issues, more effectively—even learning from failure and possibly
starting over.
 Creativity:
We apply creative thinking skills to innovate new plan designs and possibilities
for projects.

 In-Depth Understanding:

We build on our research skills and deepen t our learning of applied content
beyond facts or memorization.

 Self-Confidence:
We can find our voice and learn to take pride in work, boosting our agency and
 Critical Thinking:

We learn to look at problems with a critical thinking lens, asking questions and
coming up with possible solutions for their project.
 Perseverance:

When working on a project, we learn to manage obstacles more effectively,

often learning from failure and making adjustments until we’re satisfied with
this work.

 Project Management:

We learn how to manage projects and assignments more efficiently.

 Curiosity:

We get to explore our curiosities, ask questions and form a new love for

 Empowerment:

We take ownership over our projects, reflecting on and celebrating our progress
and accomplishments.

 Lack of Long Range Planning:

Our team are involved in achieving the objectives of temporary projects. This
may adversely affect strategic planning for long-term direction and scope of the

 Constrained Human Resource Development:

Shifting people form project to project may constrain provides knowledge,

informs them about progress and development new members by experienced

 Team-related Problems:

Members of project team lack stability. This constrains effective team work.
Team identity and norms development take a long time. Team members have
divided loyalty if they work on multiple projects and also report to line

 Control Limits :
These project management limitations occur through variations in collected
data. The mere disagreement among team members can affect a project’s
control as well as past project failures. Good managers will develop control
limit paths and set standards when issues such as these arise.

 Unsuitable:

Project management may not be suitable for all tasks. It is not suitable for small
team which lack resources.

 Lack of communication:

Communication can make or break a project. Good communication means team

members work well together, tasks are allocated efficiently, and stakeholders
are kept in the loop about project progress.

 Absence of accountability:

Accountability means every member of your team is responsible for their

decisions and actions. Accountability in the workplace is associated with an
increase in work commitment and higher performance.

However, most project teams lack accountability. When your team members
aren’t accountable, commitment to the project goal and the likelihood of project
success is reduced.
 Mismatched team skills:

As a project manager, you want to create the best work environment for your
team. A productive work environment comes from matching tasks to team
members with the right skills to deliver.
If there’s a mismatch between requirements and skill level, the project is bound
to suffer inefficiencies that could lead to failure.


 Helps Disaster Victims

Though the Federal Emergency Management Agency prefers cash to help

disaster relief efforts, clothing donations also help. Instead of donating directly
to FEMA, choose a reputable organization that helps disaster survivors. The
Salvation Army, for example, runs an active program for disaster relief. If you
have clothes you wish to donate to help disaster survivors, call them or another
trusted organization that collects clothing for this purpose. The organization
typically will send a truck to your house to pick up the clothing; it will be
sorted, packaged and distributed to disaster survivors.
 Helps the Environment

When you donate clothes to organizations that sell them in thrift stores, such as
Goodwill, you are helping the environment. If people buy used clothing instead
of new, fewer new clothes need to be made. This saves the resources used to
create new textiles. For example, the polyester fiber production process puts a
strain on the environment. Recycling clothing helps the environment in a similar
way as recycling bottles, paper and cans does.

 Helps People with Disease

Donating clothes helps organizations that help fight certain diseases. For
example, the National Kidney Foundation accepts clothing through its local
chapters. The clothing you donate goes toward fundraising. The organization
uses the money raised to fight kidney disease by setting up early screening and
education programs.

 Keeps Your House Organized

Living in a state of chaos and clutter, besides being a possible fire hazard, can
be detrimental to your emotional health. If you are ever late getting to work
because you can’t find a particular.


Effective Decision Making

The education gleaned from the fresh perspectives described above may change
our mind on an issue and allow us to make a more informed decision. Or better
yet, hearing from our stakeholders may reinforce a decision we’ve already
made. It never hurts to consider a problem from a different approach, and an
informed decision should always be the goal.

Better relationships with stakeholders

Depending on the nature of our team, there will be different stakeholders
involved in a project. Knowing our specific needs and demands, understanding
how to deal with us and listening to us will help in building better relationships.
We need to understand which type of stakeholder will the most important for
our project and find out ways to engage them.

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