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Types of Speeches and Speech

Learner’s Module for English 11
Oral Communication in Context
Quarter 1 ● Module 6

Department of Education • Cordillera Administrative Region

NAME:________________________ GRADE AND SECTION ________________

TEACHER: ____________________ SCORE _____________________________
Republic of the Philippines
Cordillera Administrative Region
No. 82 Military Cut-off, Baguio City

Published by:
DepEd Schools Division of Baguio City
Curriculum Implementation Division
Learning Resource Management and Development System


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What I Know

We watch and listen to different types of speeches day in and out. If you notice,
each speaker exhibits a certain speech style.
Choose the letter of the BEST answer and write it in your notebook.

1. The nature of a broadcaster’s job is to give an expository or __________.

A. persuasive speech C. manuscript speech
B. informative speech D. impromptu speech
2. The MalacaŇang spokesperson uses ________ when he answers questions in a
press conference
A. impromptu speech C. manuscript speech
B. informative speech D. persuasive speech
3. The speaker’s credibility is highly important in a/an __________.
A. manuscript speech C. entertainment speech
B. memorized speech D. persuasive speech
4. Each candidate for the position of SSG president was given a two-minute speech
opportunity after the flag ceremony. What kind of speech would the candidate
likely give?
A. impromptu speech C. manuscript speech
B. informative speech D. persuasive speech
5.The President follows a/an __________ during his State of the Nation Address
(SONA) so as not to miss any important detail.
A. entertainment speech C. memorized speech
B. impromptu speech D. manuscript speech
6. The Paradise Forever Home is speaking to end the stray dog epidemic that has hit
your area. This speech is likely written to______.
A. celebrate C. persuade
B. inform D. provide a solution
7. You are invited to speak on your bestfriend’s after-dinner party. What kind of speech
will you likely give?
A. Entertainment Speech C. Persuasive Speech
B. Informative Speech D. Manuscript Speech
8. On your bestfriend’s after-dinner party, how will you deliver your speech?
A. impromptu speech C. memorized speech
B. manuscript speech D. persuasive speech

Identify each the following speech titles according its purpose.

9. What is Covid-19 virus?

C. Entertainment Speech C. Persuasive Speech
D. Informative Speech D. Manuscript Speech
10. Wearing Masks Can Save Lives
A. Entertainment Speech C. Memorized Speech
B. Informative Speech D. Persuasive Speech

11. Crisostomo is ready for his job interview. What type of speech according to
delivery will he likely give during the interview?
A. Extemporaneous speech C. Memorized Speech
B. Impromptu speech D. Manuscript Speech
12. Maria Christina garnered the highest academic award during the school year
2019-2020. She has been constantly rehearsing her speech for their virtual
graduation rights. How will she likely deliver her speech?
A. Extemporaneous speech C. Memorized Speech
B. Impromptu speech D. Manuscript Speech
13.Why we should follow rules and policies in this time of pandemic is likely to
be an _________.
A. Entertainment Speech C. Persuasive Speech
B. Informative Speech D. Memorized Speech
14. The brighter side of life in this time of Pandemic, this would likely be _____.
A. Entertainment Speech C. Memorized Speech
B. Informative Speech D. Persuasive Speech
15. The Safety Protocol of Baguio City is an ______________.
A. Entertainment Speech C. Manuscript Speech
B. Informative Speech D. Persuasive Speech

What’s In

In the previous lesson, you have learned the various types of speech context. Recall
the important concepts by answering the following crossword puzzle. Analyze the
clues on the right to get the word/s being described. Write your answer in your

What’s New

Activity1: Find Me!

In the puzzle are 10 jobs that usually require the delivery of speech.
Highlight them using crayon or marker and write them in your notebook.

What is It

The activity shows that people create speeches for different purposes and
through different methods of delivery. There are two (2) major types of speeches:
according to purpose and according to delivery.

1. Types of Speech According to Purpose

a. Informative or expository speech - is mainly performed for the purpose of

educating the audience on new or relevant piece of information on a particular
example: lecture of a teacher

b. Persuasive speech is given solely for the purpose of convincing the audience
to agree with the speaker’s opinion on a particular topic.

Example: speech of a lawyer in a court hearing

A speech of a running candidate for a government post

c. Entertainment speech - aims to share laughter and enjoyment to the

audience through witty and humorous lines.

