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0 Master File.
Includes all of the Minion Hunter Game.
Includes Minion Nation Expansion.
Intended for computer reading;
refer to the individual files for printing.
david osborne (Order #28696854)
Minion Hunter
1 Rules.
2 Maps.
3 Pawns.
4 Character Sheets.
5 Money.
6a Plot Cards.
6b Plot Card Backs.
7a Equipment Cards.
This package includes 7b Equipment Card Backs.
Minion Nation, 8 Encounter Chart.
the Minion Hunter 9 More Encounter Charts.
10 Minion Nation Expansion.
Dice. One six-sided Dice and one ten-sided Dice (not included).

david osborne (Order #28696854)


1 Rules.
Nine pages of Rules.
Includes Grimmer Options Chart.
Print this file on white paper.
The backs are plain.

david osborne (Order #28696854)
INTRODUCTION contains the necessary rules and descrfptlons for playing
The b e : the near future. Minion Hunter.
The piece: the USA. ~ ' T h e g E u T I e b w r d ~ 0 f ~ ~ ~ ' I
It Is a country under siege by dark forces.Vasttracts of rural ~0fspac~arrxlnd~edgeoftheboardIswh~
Arnertca have been declared Out-h-laces tm wIld to be atarttkgameandpwuetkkclueers.(InhseRllesftwlllbc
governed any longer. Whole cIties have been taken over by M t o astheCammTrack) 'IhemapofDadcArnericaIsfor
bushes cartels that parcel out life and death by the profit tradbehveentherrWqhhthDarkMlnkn~are
margin. Bendit tribes haunt the rum1 mads. Heavily armed behgheaiehedIF~~c~wlU~alongbaebpital
&&gangs fightvirtual wars again&corporatesecurky forces Track M e F*, there Is a E
M C d Track a h g
wtthh the decaying suburbs,Pollution has run wild: The I d wMchtheIWCardsmove,endamotPohtaTradrbrkephg8~re
is bring with toxic w e d u m p s t m l n g fn the sun. ofthe Ootal Plot hints aehfeved by the r n h m a s
Demongmunds-regbns of monstrously mutated plant and ChkThese~tuPodecksof~PIotCardsdEquipment
anlmd I I M t the country Uke spots of leprosy. Carda'IhePbtCards~whatplotsareocdnghwhieh
However, these are only symptoms of the d W e . The h e ~ a t w h e d ~ , a n d s o r n e d t h e m , ~ ~ wmovethe
cause of the nation's illness Is something even worse. It Ls an m~pawnsalongthePbthhtsTrack.lbeEqufpmentC~
evil from the dawn of h e , Involving entities which feast on d&aU h e cad and abilities of vartaus types of q u l p e n t the
humansuffering.TheIr mlnions arethe creaturesthat spawned c k m & m m ~ l h e y & p r w i $ e a ~ f o r t h e
humanity's darkest legend4qends of b l d drfnkers, flesh ~*ito~mraey(whlchIsspentonequipment~ar
eaters,shape changers. and soul stealers. Those m h i mhave p u b l k ~ a n t h e ~ h ~ m a p ) .
Inspired wr storiesof vampires, rombhs, ogres, ghosts, and Encounter U w W C b m t e r Sheets: The players wlll be
ghouls, butthey are even worse than we could have imagined. directed to the charts on thts card in order to play out the
Now they stalk o u r land as pl&rs and hunters, drlvhg different encounter posslbilltles In the game. On the reverse
hurnanlty to rnadnes and despair. side is a page of character sheets suitable for photocophg
But sometimesthe hunters becomethehunted. Sometimes when the tablet Is exhausted (See below.)
the prey stands up and fights h c k . Even In these dark times, Pawns: There are 10 pa- in all; six for the players'
there ere Individualhumanswho uncover the plots behind the characters (to be moved h u t the Career Track, map of Dark
muon's slide Into ruin and work against them. h e r l e a , and Hospital Track) and four for the primary midon
InW o n Hunter, you take the part ofone of those Indivldu- races in the game (to h used on the Plot Points Track).
els. Whlle the Dark M h b pursue their wil plots, you dimd Stlckets: The game contatna 20 individualstickers, two for
the growth of your character, guiding hlm or her throltgh a each pawn. 7he Rmt time you play, you wIU heve to remove
career that yiefds skll in stedth and combat, a collectbn of thse sbickem fmm the sheet and put them on the pawns. Put
helpful contacts, a vadety of equipment, and (perhaps most the two UETs"&kern rm the front and back ofone pawn. the
hporhntly) an ernpathlc sense ofthe Earth's own pawers to two "MohcksWstickers an mother, the fiwoorange character
oppose the dark. Thus armed,you send that characterto root stickers an another, and rn on.
out d destroy the Dark Mhlwss. The k t among you will Chara~terShah Ibblet: The tablet of character sheets is
k o m e the most famous minion hunter. But you have to act to be used for keep- track of characters' four attribute
quickly, or the rnlniom will bring their plats to fruition and the r-. As a charactergahs points In an attribute.hash marks
country wIll fall completely Info their hands. ere added In the appropriatespace. If n character 10s- points
in an ettrlbute, hssh marks are erased.
COMPONENTS Paper Money: As characters pursue careers, they can gain
Mlnion Hunter Inctuds the following cornponmts: money ta spend on equipment and travel. The p a p money
Rulebook: This eIght-page rule- you are holdlng an easy way to keepb c k of gabs and expendhres.

david osborne (Order #28696854)

D k There are two dice hcluded In the game. One is e
standard six-sided die and is used primadty iw movement PIAYER TURN
amund the Career Track. The otfier has 10 fncea (&red what a pIayer performs &pends Won
0-9,the0 representing 1 0 )and isused b r d&ermlnQwrccepl prtlon ofthe me board thatplayerbspawnoccupis
or failure at tests ofa character's a t h h k s and for most at the beginning ofthe turn. In any case. a h movement has
encounter rolls. In the rules and tabb, the ah-sided de is beencomp'etedandmymuhgm havebeenresolveds
referred to as D6 and the 10-sided dk as DIO. the player's turn ends.


