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Yaren Yüksel AT 1 Step 3 ENG 101 L Fall 2022

In the article entitled “Summer 2022: living in a state of Multiple Crisis”, Bruyninckx(2022) focuses on observable
and catastrophic consequences of climate change which became more and more visible in the summer of 2022. In the
article, Bruyninckx (2022) supports his idea by giving examples of the adverse effects of climate crises to show and urge us
about how a global crisis may be devastating. In the article, Bruyninckx(2022) states many ecosystems are in danger. The
writer draws attention to this issue by citing the extreme fires in European countries in the summer of 2022. According to
the writer, degradation negatively influences our well-being and health. Moreover, it affects our ability to cope with
climate change because disruption of natural ecosystems caused by the climate crisis harms biodiversity and the natural
life cycle. Another point that the writer draws attention to is that the local problems caused by the climate crisis have
consequences that can affect the whole world. The writer conveys this thought to the reader by mentioning how the
extreme flood in Pakistan due to the climate crisis has increased food prices globally. In this context, He states that a local
problem can quickly turn into a global problem and that this problem is everyone's problem. According to
Bruyninckx(2022), the root cause of climate change and its effect is the unsustainable use of the world’s resources. And the
writer supports that we need to counter this situation holistically: such as through Global Action. Bruyninckx(2022)
exemplifies this thought by sharing the steps taken by the European Union against the climate crisis. Reducing fossil fuel
consumption, investing in clean and renewable energy transformations, and preventing waste production as much as
possible are one of the steps of the European Union that the writer also supports in tackling climate change. The writer is
not hopeful. Because the effects of the climate crisis are getting worse day by day. And Bruyninckx(2022) supports that we
should take an active role in this issue rather than waiting. I agree with Bruyninckx(2022) that we are facing extreme
consequences of climate change which become more visible day by day and influence the world badly by causing more
damage. For these reasons, Bruyninckx(2022) supports that we need to take sustainable action immediately and for this,
available knowledge must be used rather than just predict the future.

Bruyninckx(2022) invites us to be active and take some responsibility for this issue rather than just waiting. In this
respect, I completely agree with Bruyninckx(2022). We must take immediate action before getting closer to the tipping
point. We may not know where to begin acting. Because acting or starting a new thing may sound terrifying. Also, this fear
can keep us from what we can really do about climate change. But we may start taking action by changing our routines. We
do not think too much about how much our daily-life habits affect the environment and climate change, but the effects can
be more massive than we assumed. For example: eating meat! As Garnet (2021) expresses eating more meat ends up in
more cleaned and deforested natural areas. But why is it important? As Garnet (2021) points out “Farmland takes up 50%
of Earth’s habitable land, and most of that farmland is used for livestock and their feed. Farming is the leading cause of
natural habitat loss, which is the biggest threat to wildlife.”(p.15) Protecting wildlife and the environment is key to
preserving a sustainable life cycle. How can we effectively fight the climate crisis if there is not enough green space to
provide oxygen production if green spaces and animals are not protected enough if there is an overproduction and
consumption habit? Bruyninckx(2022) also shares Garnet’s view in this respect. He is also extremely concerned about
environmental degradation. The writer (2022) expresses his concern by sharing his idea: “environmental degradation
impacts our health and well-being as well as our ability to cope with climate change.” (p.1) From this viewpoint, I definitely
agree with him. Preventing unnecessary degradation will both prevent the damage we do to living things with our own
hands and prevent the deterioration that will be indirectly caused by the climate crisis in the long term. A developed,
healthy environment and life means a tipping point far from our world. But we cannot make any significant progress by
waiting. By altering our daily habits, for example, even by reducing the portion of meat we consume as Garnet (2021)
highlights, we can go a long way in tackling the climate crisis. We just need to act as Bruyninckx(2022) mentioned.

In conclusion, Bruyninckx mainly focuses that the outcomes of increasingly devastating climate change. In the article, the
problem is supported by different examples which underline national and global perspectives regarding climate change’s
effects. The presentation of these two perspectives is very important because the climate crisis will affect everyone in one
way or another. In this regard, the steps we take as a whole world rather than a local crusade can make an unimaginable
difference in this battle. But for this, taking action and taking responsibility is a key driver, as Bruyninckx(2022) states. We
can make a big difference by transforming ourselves and changing our habits, even with small steps. We must stop being
passive and strive to save our home; worldbefore the tipping point is reached; we have to do this both for ourselves and
for future generations!

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