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Group 4 B.English assignment:

1. Muhammad Almujrin

2. Rahul Iklas

3. Enda Wardani

4. Ilhammuddin Aribbillah

5. Iman Nur Rahman Assidiq


Clerk : "Assalaamualaikium Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh."

“The East Jakarta city district court trial examines and tries criminal cases of
corruption at the first instance
with an examination event with the defendant, Muhammad's brother
Almujrin today, Monday, February 17 2020, therefore reminded all trial
participants to deactivate all equipment.
communication and not doing things that could disturb you
the course of the trial.

Well, beforehand, for the smooth running of this trial, it's a good idea for us to
pray first, let's start praying.

Prayer is over.

The panel of judges is invited to enter the courtroom, attendance is requested


Attendees are invited to sit back down."

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chief judge : “East Jakarta City District Court trial

examine and attend corruption criminal cases
at the first level with an examination event with the defendant
Muhammad Almujrin today, February 17 2020
declared open to the public. (tap hammer)

The committee invites the defendant and his legal advisor

to enter the courtroom."

Clerk : "The defendant and legal advisor are invited to enter the

chief judge : “Please each party to sit in front of each other.

In this case, are you accompanied by an advisor?

Defendant : "Yes, Your Honor, I was accompanied by a legal advisor."

chief judge : "Is it true that you are the defendant's legal advisor?"

Defendant : "Yes, that's right, Your Majesty."

chief judge : "Try to show the power of attorney and attorney's

license." (gives evidence to the public prosecutor)

Public Prosecutor: "Yes, that's right, Your Honor."

Legal Advisor: "Yes, your honor, I am the defendant's legal advisor."

chief judge : "Okay, for now our brother's case is being heard at the East
Jakarta district court. So everything that happens in this trial
please listen carefully.”
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Clerk : "Furthermore, the chief judge ordered the public prosecutor to

read out the indictment."

chief judge : "How are you, public prosecutor? Are you ready?
with the indictment? Are the defendants ready to receive a copy?"

Defendant : "Ready, Your Majesty."

Public Prosecutor: (reading the charges)

"In this case the defendant was charged under Law No. 31 of 9999
Article 2 paragraph 1 concerning Corruption Crimes."

Defendant's Statement: [Contents of the Defendant's Statement]

Dear. Panel of judges,

East Jakarta City District Court Session

I, Muhammad Almujrin, as a defendant in an ongoing corruption criminal case, hereby

declare the following: I acknowledge that I am the defendant in this case and have
heard the indictment read out by the public prosecutor. I also acknowledge that I was
accompanied by legal counsel in this trial. I have sworn to provide true information,
nothing other than the truth, and I understand the legal consequences of false testimony.
I will not defend myself in this case. I accept the decision that has been read by the
presiding judge. Thus, I make this statement consciously and without pressure from any
party. Defendant Muhammad Almujrin

[30 September 2017] [Aston Lobby] [Initials]

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Dialogue between Judge and Defendant Regarding Clarification:

Chief Judge: "Do you understand the indictment that has been read by the public prosecutor?"

Mujtrin: "Ready, Your Majesty."

Chief Judge: "What about the legal advisor, what will he do?


Legal Advisor: "Your Honor, I will not defend myself."

Public Prosecutor: "The defendant is declared guilty of committing the crime of corruption as

regulated in article 2 paragraph 1."

Chief Judge: "Public prosecutor, are the witnesses ready?"

Public Prosecutor: "Yes, your honor."

Chief Judge: "Are you well today?"

Witness: "Well, Your Majesty."

Chief Judge: "Are you ready for today's trial?"

Witness: "Ready, your honor."

Chief Judge: "Is it true that your name is Iman Nur Rahman Assidiq, 25 years old, and works

as a private employee?"

Witness: "Yes, that's right, your honor."

Chief Judge: "Okay, based on article 160 paragraph 3 of the Criminal Code, before being

questioned, you will swear an oath first, are you ready?"

Witness: "Ready, your honor."

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Chief Judge: "Repeat after me. I promise."

Witness: "I promise."

Chief Judge: "As a witness, he will provide true information."

Witness: "As a witness, I will provide correct information."

Chief Justice: "Nothing but the truth."

Witness: "Nothing but the truth."

Chief Justice: "May God help me."

Witness: "May God help me."

Chief Judge: "Okay, you have promised, so we ask that when giving information later
it must be in accordance with the truth."

chief judge : "Do you understand the indictment that has been read by the
public prosecutor?"

Defendant : "Ready, Your Majesty."

chief judge : "What about the legal advisor, will he defend himself?"

Legal Advisor: "Your Honor, I will not defend myself."

Public Prosecutor: "The defendant was declared guilty of committing the crime of
corruption as regulated in article 2 paragraph 1."

chief judge : "Public prosecutor, are the witnesses ready?"

Public Prosecutor: "Yes, Your Honor."

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Clerk : "To the witness, Brother Iman Nur Rahman Assidiq, please enter the


chief judge : "Are you healthy today?"

Witness : "Good health, your majesty."

chief judge : "Are you ready to take part in today's trial?"

Witness : "Ready, Your Majesty."

chief judge : "Is it true that your name is Iman Nur Rahman Assidiq, 25 years old and

works as a private employee?"

Witness : "Yes, that's right, Your Majesty."

chief judge : "Okay, based on article 160 paragraph 3 of the Criminal Code, before being

questioned, you will swear an oath first, are you ready?"

Witness : "Ready, Your Majesty."

chief judge : “Repeat after me.

I promise"

Witness : "I promise."

chief judge : "As a witness, you will provide correct information."

Witness : "As a witness, you will provide correct information."

chief judge : “Nothing other than the truth”

Witness : “Nothing but the truth.”

chief judge : "May God help me."

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Witness : May God help me.”

chief judge : "Well you have promised so we beg you in

providing information later must be in accordance with
the truth."

"What relationship do you have with the defendant?"

Witness : "I am his excellency's secretary."

chief judge : "How long have you known the defendant?"

Witness : “It's been 1 year, Your Majesty.”

chief judge : "What do you know about the defendant?"

Witness : “What I know about the defendant Muhammad Almujrin

He works as the main director at PTQ Indonesia, and I am his


chief judge : "Please ask the public prosecutor to ask questions to the witness."

Public Prosecutor: "Yes your honor, explain to the witness what you know
about this case?”

Witness : "I received an order to disburse the money from the cooperation
agreement between PTQ Indonesia and PTY regarding penduit,
PTLON generators so that the system continues to be tied to Jakarta 31
December 2019.”

chief judge : "Is the public prosecutor enough?"

Public Prosecutor: "I think that is enough."

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chief judge : “Next is the defendant's defense attorney. Please advise

punish sister Enda Wardani."

Legal Advisor: "Thank you, Your Honor, please listen to us

the assembly that examines and attends to this matter in order to:

1. Acquit the defendant from the charges in article 2 paragraph 1

Law No. 31 of 1999.

2. Restore the defendant's abilities in good terms

into position again.

3. Charge the costs of the case to the prison.

Thank You."

Clerk : "Next, the presiding judge read Muhammad Almujrin's decision for the


chief judge : "Based on the trial notes, now the decision is read. It is stated that the

defendant Muhammad Almujrin is legally convinced of the charges."

Sentenced to 10 years in prison and paid compensation of 200 million." (Knock


Clerk : "Today's case trial Monday, February 17 2020 at the East Jakarta District

Court ended with the defendant Muhammad Almujrin being sentenced to 10

years in prison.

The panel of judges left the courtroom, the audience was invited

"Ladies and gentlemen, please be invited to sit down again."

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