Oneach player'shsttumofplay, the playefs pawnactually
Yau will need at least one pencil and aneraserfor marking
and removing attribute points on the character sheets. b g hthe turn offthe board. To start, then,the player chooses
om of the fourcomer spaces on the Career Track d places
SET UP his or her puwnthem These four corners representbasic skms
Assignme player tobethe Plot Cdm-rr anothvtokeep Ofhhdlffe ofrentm Corpo-
track of Hot Points, and another to be the banker. rate, d Security. (Noff ce how the other spaces of the Career
tay out the so that the two peopk v i b t e ndare F P ~ to reflect -&ewes appmphte ta the
Plat Cards and Plot Polnts have easy mccm ta those s e d - ofthe they are b,
of the board. Upon chmslng a comer and placing the pawn on It, the
H~~~ the banker the the mmy itr -U. playerrecodsonthechractersheet theathibuteadjustments
denomIllstions and set the piles to one sfde of the bwrd All Iteted on that comer (seeuAurib&~," page 5 ) and draws an
pbgers begin ihe game with n~ Equipment Card If instructed to do so.
Have the person responsible for the Flat Points Track take IYok The marked
(ISgC- Train'ng" lists an
charge of the four mhion races pawns and plnce then ldbute adjustment of+1 CombaC. It should he n+2Cwnbat."
somewhere handy (suchas an the board mar the GDW bgo,
far instance). Corccr Track
Have the person mponsible for the Plot Cads shuffle that If the player's pawn b e g h the turn on one of the spaces
deck,setsslde 12cards(wlthoutbohg Prtthm4bynreout of the Career Track. the player musl roll the D6 and move
of play), and place the remainderofthe deck face downonthe that many spaces (either clockwhe or counterclockwise)
aroundthe track. The player chooses whkh directSonto go,
appropriate shrting place on the Plot Cards Trxk. For ex-
ample, if there am three people phylng, the deck shwld k but the pawn must be moved the exad number of spaces
placed onthe blue start space (marked *34 Players").(No& Indicated on the die. (Note that the pawn can be moved
Setting I2cards aside assuresthut each game ptaycdwillhave either direction every turn, but it cannot move In both
a slightly differentmix ofcards, thew anhanew suspense.) directions in the same turn.)
ShuMe the Equipment Cards and set that &ck face h The player then Follows the Instructions Ilsted on whatever
beside the board. space the pawn ends movement upon, as explained more
Give a character sheet to each player. Each player h d d fully h the paragraphs that follow.
mark 1 point in each of the atLdutat l k don the sheet (a Hoke that nothing prwents players frommovingtheir pawns
"Attributes," page 5) and name hh or her chamcter (uire your compIekty around the b o d , through any or all ofthe career
uwn name, or make one u@Is ts only for flavor). areas over the course of several turn ofplay. {Infact, players
Have each player toll the Dl 0. Theh@mt&r c m a are mcwralpdto change careers oftem to receive a good mix
characterpawn and starts the game first, and playerswill take of &ihk points, equipment. and money,)
their turns In cbckwise order fmthat person. Contactm: The character gaim a contact See 'At-
-' page 5.
-mat The character gains the tndicated num-
GAME TURNS ber of Qutpment Cards. See "Equipment,"page 6.
Each Game Turn In Minion Hunter conalsts of two smaller h r k b a n t e r Sjmce The character encounters one of
turn: a Player Turn, followed by a k t CardTurn DuFfng the the Plot Cards cumntIy h play (either the one atop the deck
Player Turn, a singIe player perform%actiona for hts or her on the start space, or the one movlng alang the Plot Cards
character. During the Plot Card Tum, a Plot Card advances Track). See uEffects of Hot Cards." page 7.
along the Plot Cards Track. ~ ~ ~ r 8 p a c e : T h e p l a y e r f o ~ t h

david osborne (Order #28696854)

cbrEckmm~~h-~Enbleanh- to thb la if the encounter specfially ins^ the
t e r s k ~ F ~ ~ f e s f I S r n a d e \ r e n d l s t h ct'lnme0er e ~ ~ h ~to move somewhere e l m the Intensive e r r
~ b ~ % t h e ~ ~ m a o w w spnce n of t fhGr H doqW ~ Traek, for htance).
ptd*thepb-(Sea"r~~"paesd Note thut a character may be forced to make several
f o r a n e ~ p b & ofhwto
~ makethbtak)A- uxamter cheeks in one turn. (For instance, a charaaer
t h e d t h e p l a y e r c u n d t h e D 6 ~ t b m h D l O o n t h e ~mwhg dhdyfrom Seacouver to the Twin CItIes on the map
Dbnemb-*Mb-bsartget)# would have to roll Wce for Out-Law, once for Demonground,
m a s t b e a e f i c l a l ~ r s a r % ~ ~ c r t h b w e n danather o f tlme br Out-Law, and a final time for D e m q ~ w n d ,
themlg2ofhontheMe. before reachtng the destination.)
AttrIbuteTest Spacc:Many o f h npncesonhbwrdhavr AEao note tfiat IF a m r Is using a personal vehicle or
text begindng with the words uEasy va" or "Avenge w.' public m rb t
b , the character may gain a hnus to the
foIlowedbymerttrfbute.~thechnrPeterlamoneofth~~~: dk roll for map e~:wnters.However,the method of travel the
spaces, the player makes e test ofthe appmprlatea t b h k m player declarrsa at the beginning of the character's turn will
expIatnad under Y T d gAMbutes." Ithe test is -4, define what bonuwe (If my) the character receives for any
the charecter receives the benefks listed on the space if It Isn map mcamtemthat ium For example. iF a character named
failure, the character suffen the penalty Itsted Sd~lccoowns an &mft but b declaredto be riding hh Harley
torner m: When a pawn moves to a comerspace frwn M s ban, he curwwt use him aircraft harms for map encounter
elsewhere on the Career T d ,the player has the choke of &, but must use the knus b d for hls Wadey Insteed.
either tnkAg the awbute adjustments and clny Equrpment h m m t R u k Characters on the Dark ArnerSca map do
Cards listed on the space (even if the character hcs been on not dl for mwament Rather, they move aceodng to Wr
that spacebefore], wignoringthose hhgs and m ow bm y m o m e n t rate, ne fdbmr.
wte ofthe metpoplex (cky) spaces on the Dark Amerka map Fmk A chamcbr wlth no vehlde Is consided to h
Instead. (Remember,the "SecurltyTraInlng*comw~dmayhkhg or hkhhMng and b chemcterked as "on foot."Chm
"+2Comhk" not "+I Combat" acten on fad mow a maxhum drstance of one rnetmplex
If the pawn is movedto a metmpkx Ustedwl one of the two away froan their current posftrm.
Plot Cards currently in play, the chamcter mcorrnka the Assanat VehkEe:Some of the Equipment Cards are ve-
appropriate Plot Card (see"EfFeets of Plot Carib,* page 7). k l e a If a chamcter owns one of these veMc1ea (see 'Equip-
ment Cab,"page 7), that character can move a number of
Dark America Map rneop!m= dbtance up bthe Wap Mwem~nt" rate IIsted on
lf the player's pawnbegfns the turn on one of the spa- of ttaecard, bkaddtravelling on faot. (They need notmovethe
the Dark Arnerfcamap, no roll Is made formovement fmted m k ) Personal vehicles also gRre a bonus to Map
the player may eIlhermovethe pawn h u t the Oark Amerka rdls, thmhy makhg 1- across Out-Law and
Map or to m y one ofthe fourcomers of the CareerTmk.How Demo-d more a&
far the pawn moves on the Dak America map wfil depend hbk T ~ 0 ~ 1 - C h a r a c t e with r s or without p e m e l
upon e number of factors, as explained in the nmt few vehklea may opt to use public tramtranspottation,assuming they
paragraphs. ham d d m t money to pay for the ticket. The uhbllc
TrawlRoutes: The red lines on the Dmk Amedca map are Trrmsportstiwr" table on the encounter charts sheet hts the
travel rautes. Thgr run from metroplen to rnetmpk mme Map Movementrates (maximum digtance) and map encoun-
time crossing stretches ofOut-hw and/or Demongroundm ter modfler for each type oftransprtution.
they do so. Normal movement abng these mu& Eti fmn Touse ~ l t ~ r t a t i ocharacters
n , must begh the turn
metroplex to metroplex, ba occasknally chamctm may be In a rnetmpk must declare which type of pubhc transports-
forced to end mavement on an Out-Lsw or D e m m p m d b n thy w t mhg (trah or ahraft), how far they Intend to
space (and therefore begin their next tum on that space). travel (up b the typ's listed Map hvement rating), and
Map Eacounkrs: Each tfme a character war a emctly whkh muten they will follow, and they must pay the
space marked as Demonground or Out-Lnw, the character's m u b t prke &re beginning to move.
player must make a roll on the sppmpriate enmuter tabk. If For wample, a c h c t e r who began the turn InDenver and
the mult is 'No encounter," the-e igtlores the +e wtshed to mave to West W e m a t choose to trawl by kdn
and continues moving, frwn Denver to the Quad Citks, to Chiwaukee, then to M k t
If, on the other hand, an encounter is hcharaetu Erk. The h e t e r would pay $750 ($250 times three
h a b tsn the space and am go no farther OlLs turn. (The metmpl-' distance) before moving, and would roll ior a

