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You can't be successful at everything

I definetely agree with the sentence that you can not be successful at everything. For the
most of people success means reaching goals. Every human has different goals to reach in
life. For someone success means a lot of money, for some others maybe great partner and
relationship, for anothers health and so on. But no one can be successful at everything he is

I think it is okay to try a lot of new things, sports, instruments when you are still a kid and
also than when you are elder, because you learn through the whole life. But you should not
be disappointed when you are not good at your favourite sport or when someone is better
than you. That doesn't mean that you are a loser or worthless, that just means that you are
brave for trying new and unknown things. So if you can't play piano well, maybe your career
is a professional soccer player. Or if you thought your whole life that basketball is boring
without even trying it, and than one day your friends convince you to play with them and
you just love it.

I really think that you have to try unknown and mysterious things, also if you recognise later
that this is not for you. Because I am of the opinion »the more you know, the more you
have«. It's easier if you're knowledgeable and know a lot, than if you've only done one thing
all your life and know nothing else

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