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Task 3 (IIP). Good or bad presentation?

José Marcelo Muñoz Valverde

Name: ________________________________ G: __
1 Date: 7/11/2023

I. This is a link for of a video about an oral presentation. What the video and do the
next activities.
1) Answer these questions:
a- What is the attitude of the expositor at the beginning of the first

The person delivered a poor presentation due to their lack of interest in presenting cor-
rectly, which resulted in a lack of connection with the audience.
b- What was the expositor talking about in the first expostion?
The speaker was talking about the causes of the American Revolution.

c- What were the audience’s recommendation for the expositor?

The recommendations given to him were to raise his voice, to face the audience, to avoid reading his
script, to make eye contact with the audience, to smile more, and to use a personal story or experience
as an example

d- What is the topic for the expositor’s second presentation?

The topic of the second presentation is 'Effects of Stress'.

e- What do you think of the expositor’s second presentation?

I think that by following the recommendations given to him by both the teacher and his
peers to improve his presentation with the aim of connecting with an audience, he did it
f- What is the purpose of the second presentation?

The purpose is for the student to realize that they can deliver a good presentation by
following the correct parameters that come with a successful presentation.

2) Write 1 for the first interview or 2 for the second interview, according to
what happened.

a- He didn’t introduce in front of the audience ____

b- He smiled to the audience ____
c- He didn’t turn off the phone ____
d- He was reading ____
e- He has eye contact to the audience ____
f- He used a personal anecdote to connect with the audience ____

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