david osborne (Order #28696854)

Demongroundencwnter (adding the traln's encounbrmodI- deck on the start SF, and h e r maving a h q the Plot
fier) between Denver and the Quad CMa. If a Dem- CsrdeTradc(see'~ofPDotCarda,"page7).
encounter resulted, the characterw d d end movementanthe Emmph: haghe n -player game in pmgress with
Demonground space, but the money would dll be s p t k play- m e d Ab& Belkb, and Conroy, playhg In that
Multipk Rates: Characters who own personal vehicles are &r. The Plat Cads k k hm been p k e d face down an the
never requiredto use h evehicles.They may, at thettopth, Mue r3-4Playera") space ofthe Pbt CardsTrack Conmy has
travel on foot or by public tramportatlon. On the ather had, v o h b w e d to be m s ~ i b l br
e the Plot Card Turn.
h i r vehkles are consideredto be available at m y mampfex, Abboa t a k a the very fimttum of the game. FoUowIng that,
whtch means that on one turn they could travel on foot, on during the Plot Card ?tFn, Corvoy moves a Hot Card from the
another by personal vehicle, on mther by pubUc aircraR, on
another by e different personal vehlcle, etc. Pi&, BeMa hkea herRrm Duringthe Plot CardTum that
CharaaerswhobeglnatumonanOut-law or Dammgnwrtd bbws, Conroy moves the single P%ot Card along the track to
spacemustmweon foot;they may not mpubMcnor penwnnl the yellowupsct.
tmnsportatlon, Now Conmy tak- his own turn. Following that, he moves
Minimum Rale: Charactemon the Dark America mup may t h a ~ P l o t C a r d t c t h e o ~ s p a c e .
choose not to move at all during a p-ti'cthtum. They may Abbot takes a turn again. Then, during the subsequent Plot
doso to remainh a metroplexwhere a Plat CardhJustcwne Card Turn Conray mows the sin& Hot Cerd to the 4
into play, for instance. Characters who dedde to mainon an dtaeardspaceand tumalt keupaoth&b effects (If any) can
Out-Lsw or D e m o n g d space must roll for a map emun- be applledbthe game Fobwlngthat. he hmedlately moves
ter, of course. another card frwn the start space ta tfie green space so the=
PtotCardEncaunters:Charaaersmthe~Amerkamap aretwocard8 h pbyatthe endofthe Urn.
h m o v e t o a m e t r o ~ l i s t e d m a P I a t C a r d t h a t b ~ h p h y Now It Is Belhh's turn ageh
~ " p g e 7 ) . T h e y a r e m t ~ t o d o ~ ~ ATTRIBUTES
Each character In M o n Hunter has four mbutes:
Horpitol Track Empathy, Canbat;, Stdctng, and Contacts. Empathy is a
Mtheplqets p a w n ~ t h ~ m t h e ~ T r sthed rs ,u p s m ~Wbute, l rep~esentlng the character's psychlc
paurndgenerslly*exacy.-spacernWd(Le, or spkkual power. Combat Is t x p r b e with weepons and
f i ~ C ~ t o G ~ ~ f r o m ~ forms.
attack W stalkhg
t a repFesenta stealthiness and research
~ m C a r r : o r h ~ C a r e b a n y ~ oabllfty. n h And Contacts indicates the ablllty to call on Mends
Ilark Arnerlea map or any c o r n spce on the Career T h ) . and bualneas wmchtes for help.
movIngthepa-tkemrollrrterchamMmmt Recording
AHribule Points
PLOT CARD TURN fhed.rsractersheetslIl-
IneachGameTum,6nrnediertetyafferthePlayeFTumb~ cMed In the m e dc-
theplayerrespoh4iblefortfiePfatCardsTrack~aPhtCard ~ l g n e d f o r ~ w - h l - ~
TumDurmgthist~lm,a~PlotCardismwedonespaceiart)rer back d mitrbuk pow by
f F o m t h e - ~ ~ u s p a c e d c o n s e q u e r r t l y o n e ~ c l o e e rrewrdhgbhmarks.hthe
t t r e u ~ C s p a c e ~ c e f ~ t h e ~ ~ t h e cllustdon a r d i at
s dg#~t,ScWco
annedfaceupandthete&a!%tsfacetakeseffeet(~Wkdsd hae 7 p o k of Ern&, 2
m C a r d s : p g e 7 ) . - i h m ~ ~ C a r d f s ~ 6 r o m h b p-of C o m W 13 pints
o f h d e c k d t h e s t a r t ~ e a n d b e g f n s i t s ~ p t a t h e r Mof~ ShMng, and 5 Contacts.
There Isone special case in wmch two PtotCadsan moved
during the Pbt Card Turn.When a card reaches the k a r d Initial Attribute Points
space andtakeseffect,mother card is h m e d f a k ~ t a k efmn n
the start space and moved one space along the h k . 'Zhe
purpose of this rule is ta ensure that there are always-two Hat Gaining Attribute Paints
Cards inplay at the endof the Rot Card T u M one ampthe Manyofths~ontheCareerTmkllstbonlrsesto

