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:Clauses are fundamental units of syntax in language.

They are groups of words that contain

a subject (who or what the clause is about) and a predicate (what the subject is doing or
what is happening to it). Clauses can function as building blocks for sentences and convey
complete or incomplete thoughts. There are two primary types of clauses:

1. ****1. Independent Clauses:**

- Also known as main clauses.
- Can stand alone as complete sentences because they express a complete thought.
- Typically contain a subject and a predicate (verb).
- Example: "She sings beautifully."

**2. Dependent Clauses:**

- Cannot stand alone as complete sentences.
- Rely on an independent clause to form a complete thought.
- Often begin with subordinating conjunctions like "because," "although," "if."
- Example: "Because she practiced."

**3. Subordinate Clauses:**

- Another term for dependent clauses.
- They provide additional information but can't function independently.
- Example: "Although he was tired."

**4. Adjective Clauses:**

- Modify nouns and pronouns.
- Often start with relative pronouns like "who," "which," "that."
- Provide more details about the noun they follow.
- Example: "The book that I read was interesting."

**5. Adverb Clauses:**

- Modify verbs, adjectives, or adverbs.
- Often start with subordinating conjunctions like "because," "although," "while."
- Answer questions like why, when, where, how, or to what extent.
- Example: "She sang beautifully because she practiced."

**6. Noun Clauses:**

- Function as nouns in a sentence.
- Can be subjects, objects, or complements.
- Typically begin with words like "what," "who," "how," or "whether."
- Example: "What he said surprised me."

**7. Relative Clauses:**

- Provide additional information about a noun in the sentence.
- Begin with relative pronouns like "who," "which," "whose."
- Example: "The woman who won the race is my friend."

**8. Complex Sentences:**

- Combine independent and dependent clauses.
- Allow for the combination of ideas and information in a single sentence.
- Example: "Although it was late, I decided to finish my work."

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