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By Gemma
-atomic number: 7

-209.9° C Boiling Point

-195.8° C melting point

Density: 1.2506 grams per cubic centimeter
Normal Phase: Gas
-Family: Nonmetal
-symbol: N

-weight: 14

-protons: 7; neutrons:7; electrons:7

- is a nonmetallic element of the periodic table. It is a colourless, odourless, tasteless gas that is the most
rich element in Earth’s atmosphere.
About four-fifths of Earth’s atmosphere is nitrogen, which was isolated
and recognized as a specific substance during early investigations of the
air. Carl Wilhelm Scheele, a Swedish chemist, showed in 1772 that air is a
mixture of two gases, one of which he called “fire air,” because it
supported combustion, and the other “foul air,” because it was left after
the “fire air” had been used up. The “fire air” was, of course, oxygen and
the “foul air”, nitrogen.
Fun Facts

● Nitrogen makes up around 78% of the air you breathe.

● Nitrogen is present in all living things, including the human body and
● Nitrogen gas is used in food storage to keep packaged food fresh
● Nitrogen gas is often used as an alternative to carbon dioxide for
storing beer in sucure containers.

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