david osborne (Order #28696854)

attributes, sometimes based upon a successful test of an Auto Suceess/Auto Fallure: A roll of 1 always succeeds,
attribute. (As do some of the results on the encounter tables.) anda mll of 10always fails,regardlessofthe attributevalueand
Players should simply add those attribute points onto their di6cuky Iwel. This way, even the weakest characters can
character sheets as the board space instructs. somethes succeed, and even the strongest, best-equipped
Note that some of the spacei list ksses to attributes. The characters can sometimes fail an attribute test.
"Corporate Training* comer, fior Instance, says to subtract 1 Examplt: Scirocco, who now has a Contacts attribute va he
from Empathy, the of 0, lands on a space that instructs him to make an Easy vs.
"Gang~ a t l o nspace
" Contacts test.
lists a lossof 1 c o n k t If he owned the cellularphone card or hand radio card, either
should the character of which gives a bonus of +1 to Contacts, he would need to mll
fail the indicated at- a 2 or k m on the Dl 0 to succeed at this test. (His attribute is
tribute test, and failing currently 0, but he gains +1for the phone. 0+1= 1, and an Easy
the a-te test on the test doubles thls to 2.)
"Wild Hunt" space Unfomolately,Sclmco owns noequipment at all. The Easy
leads to a loss of all test doubleshfsattribute, but 0 times 2 is still 0, Only by rolling
contacts1 Players a 1 (automatk success) will Sciroccobe able to pass this test.
shouldslmply erasethe
appmpriatenumber of EQUIPMENT
hesh marks from the
Some spaces on the Career Track Snstnrct a player to draw
atthute affected. Re-
one or more Equipment Cards (often as the result of a
gardlessofsuchlosses, successful test of one attribute or another). The player draws
however, an attribute that number of cards from the top of the Equipment Card deck,
will never fall below 0 then decides for each card whether to buy the item listed on it
points. or toturn it in forthemoney listed beside "Turn in" at the bottom
b t h e of~ ~
the card.
at left. ScIroeco has Imt Equipment Cardsthat are "huned in" are discarded faceup
a C a n t a c t ~ g h 4 p o h t s m ~ . h t hInea ~pile~ next to the draw pile. Once the draw pile has been
hehasfailedtoevadetkLWildHurt"andhasbstkrernaMg4 &misted, the dkcard pile Isshuffled and turned face down to
clnlwts become the new draw pile.

Testing Attributes Buying Equipment

Whenever a character Is Instmeted to test an attribute, the In order to buy a piece of equipmentthat has been drawn,
difficulty of the test will be defined in a statement of the the dwader must pay the amount of money listed as its
following format: b v e l vs. Attribute. There are three difRdty Value." After paying the bank that amount, the character
lev& that attrjbutescan be tested against- Easy,Average, end keeps the card. Attribute bonuses fmm the item are no1 to be
Difficult. The statement 'Easy VS. Cornbat," for instance, listed on the character sheet. Rather, the player simply takes
means make an Easy level test of the Combat attribute. Into account those bonuses as desired when testing the
T e s t ~ T o m a k e c n r E a s y t e s S ~ f m ~ ~ t h e p l a y e r m uattribute.
IOU, ontheD10, a number lessthan or equalbdwblethe.a- S p e d : There are two items of equipment in the game that
To makean Avwagetestof an atbibUte,the player must roll, dlow a character the option of acquiring the item by making
on the Dl 0, a number less than or equal to the attribute. a successful test of the Contacts athibute.
To make a DifRcult test of an attrhute, the player must roll, Ifthecharactersucceeds atthe test, the item is acquired,just
on the Dl 0, a number less than or equal to half the attribute as ffit had been bought. Ifthecharacter falls atthetest, theitern
(rounded d o w i t ' s a dark world). may stilt be purchased at its listed value, or it may be turned
Thesetest levels are summarized in a table on the encounter h fior its "Turn-in" value. The player may also opt to turn the
charts sheet for easy reference during play. card in for money rather than attempting the roll.
Equipment Bonuses: Attribute bonuses from equipment
the character decides to use are added to the attrbute be@m Turning in Equipment
It Is doubled or halved for an Easy or Difficult test. {!See Ifa pleyer draws a card and cannot affordit or does not wlsh
"Equipment," below.) to buy It, the player may discard the card and mceivefrom the

david osborne (Order #28696854)

