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2 Main reasons why people travel - Special interest travel

There are reasons for travel that are hard to place into one of the three categories
of leisure, business or VFR.
Tourist may travel for a special purpose or interest.
 Medical tourism – travel for medical reasons for essential or non-essential
procedure like surgery which may not be available in their home country or
expensive. It includes travel for cosmetic or dental procedures.
 Religious tourism – travel for religious journey or pilgrimage
(spiritual/religious journey) to special places like Mecca.
 Adventure tourism – travel aimed at taking part in adventurous activities or
travel with a degree of risk eg: trekking, kayaking
 Cultural tourism – travel to learn or experience other cultures.
 Sports tourism – travel to watch a sports team or to take part in sports
 Health and well-being tourism – travel to improve happiness, health and
wellness eg: Spa tourism

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