Example: speech of a comedian

2. Types of Speech According to Delivery

a. manuscript speech - is the word-for-word iteration of a written message using

visual aids.
Example: news anchor with a teleprompter

b. memorized speech - is the rote recitation of a written message that the speaker
has committed to memory.
Example: actor’s dialogue

c. extemporaneous speech - is the presentation of a carefully planned and

rehearsed speech, spoken in a conversational manner using brief notes.
Example: a campaign speech before a voting public

d. impromptu speech - is the presentation of a short message without advance

preparation and is for people knowledgeable about the subject.
Example: a doctor’s response to the question of a patient

What’s More

Activity 1. Guess What!

Study the following pictures. Identify what type of speech according to
purpose will they likely give. Write your answer in your notebook.


I am a__________________.
I give ___________________.


I am a
I give _____________.



3. __________

I am a ___________________.
I give

Assessment 1. In your notebook, copy and complete the table below. Identify the
purpose or reasons of the following persons (considering their respective jobs) in
giving speeches.

Job/Work/Profession Purpose






Activity 2. My Purpose, My Style

After noting the purpose of each kind of profession, identify how would they
likely deliver their speech. Copy and complete the following graph in your notebook
by identifying the speech style of each profession. The first one is done for you.


Teacher Salesman


What I Have Learned

From the brief discussion and activities you have done, complete the following
statements using your own words. Use your notebook for this activity.

In this lesson, I learned that

There are two major types of Speeches, these are:

When I give a speech, I have to remember

What I Can Do

To distinguish the different types of speeches according to purpose and

delivery, one has to be familiar with the features of each type as well as be ale to
analyze the speech situation. Apply what youhave learned by doing the following

A. Distinguishing Speeches. Analyze each speech situation/description

and determine the speech type according purpose and delivery by checking (/)
the appropriate column.
I= informative speech Ma= manuscript speech
P= persuasive speech Me= memorized speech
E= entertainment speech Ex= extemporaneous speech
Im= impromptu speech

Description Purpose Delivery

The speech… I P E Ma Me Ex Im
1. aims to convince the audience.
2. is commonly used by candidates running
for political office.
3. makes use of jokes, funny stories, and vivid
4. is spoken without advanced preparation.
5. is with limited preparation.
6. about his or funny experience in automated
7. when you are assigned to report a topic in
8. reading the rules in class.
9. delivering an oratorical or declamation
10. in an event when you were asked to say a
few words.

B. Formulating Purpose Statements. Write a specific purpose

statement for each of the following speeches. (Two points each).

Example: An after-dinner speech at an awards banquet in which you will honor a

team who has a winning, but not championship, record.

Statement of purpose:

After listening to my speech, my audience members will appreciate the

individual sacrifices made by the members of the chess team.

1. A classroom speech in which you explain how to do something. You choose

the topic).

Statement of purpose:

2. A campaign speech in which you support the candidate of your choice.

Statement of purpose:

C. Identify at least one speech you have seen presented using the four types
of delivery: extemporaneous, impromptu, manuscript, or memorized. For
this speech, decide whether the type of delivery was effective for:
a. the topic
b. speaker, and
c. situation.

Explain why or why not. If the speech was not effective, suggest a more
appropriate type. (5 points: Description of the type of speech – 2points;
Justification/explanation: 3points)



In the context of the lesson, choose the letter of your answer and write it in your

1. The following are types of speech according to purpose EXCEPT

A. informative speech C. persuasive speech
B. impromptu speech D. entertainment speech
2. All are categorized under types of speech according to delivery EXCEPT
A. impromptu speech C. persuasive speech
B. extemporaneous speech D. manuscript speech
3. The primary goal of a persuasive speech is to ______.
A. influence the audience’s attitude and decision
B. make the audience enjoy, or even laugh
C. provide knowledge an information
D. speak according to what the speaker feels
4. The _______________ is a type of speech that aims to make the audience relax,
enjoy, and even laugh.
A. expository speech C. persuasive speech
B. entertainment speech D. informative speech
5. A manuscript speech ________.
A. is delivering a speech with the help of short notes and a clear outline
B. is reciting a written message word-for-word from memory reading aloud a written message.
D. provides the audience with favorable or acceptable ideas that can
influence their own ideas and decisions
6.Memorized speech __________.
A. is delivering a speech with the help of short notes and a clear outline
B. is reciting a written message word-for-word from memory reading aloud a written message.
D. provides the audience with favorable or acceptable ideas that can
influence their own ideas and decisions
7. A/ an __________ is delivered with little or no advance preparation.
A. impromptu speech C. manuscript speech
B. memorized speech D. extemporaneous speech
8. Walking is beneficial to one’s health and to the environment. This speech is likely
to be an ________.
A. Informative speech C. Entertainment Speech
B. Persuasive Speech D. Informal Speech
9. The benefits of walking. This speech has the purpose of _______.
A. informing C. entertaining
B. convincing D. speaking a topic
10. The brighter side of life in this time of Pandemic, this would likely be _____.
A. Entertainment Speech C. Memorized Speech
B. Informative Speech D. Persuasive Speech