bank the amount of money llsted as fts Turn in" value. spectiveiy, "Breaks Onmor "Empties On," followed by a
n y of numbers. At the end of each turn in which such an
~ w h a ~ w m o r r ! t h s n o n e c e r d a t a ~ r n a y ~ l n arange
o r d o f t h e m , a n d t h q r m a y u s e t h e ~ ~ h item ~ h Is used, the ownlng player rolls the D 10, and if the result
someoflhe~~awnbpurckeothentheydrw Is within the Ilsted range, the Equipment Card is discarded.
Our- their turns, players may dways tum In a card they
have previously purchased, In order to receive Lts "Ilun-In" A\ONEY
value, and they e m use that money immediately to purchase As mentioned earlier, characters start the game with no
other cards just drawn. money. They galn money either by turning in Equtpment
Cards or by landlng on the YWIndfaH"space ofthe Career
Using Equipment Track and passing the attribute test Indicated there.
Characters may usevehicles to Increase their movement Whenever charactersgaIn money,the banker Is respon-
on the Dark America map and to gain a bonus to thelr map sble for givfng R to them from the game's supply of bills.
encounter rolls as explained under the 'Dark Amerfca Map" Whenever characters pay money, they give bills back to the
sedition of "PlayerTurn." page 3. bnker, who replaces them In the game's supply. Naturally,
Anytime cfbaractets are fnstrueted to make an attribute the banker player must keep his or her personal funds
test, they can apply the attribute bonuses of one or more separate from that supply.
items of equipment they own. subject to the followhg rules.
Armor: Armor is listed as 'Head Qnly," "Ibrso Only," or EffECTS Of PLOT CARDS
"Head G Torso." A character can combine "Heud* armor As Plot Cards are encountered and/or discarded, they
with *Tarsowarmor, but may not combine 'Head" with have varied effects upon the game, as explahed by the
"Head," "Torso" with "Torso,"or anything with 'Head E folIowtng rules.
Weapons; Weapons are listed as efther *I Hand" or "2 Cards in Play
Hands." A character may use no more than two hands' Typically. there are two PIot Cards considered to be In
worth ofweapons at one time. Therefore, a character can play atany one h e . The Rrst Isthe singlecard movlngalong
use one weapon listed as "2Hands," or one or two weapons the Plot Cards Track. The second Is the top card on the
fisted as "1 Hand" at any one time. starting space. Cards below that top card are considered
Computer: A character may use no more than one plots whkh have not yet started, and those that have been
Equipnent Card Ldentified as a Tornputerwat a time. discarded are considered plots which have already come to
Vlsion: A charactermay use no r n o ahan
~ one Item listed fruition.
as "Vls!onust one tlme.
Communication: A character may use no more than one Encountering Plot Cards
Item listed as "Cornmunicatbn"at one tlme. A chamcter encounters a Plot Card by mouing to the
W p l e x llsted on fhe w d . Characters who moved there by
Multiple Equipment Bonuscs travelling onthe Dark America map or begantheir turn In the
There are no restrictions upon mmbinhg armor with rnetroplex always have the option to chaose notto encoun-
weapon(s) for muItiple Combat bonuses, and a computer ter the card. Characters who were directed to the metmplex
wIth vIsion equ[pment for multiple Staking bonuses. by a Dark Encounterspaceon h e Career Track or as a result
of a mlI an an encounter tables must encounter the card. If
Rcdundant Equ i pmcnt both Plot Cards In play llst the same metmplex, the player
Characters may freely own more equipment than they a n chooses which Plot Card the character encounters.
possibly use at one time, rurd they can change whkh kuns When a card is encountered. it Is flipped face up so that
they are usingfor each a w e test. For exampk a character players can read the text on that side, If it fs nat defeated or
who owned both an AK-74 and an M60machineguncould use discarded [see the follow lng sedans),It wil t remain face up
thefirstweaponononetumandswIkhtotheotheronthen& from thls point on 8s It proceeds along the Plot Cerds Treck

Major Plots
"Brca ks/Empticr On" Plot Cards wfth a number value listed on their upper left
SomeitemsarefraglIe.andothersmaybedfFnculttaflnd merandnameoneofthefourmhhraceswithapawnh
replacement ammunltian for. These Items am IaImIed, re- the game are consideredMajor Plots.That Is.each h eone of

david osborne (Order #28696854)

them reaches the end of the track md b dbcardtd, the pawn comer as a reminder of theIr value.)
Tw the mkion race listed on that card advan- on the Pb4 Faihrrt: ChmBcterswho failat the attributetest rrre defeated
Fbfnts Track the number of spaces equal to the number by the pbt and move dfrectIy to the IntensbeCarespace of the
lndcated on the card. If thh moves tfis pawn to 20 pohs or -1 Track,immediately losing one Equrprnent Card Inthe
more on the Plot Points Track, that race fe comldr?ndto have process(asIndicatedon the IntensiveCam space). Characters
bmught enough plots to Crultkn to dktIvtdy take over the who have no Equipment Cards suffer no further penalty
country (see 'Ending the Game," bebw).
For example. the Rve-pint '%brhkswcard would cause Other Plot Cards
the morkks pawn to be movedflve spaces upthe Plat Pobts mere are a number of other types of Plot Cards.
Track. If m other morbcks cardshad bcar ckardedyst,the hto-Dimension Cards: lrnmedately upon turning the
morlocks paurn would be phcedon the '5" space ofthe tmek card face up, the player whose character encountered It
If, on theother hand, the rnorbekti pawn was abet@ dtthgon m u ~ t t urn to the Proto-Dimension Encounters table end
theU17"space. Rr Instance,thlsfive-palr&cardtlrrnrldpu&the f o l k the instructtons there.
morlocksb 22points. t w o b e y m d w h a t h n e c ~ f ~ r t h e m Dtrnonground Cards: The player must roU for an encoun-
to take wer the country. ter on the Demongmund Encounters table.
M a J o r ~ c a r d 6 a t s o U s t ~ t p C h e d S P C D C ~ a rCorparatt
~ Raid: The player must tnm&ely follow the
thm,opbna w h i c h a r e e ~ u n d e r ~ o w n ~ b e b directions vr on the card.
W d Hunt: 'The player must immediately follow the
Minor Plots directtons on the card.
Besldes the four minion races who are Intent on taking False Lslld: There Is no plot or encounter here. l h e
over the country, there am also a number of o h r mMon character has been misled by a 'red herring."
races perpetrating minor plots. If these plots come to
fruition, they have no effect on the PlotPolntsTrack,but thay ENDING THE GAME
can provide the characters with a mall mearrure of fame If Play continues until one of the four minfon races pawns
defeated,Uke the Major Pbt Catds, th- cards lEst attdbute reachas 20 points or more on the Plot Polnts Track,or the
checks for escaping or Rghting them, am explained klopr. very last Plot Card fs discarded, whfchwer happens first.

