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Still 1

This image captures an over-the-shoulder perspective,

emphasizing the faceless, towering figure of a man,
creating an aura of immorality and anonymity. The
aggression he harbors, directed at Yusra, is a
manifestation of the consequences of war, mirroring the
ongoing violence in the external world. Yusra's facial
expressions reveal furrowed brows and an anxious gaze,
reflecting her fear and unease in the face of impending
danger and uncertainty about the future. The fact that
her hair is down, contrasting her usual well-put-together
appearance, suggests a departure from her usual
composed demeanor, signaling a state of relaxation and
carelessness in this moment.

Still 2
This portrayal continues to exemplify the unity and
strong bond that has developed among individuals on
their challenging refugee journey. Despite facing
numerous hardships, the wide-angle shot effectively
conveys the harsh, poverty-stricken surroundings they
are compelled to navigate. However, amidst these
difficulties, they persist in maintaining an optimistic
The concept of facelessness is accentuated, shedding
light on the collective struggle of those who have been
deprived of their identity, culture, family, and dignity.
Being a refugee is frequently perceived as faceless in
the eyes of the world, or a faceless mass of humanity
seeking safety and refuge.
Still 3

This shot brings us up close and personal with Yusra's

emotions, forging a strong connection between the
audience and her current state. The camera's intimate
proximity to Yusra evokes sympathy from the viewers,
as her facial expressions convey a sense of distress and
sadness, maintaining a neutral stance. Her heavy-lidded
eyes suggest a lack of sleep, while the crossed arms
supporting her head indicate deep contemplation. The
downcast hair might symbolize the loss of hope on her
refugee journey, reflecting a carefree spirit now
burdened by the challenges she faces.

Still 4
This scene is captured with an extremely wide shot,
emphasizing a crucial symbol in the film: parallel lines.
These lines symbolize the paths our main character
navigates, swimming towards her goals and freedom.
The jagged edges and uneven heights echo the turbulent
waves the two sisters faced for their survival and that of
others. It also signifies the distinctive journey each
individual takes, overcoming numerous obstacles. The
bus, standing out as the brightest element in the scene,
symbolizes the ‘’light at the end of the tunnel’.

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