11. The Safety Protocol of Baguio City is an ______________.
A. Entertainment Speech C. Manuscript Speech
B. Informative Speech D. Persuasive Speech
12-15.True or False. Write the owrd TRUE in your notebookif the statement is correct;
FALSE if otherwise.
12.In using a manuscript method, compose your speech in single space.
13. Memorizing your speech can make you deliver your speech smoothly.
14. Time management is needed in presenting a speech.
15. Being natural and confident is the key to a better speech delivery.

Differentiate the four types of speech delivery in terms of definition/description and

Additional Activities
examples of speaking situations. You may use your own words in providing the
description/definition and provide at least two samples peech situations for each
type. Use the table below for your answers. (12 points)

Types Definition/description Examples





What I Know

We watch and listen to different types of speeches day in and out. If you notice,
each speaker exhibits a certain speech style.
Choose the letter of the BEST answer and write it in your notebook.

1. You are to use a/an __________ style only when you are with your close family
members or people.
A. casual B. consultative C. intimate D. frozen
2. Conversation between friends uses __________ style even though they do
not have close relations.
A. consultative B. casual C. formal D. intimate
3. The ___________ style is characterized by a semi-formal communication.
A. casual B. consultative C. frozen D. intimate
4. The speech which consists of well-structured, logically sequenced, and strongly
coherent sentences and is prepared beforehand is called _________ style.
A. formal B. frozen C. consultative D. casual
5. The most formal communicative style that is usually used during solemn events
and ceremonies is the __________ style.
A. casual B. frozen C. formal D. consultative
6. Lou felt displeased toward Lois after he had shared their private conversation
with other people. Lois’ act violates the idea of __________ style.
A. formal B. casual C. intimate D. consultative
7. Jargon, slang, and vernacular language are common in __________ style
because of the shared background information of the participants.
A. casual B. consultative C. frozen D. formal
8. When a person already shares secrets during a conversation, the
communication style can be described as __________.
A. consultative B. casual C. formal D. intimate
9. Professional or mutually acceptable language is a must in a/an ______ style.
A. casual B. consultative C. frozen D. intimate
10. The ___________ style should be observed in regular classroom discussions
between a teacher and a student.
A. casual B. consultative C. frozen D. intimate

Choose which speech style is applied in each of the following speech situations. Write
the letter of your answer in your notebook.
A. Casual C. Formal
B. Consultative D. Frozen
D. Intimate
11. Talking to a counselor or psychiatrist
12. Giving last-minute instructions to groupmates
13. Delivering campaign speeches
14. Reading news reports
15. Talking and laughing about memorable experiences

Lesson 2 Types of Speech Style

This lesson helps you improve your communication skills by providing you the
socially acceptable ways in delivering your speech. Explore the types of speech style
for creating better relationships.

What’s In

How is your experience in public speaking? Have you applied some

principles in speech delivery? You have learned in the previous lesson that in
preparing a speech, the speaker needs to identify his or her purpose, as well as how
will he/she deliver it. You were able to distinguish the different types of speeches
according to purpose and delivery. In this lesson, you will be introduced with the
different speech styles.

What’s New

Speech Style
A speech style, according to Martin Joos (1976), a linguist and German
professor, it refers to the form of language that the speaker utilized which is
characterized by the level of formality (

Still according to Jooz, speech style is identified into five types: frozen, formal,
consultative, casual, and intimate. Analyze each image and identify the relationship
the speakers share. Identify at least one topic they speak about or the purpose why
they communicate.

Relationship: _____________________

What do they usually talk about?_______


Photo source:

Photo source:

Relationship: _____________________

What do they usually talk about?_______


Relationship: _____________________

What do they usually talk about?_______


Photo source:

Relationship: _____________________

What do they usually talk about?_______


Photo source:

Relationship: _____________________

What do they usually talk/speak about?


Photo source:

What is It

Depending on the speech context, there are different speech styles employed by the
speaker. Here are the different speech styles (Elcomblus, 2018).


1. Frozen
 It is the most formal communicative style that is usually used during
respectful events and ceremonies.
 It also used when one shows hesitation, disinterest or prejudice.
Frozen speech is used generally in a very formal setting, does not
require any feedback from the audience, most formal communicative
style for respectful situations.