Escaping PIo h Minions Win

Characters always have tha-own to attempt b escape If one of the minion races achieves 20 points or more on
a Major or Mlnor Plot Card by rolling for the attribute test the Plot PointsTrack, that race has taken over the nation and
listed next to 'Escape" on the card (Different plots require all of the players lose.
tests of different attributes.)
Characters who succeed at the attribute test am COMW- Players Win
d to have avoided the pl* they end h i l t turn in the WmhstPbCCardIs- dmneofthemlnionraceshas
mttroplex where it is located,but they do not affect the plob ~ r P ) e a a L Z O p o h &theplayemallwhthegame.
nor does It affect them.
Characters who opt notto try to escap, or who fad at the Most Famous
attribute test to escape, must flght the plot. If the players win,the player whose character Is the most
famous m h b n hunter achIeves the best win.
fighting Plots To~whlchchamcteristhemostfrmoup,playsadd
If a characteropts to fight aMaJororMinorPlot, orb btced up the m m b of points worth of Plot Carrls their chamdm
to by a bungled escapeattempt, that characterrnusta h p t dehkd. RBnemberthatMajorlJbtsm~then~llstedin
the attribute test lfsted next to 'FSght" on the card. (Again, thelrupperleftcorner,and Mhor Picas (thasewiththe word "Famea
different plots require tests of dIfkent attrlhtts.) Wfithe~perleftcuner)arewort1 hp~ o h t d T h e
Success: A character who succeeds at the attribute tcst chamcacruriththemoartpofntsis~most~~plllebmken
defeats the plot and takes the card to bold as a measure of by w m m the am& of marry the charaders haw alter
his or her fame as a mlnIon hunter. Mnjor PI& an worth the h dl eqdprnent for its Tim-in"&
number listed in their upper ledt corner. h r Pbts are each Of mrse. If the players lose, the most famous minion
worth exactly 1 point each. (Toavoid confusion wlth Plot huntswill also be thefirst one tobe hunted down and killed by
PoIrtts, we have printed the word *FamenInthelr upper IeR hDakMhbns.

david osborne (Order #28696854)

As It stands, MBnlon Hunter can be readily wun by playerswho w o k in concert and are
wWmg to make an occmsionel personal s a a b e But m m players m a y w'rsh to play a
grimmer, m o ~ ad i M t version of the game, esgxx'dly after they have &vdapd
m d y effective strateg6es of play. For s h popfe, we t e c o m n d the use of one
or mare of the following optlord modiatiwrs to t kbask d e s Note that these options
tue listed m m y in ord- of increasing d-ty.

Forthtsoptbn.rernuvenjl Falsehd,WldHunt, CorpornteRaM. arpd/orC)emmgmmd
cards Cmm the Hot Card &k The mom types you mmve, the more quickly the
remaining cards will proceed dong the track, increasing the difkulty of cutchhg them
in time, Note that this @on dso tend to -d overall playing time


By iracceasing the number of Hot Poirrts euchMajw Plot b worth, you wiU drive the Plot
Point markers along the track more quiddy, increasing the danger that one ofthe minion
races will taka aver the country. Begin by adding 1 point to e w h card (i.e.,a 5-point card
will move its marker sh spaces dong the Plot Points Track). Ifyou d e s h m o r e d i i d t y ,
try &ding 2 p i n t s to each, then 3,etc Farm points mmin the same.


This optionsupposes that even though theMinor Plots do not specikatty help the ETs,
Fey Folk, Morlocks, ar Nukids in their Major Plats, the horror and confusion caused by
th-e Minor Hots do make the nation more! smeptfble to D k Minbn control. To
represent this, ea& time a Minor Ptot card is discarded (mdefented), move all four ofthe
Majw Plot markers one space upward on the Plot Points Track.


As Wngs stand now, each Rot Curd moves along the Plat Card Tmck at a pace that
allows needy every player one turn in w h i h to confront it Wore it is discarded, One way
aF hemasing the game's dWiCUlfy, then, isto M c e this response h e by begihnhg the
Plat Card deck. one space d o s r to the D i r d space than llormal (i.e.,h a Eve- or slx-
playergam+~Int)lededconthe34 Playersspace, etc.).Thisoptionwill a b d e a e a s t
the overall playing t h e of the game a bit.


In thii option, R is assumed that the ETs, fey folk, nukids, and morlocks have aU had
a chance: to hg'm their takeover of the nation be/- the minionhunters have even begun
todeveloptheir attributes. To s'unulatethis,roll 1Mfor eachofthe four Mafor Rot rnfrrlon
races, and start its pawn at that number on the Plot hints Track before the game actually
begins. Note that this tm& to make things quite dmcult for the minion hunt- very early
in the game.
david osborne (Order #28696854)
david osborne (Order #28696854)
david osborne (Order #28696854)

1,: vrplrvru rn !I

david osborne (Order #28696854)

david osborne (Order #28696854)
Demonground Encounters I I Out-Law Encounfcrr

Roll 1010' R d l lOlOC
Roll h u n t e r
~ p b t d r r w & k ~ ~ R d M a d m

1 2 Attackd by bkod v u b m : Halt momntmt. Srmxad at

- I-

ult: Combat or Stslklng, or go to htmslva Cam.

4 ~pmto-dtmcMkn:Haltm~tlmmllLn-
medlmtely on mPiata-Dhemtan
E n m b m " tabla

~ w m c o u n t e r
th ray: Hall mwemant. Vehk
1, go to fntenslvt 7
1 No 1 8 No-
8 No
10 Ho#leww

david osborne (Order #28696854)

Proto-Dimension Encounterr
Rdl Av+mge: h p s ~Suected
. = Roll 106: Fail = Roll 1Dl0

I take an- t 1
2 Einpthkmmmuk R&ve+l h p a t h y , h advmtca.
4 Blood mld:M v m a but r M at b y : C a n k t dl or

C ~o encounler: advance norma~~yi, ----

w r y

10+ M ? a m b o l vortex: S u d at Dlfkult: Empalhy or lost

david osborne (Order #28696854)
david osborne (Order #28696854)
Line C

Line A.

Line %

Line A.

Print this sheet on white card stock.

Cut on Line A.
Fold on Line B.
Cut on Line C to match Line A.
Cut each individual pawn from the group.

Minion Hunter Pawns

david osborne (Order #28696854)


I; -


4 Character Sheets.
Two identical sheets with four identical
blank Character forms.
Print this file on white paper.
The backs are blank.
This file provides enough
Forms to support
eight players in a game.

david osborne (Order #28696854)

Empathy Stalking Empathy Stalking 1

Combat Contacts I Combat Contacts I

david osborne (Order #28696854)

Empathy Stalking Empathy Stalking 1

Combat Contacts I Combat Contacts

david osborne (Order #28696854)

david osborne (Order #28696854)
david osborne (Order #28696854)
david osborne (Order #28696854)
david osborne (Order #28696854)
david osborne (Order #28696854)
david osborne (Order #28696854)

6a Plot Cards.
Three different Sheets of Plot Cards
Print on Tan Card Stock.
Note that each Plot Card has a specific Back
which states its Metroplex location.