EXAMPLE: Pledges, anthems, marriage ceremonies, laws, etc.

2. Intimate
 For very close relationships like couples, family, and best friends.
 It is also used for self-addressed questions or self-talk, etc. Intimate
speech is used in conversation between people who are very close
and know each other quite well because they have the maximum of
shared background information.

EXAMPLES: Couple talking about their future plans, family sharing ideas,
very close friends sharing secrets, etc.

3. Formal
 Formal speeches are straightforward speeches.
 The speaker avoids using slang terminologies, what the speaker says
is something that has been prepared beforehand, its complex
sentence and noun phrases are well structured, logically sequenced
and strongly coherent.

EXAMPLES: Announcements, SONA, welcome addresses, etc.

4. Casual
 This is an informal communication between groups and peers.
 Casual style is used in conversation between friends and insiders who
have something to share and have shared background information but
don’t have close relations.

EXAMPLES: phone calls, everyday conversation with friends, chats, etc.

5. Consultative
 This is used in semi-formal communication, sentences end to be
shorter and spontaneous, the speaker does not usually plan what
he/she wants to say, most operational among others.

EXAMPLES: regular classroom discussions, doctor-patient, etc.

These styles are important in speech-making because it will help you choose the
appropriate approach for specific events. Picking the correct speech style prevents
misunderstanding and conflicts.

What’s More

Activity 1. Guess What!

Here are some phrases that belong to different communicative situations, such as
“greeting”, “complaint” and “encouragement”. Copy the table in your notebook and write the
letter of the phrase in the right column.

Frozen Formal Consultative Intimate Casual


A. Thanks for following- F. You' re so good. I'm crazy K. Whoa, way to go! Nice
up on the Jones about you, Honey. catch!
account. Great job!
B. I'm sick and tired of G. I offer You all my L. How's my little snuggy
your crap! prayers, works, joys and wuggy?
suffering of this day ...
C. Welcome to the Juan
Brothers Industrial H. Oh, Bob. Just a moment! M. This is a complaint for
Center. Where Listen, you know... well... damages and
tomorrow's world what was with that off-key injunctive relief arising out of
meets today's. comment last night? manipulative
Please remember activities in the gold market
that no flash from 1994 to the
photography is present time...
allowed during this
D. Hey, Jack. What's I. Hello, Mr. N. Good morning. May I
up? Morales. How speak to the director,
are you this please?

E. Thank you for J. Excuse me Ms. O. I hope you don't mind my

applying for this Anderson. As I understand stating that the
position. We'll let you the task, we need to focus service is unsatisfactory. I
know within a week if on improving our would like a
you have been delivery times rather than refund.
chosen for an blaming our
interview. suppliers.

Based on

Assessment 1. In your notebook, identify the type of speech style
appropriate for the following situations.

________________ 1. Talking and laughing about memorable experiences

________________ 2. Having one-on-one conversation with your brother or sister
________________ 3. Delivering an oratorical speech
________________ 4. Leading a prayer before meal
________________ 5. Reading school policies
________________ 6. Talking to a teacher
________________ 7. Talking to a tourist
________________ 8. Inquiring at a hotel in Baguio City
________________ 9. Communicating while playing basketball
________________ 10.Chatting with friends in a cafȅ

What I Have Learned

From what you have learned, complete the following statements. Write the
completed statements in your notebook.

I learned that there are _______ different speech styles, these are
________________, __________________, ________________,
______________,and _________________. We use these styles in
________________________________________________. Using the appropriate
speech style is important when communicating to

What I Can Do
Let your knowledge of the different types of speech style make your
communication and relation with other people better.
Below are pictures showing some communication problems. To address these
problems, identify the appropriate speech style to be used then provide a possible
dialogue using the appropriate language form of each speech style.

Problem: Anna talks back to her parent who is disciplining her.

Speech Style:_______________________

Problem: Camila has no friends

in school.
Speech Style: _____________



Problem: The business partners have
not reached an agreement.

Speech Style:


Identify whether each statement is TRUE or FALSE. Write your answer in your
________ 1. Intimate style requires the use of formal language.
________ 2. Casual style is used between and among friends.
________ 3. Consultative style is used when talking to someone in authority.
________ 4. Frozen style needs verbal feedback.
________ 5. Honorifics like Mr. and Mrs. should be used when talking to strangers.
________ 6. You can use slang words like “dude” to a stranger.
________ 7. Similar interests form a casual speech style.
________ 8. Correct pronunciation is strictly observed in the intimate style.
________ 9. Talking to a client follows the consultative style.
________10. Delivering a formal speech takes the longest time of preparation.
________11. The manager can talk informally to his subordinates in the workplace.
_______ 12. Speech styles develop good values.
________ 13. Using appropriate speech style means varying the degree of formality.
________ 14. Speech context affects speech style.
________ 15. The degree of relationship dictates the type of speech style to be used.

Additional Activities

Interview any professional in your family (or in your community). Ask her or him
about his or her strategies in developing his/her interpersonal and intrapersonal skills
in the workplace. Have a video recording of your interview, after seeking the
permission of your interviewee. Consider the following in your interview.

I. Planning
a. Determine the purpose of the interview.
b. State the major points clearly
c. Choose the right person to be interviewed.
d. Consider the date, time, place of the interview.
e. Outline the interview.
f. Prepare the list of questions related to your interview.
2. During the interview
a. Bear in mind the purpose of the interview.
b. Relax and be polite, patient, and considerate.
c. Show courtesy and respect to your interviewee. Do not give your
3. After the interview
a. Thank your interviewee.

Note: The video will be assessed by your teacher.

Pre-assessment What’s More
1. B 11. B Activity 1:
2. A 12. C/D 1. I am a teacher. I give an informative speech.
3. D 13. C 2. I am a comedian. I give an entertainment speech.
4. D 14.A 3. I am a politician. I give a persuasive speech.
5. D 15. B
6. D
7. A
8. C/A
9. D
10. D
What’s In
3. MESSAGE 5. SMALL-GROUP (no hyphen)
(no space between words)
What’s New
Answer Key
What’s More
Activity 1:
1. I am a teacher. I give an informative speech.
2. I am a comedian. I give an entertainment speech.
3. I am a politician. I give a persuasive speech.
Assessment 1:
Job/Work/Profession Purpose
Teacher inform
Lawyer persuade
Salesman persuade
Doctor Inform
Comedian Entertain
Activity 2
What I Have learned:answers may vary
What I Can Do:
1. P 6. E/Im
2. P 7. I
3. E 8. Ma
4. Im 9. E
5. Ex 10. Im
B. Answers May Vary
C. Answers May Vary
What I Have Learned: Answers May Vary
Dialogue: answers may vary
Problem 3: Peech Style: Consultative
Problem 2: Speech Style: Casual
Problem 1: Speech Style: Intimate
What I Can Do
5. Formal 10. Casual
4. Frozen 9. Casual
3. Formal 8. Consultative
2. Intimate 7. Consultative
1. Casual 6. Consultative
References K F A/E
Assessment 1
Encouragement G
H B J/M Complaint
D L I/N Greetings C
Nivera, G. C. (2012).Grade 7 Mathematics Patterns and Practicalities. Makati
Casual Intimate Consultative Frozen Formal
City, Philippines: Salesiana Books by Don Bosco Press, Inc.
What’s More
What’s New: Answers May Vary
Orines, F. B. et al. Next Century Mathematics. Quezon City, Philippines:
10. B
9. B
Phoenix Publishing House, Inc. 8. D
7. A
Oronce, O. A. and Mendoza, M. O. (2012). Worktext in Mathematics E-Math
6. C
(3rd edition). Quezon City, Philippines: Rex Printing Company, Inc.
5. B 15. A
4. A 14. C
3. B 13. C
Tarepe, D. A. and Zara, E. (2012). Practical Mathematics. Lipa City,
2. B 12. B
Philippines: united Eferza Academic Publications, Co.
1. C 11. B
What I Know
Villano, M. V. et al. (2012). 21st Century Mathematics: A Vision for a Better
Future. Quezon City, Philippines: Phoenix Publishing House, Inc.
B 8.
. A 15. True 7.
B 14. True 6.
C 13. True 5.
B 12. False 4.
A 11. B 3.
Answers May Vary C 10. A 2.
B 9. A 1.
Additional Activity Post-Assessment

Post-Assessment Additional Activity
1. FALSE Answers May Vary
10. TRUE
11. TRUE
12. TRUE
13. TRUE
14. TRUE
15. TRUE
Answer Key

Elcomblus. September 11, 2018. (accessed September 21, 2020).

Open IT. n.d.
Styles.pdf (accessed September 21, 2020).
Rey, Maestro Valle. Philippine News. August 21, 2018. (accessed September
21, 2020).
Royo, Bernadette c. Oral Communication in Context (Module 6). Philippines: Department of
Education, 2020.
Sipacio, Philippe John Fresnillo, Balgos, Anne Richie Garcia. Oral Communication in
Context. Quezon City: C & E Publishing, Inc, 2016.


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