Re-order the cards so they will

feed in the printer 0- 1-2-3-4-5
and print the backs.

david osborne (Order #28696854)
Produces ,cards appmximafely 2x 2:6 inches:
Minion Hunter
Plot Cards
1 of5
Print on Blue
Card stock


I west me

Fame 6 '2
/ -

Escape: Average vs. W k h g Escape: Easy vs. Empathy

Eght: Average vs. Empathy
m M m -
~ ~ v s . = ~
Fight: Average vs. Empathy

Texamoms I st. Louis I Gold Coast


Escape: DifFicult vs. Contacts Escape: Wvs.E m m y

Fight: Easy vs. Combat Ffght: Dficult vs. Combat

Oold Coast

david osborne (Order #28696854)

Produces cards approximately 2.x2.5 inches.
Fame ~ame I pame
Minion Hunter
Plot Cards
2 of 5
Prlnt on Blue
Card Stock
Escape: Easy vs. Stalklng Escape: Average vs. ~talirjn~ Escape: Easy us. Empathy
Fight: DIfncult vs. Combat Flght: Average vs. Combat : Flght: DIfAcult vs. Combat

Denver ,I New Orleans

Fame Fame Fame


Exape: Easy vs. S e h g Roll for Escape: Easy w. Empathy

Fight: Average vs. Cambat Demonground Encounter Ffght :Average vs. Combat

New Boswash Carolina Triangle Seacouver I New Orleans

Fame 3 Fame I Fame


-ape: A-e vs, Escape: Average vs. Combat Escape: Easy vs, Combat
i Exape: Average vs. Combat
FlgM: Easy vs. Combat Fight: Easy vs. Contacts Fight: Average vs. Contacts Flght: Average vs. Combat

Las Vegas 1' Dsllar/Ft. Worth I Gold Coast

Fame Fame Fame


There is no encounter
You have been misled
by a * e d herring."
' Escape: Average vs. Contacts
Betkr luck next We.
Escape: D I R Ivs. Combat w: ~ S m.
Y Fig& Dicuh vs. Empathy
RgM: Easy vs. C ~ c t s
matatIanta TwIn Cities 1 1

david osborne (Order #28696854)

Produces cards approximately 2 x 2.5 inches,
Minion Hunter
Plot Cards There is no encounter
here. 1 Easy vs. Stalking
3of5 You have been misled
by a "redherring."

1 Succeed=+2 Empathy
Print on Blue
Card Stock Better luck next trme. Fail=ContactsEaten!
Escape: Average vs. Contacts
HgM: Average vs. Canbat

Fame Fame Fame


Escape: Easy vs. Empathy Escape: Average vs. Combat Escape: Average vs. Empathy Eswpe: Easy vs. Combat
HgM: Average vs. Empathy A g k Average w. Empathy Fight: DlfF~cultvs. Bnpthy ' Figk Average vs. Contacts

New Boswash I OkIahorna City

Fame Fame
l f l

'I I I here is no encourrter

1I II "ELIhave been misled
by a "redhecring~
Roll for Escape: Easy vs. Empathy
W r luck next time.
Escape: b s y vs. stalk'hg
Demonground E ~ G o u ~ ~ ~ F~ h t~ :- g e vs. C m b t fight: Diffxult vs. Combat
Quad Cftfes
St. bufs

Fame Fame Fame

Easy vs. Empathy I

Succeed=+2 Stalking
FaiI=Contacts Eaten!
Escape: Easy vs. StaLkii
Fight: Average vr. Combat mP@: VS. s*gY
Fight: Average vs. Empathy r
Escape: Wfflcult vs. Stalkfng
Fight: Easy vs. Empathy

Oil Bay I Albuquerque I Dallas/Ft. Worth II Cincinnati

david osborne (Order #28696854)
Produces,cards approximately 2 x 2.5 inches.

Minion Hunter
h y v s . staadng
Plot Cards I
4 of 5 +2Staadng, G
Print on Blue D r a w 2 ~ ~ C a r d s
Card Stock Escape: D i i I t vs. Stalking Escape: Average vs. Stalking F&-GoTo h e n s k CE&
Fight: Easy vs. Combat Flght: Average vs. Combat

Las Vegas


Thm Is no encounter
You have been misled
by a 'red herring."
Better luck next time.
R d l for Roll for Roll for
Proto-Dimenston ~ c m t e r Proto-Dimension Encounter Proto-DImensbn Encounter

Twin Cities Denver San Frandsco


There is no encounter
You have been misled
by a "redherring."
Roll for Roll for
Better luck n a t time.
Escape: Easy vs. Combat
w g k ~iffiu w. combat Proto-DhnendmEncounter Proto-Dimension Encomter

West We I LA
I Reno I Camha Triangle
Easy vs. -s

Quad Cities
R d for
Demongroltlld Encwmks
RoU for

II l 3 c q x Averagevs. Empathy
~ A ~ v s . C o n t a c t s


david osborne (Order #28696854)

Minion Hunter
Plot Cards
Print on Blue
Card Stock

t a n mm&m

Escape: Dtfflcult vs. Stalking Escape: Average w. Combat h p :Average vs. Combat h p e : D l k d t vs. Combat
Fight Avmge vs. Empathy Fight: Easy vs. Conmcts Fight: Average vs. Contacts Rght: Avwage vs. Contacts

St. Lads Twin Cities Carolina Triangle

I New Boswash

kcape: b s y vs. Empathy Escape: Easy vs. Combat Escape: Average vs. Combat Escape: Easy vs. Combat
Fight: DiicuR vs. Combat Rght: Easy vs. Contacts Fight: k s y vs. contacts W C :Easy w. Contacts

Albuquerque Reno


maps:~veragevs. tatk king Exape: Easy vs. Staking

Fight: Difficult w. Cornhat FlgM DIfRcuIt vs. Combat

I Memphis

david osborne (Order #28696854)


6b Plot Card Backs.

Three different Sheets of Plot Card Backs
Print on the backs of the Plot Cards.P oduces cards app ox mate y 2 x 2 5 nches -
!OI, , L B
MlnlDn Hunter

Note that each Plot Card has
Plot Cards
1 of5
Prlnton slue

a specific Back
which states its PUT PUT
Metroplex location. WTIllI In(OUVIn


COLD (0111 o~~n~ornn

m--- I
COLD (01111

david osborne (Order #28696854)

Minion Hunter
PlOT PlOT Plot Cards
1 of5
Print on Blue
Card Stock





GOLD (011fl

david osborne (Order #28696854)







david osborne (Order #28696854)

Produces cards approximately 2 x 2.5 inches.







david osborne (Order #28696854)

Produces cards approximaltely 2 x 2.5 inches.







l N

david osborne (Order #28696854)

Produces cards approximately 2 x 2.5 inches.

D-A- R-K


Minion Hunter
Plot Cards
5 of 5
Print on Blue
MN WN(II(0 Card Stock




david osborne (Order #28696854)

mu . . 'I
7a Equipment Cards.
Four different sheets of Equipment Cards
Print on Tan Card Stock.
Because the Backs are identical,
they may be omitted.
(Optional) Re-order the cards
so they will
feed in the printer 0- 1-2-3-4
and print the backs.
The Minion Nation
Expansion Equipment Cards
are included as the
last page in the group.
david osborne (Order #28696854)
Produces cards approximately 2 x 2.5 inches.

Minion Hunter
Equipment Cards

Prlnt on Buff
Card Stock

david osborne (Order #28696854)

Produces cards approximately 2 x 2.5inches.

Minlon Hunter
Equipment Cards

Print on Buff
Card Stock

david osborne (Order #28696854)

Produces cards approximately 2 x 2.5 inches.

Minion Hunter
Equipment Cards
D-A- R-K
Print on Buff
Card Stock

"2 8
~ S L

david osborne (Order #28696854)

cards approximately 2 x 2.5 inches.
C -- - 7 - . -- -



david osborne (Order #28696854)


7b Equipment Card Backs.

Four identical sheets of Equipment Card Backs
Print on the backs of the
Equipment Cards
(Optional) Re-order the cards
so they will
feed in the printer 0- 1-2-3-4
and print the backs.
The Minion Nation
Expansion Equipment Cards
are included as the
last page in the group.

david osborne (Order #28696854)

Produces cards approximately 2 x 2.5 inches.

david osborne (Order #28696854)

Produces cards approximately 2 x 2.5 inches.

david osborne (Order #28696854)

Produces cards approximately 2 x 2.5 inches.

david osborne (Order #28696854)

Produces cards approximately 2 x 2.5 inches.

david osborne (Order #28696854)

I 8

8 Encounter Chart.
One sheet of Encounter Charts.
Print on White Card Stock.
The back is blank.

david osborne (Order #28696854)
Demonground Encounters
- Out-Law Encounters

2 Atbcked by b W wllurw: Halt mwemen~Sueoesd at

Y - s
30 No-

Horpital Encounters Proto-Dimcnsion Encounlcrr

RBU 1 O t O ~ m w l n g o n t b ~ T t a e b Roll Awrage: mpathy. &dRoll 106: Fall - Roll ID10

2 D d m y a Dab MWon t a c k R&e m y Plot Marker by

A4tribute Test Difficulty level^* I Public Ironspodation

david osborne (Order #28696854)

david osborne (Order #28696854)
eed at Easy Empathy to heal one hosprtalizedchdractcr.**

I Rev& to an earlier age: Lose 1 pint frmn each chamchMc

rjl,,, ma**-
Astral stnrrn. at Aver----.. v.;. F-.,---'h-*o r lc-a rhm-

wake up tn m k n tCare.
- .
! Forg
Forget sl~nleot your experlencc pin!
et what your purpose i5: b
..,el o lrlend: Lose I Contact.

. .
q i l = - 1 Empathy. 1
S l d r t t h e ~ ~ d ~ v s . ~ ~ a r g o t o ~
Fountam of hte Succeed at Average vs Sblk~r~g
k r y ~ : S u c w e d s t ~ v s . ~ ~
Wall ol flame. Low a random Equ~pment
" rat wardB
I .. , - t -( ',' 1

d~scardedequ~prnenr:Draw an Eq
t-~nd nent Card, and keep il
r1o c~tlaryc.'
tin d w i w o d d y a l l k +3to Cmtatb
bv the fey: Succeed sl Avemge us. Slalking or low
tlorlr~dtd turn

~talPkn clue: Reduce any Plol Marker by 4 poi Bm-sur


Lake of k c b e s SurrPed at Average vs. Empathy or go t~ Geneml

Empathy or becoc


e ~:SucceedatMWlvs.hpthyotlost(wake

david osborne (Order #28696854)

.ncounter a "toxic rnott.,. ,..J her toh ,,,,.
Difficult: Combat or go to Intensive Carl
lunted by Eis:Halt movement. Succeed at DiFlicult vs. Severe sorar flai turn taking
Stalking or turned bbA-'- ' 3 Combat, -2Empathy
. - -h,.I*--

or Contach). ittackd by ~ i m Io ~res:malt move nt. succeea at

hcounter gargoyles: Succt at Difficult ;talking or (
Average vs. Conw:@ w.fro~,h(sdddd - --
to lntensive Care; :razed trucker tries €ahli y&u,- kr?@w& i S * v p
)iscover pmto-di en .. .... . .
vs. Stalking or vehicle destroyed i i f on foot, succer
roll immediately on "Pmto-DimensionEncounters" tables gu to Intensive Care).
ittacked by storm wraiths: Halt movement. Vehicle ittacked by motorcycle gang: Halt movement. Succeed r

destroyed (if on foot. Succeed at Difficult vs. Empe
.verage:Cambat or lose most expensive Equipment Card.
rttacked by ecc mrist missile: Halt movement. Vehicle
destroyed (il Fnnt nn t n Intonti>,- r 2 r - i

40 encounter.

david osborne (Order #28696854)

david osborne (Order #28696854)

n H ~ n t e r ' 'Expansion
~' Kit

david osborne (Order #28696854)

david osborne (Order #28696854)
Gdmrmer Opttons,and F d d b Ophim For ease d r e f e m q
wtVekludad the m a M fmn thekmed gwleo *A mnmm
Gam#*heet hem a s d . myw1'Il mtkethattherrmre
l l m n e m u s ~ ~ ~ b % s * .

Grimmer Options
~ i t ~ M h S m ~ ~ b e ~ ~ ~ w a c O q l p d r
h ~ a n d ~ ~ t a ~ a n # ? e a s i a r r a l ~ ~
W h k ~ b * o E W ~ a = m v r a y s t o
~ t h & s ~ o n t h e ~ ~
R Q d w a d D ~ m ~ F a r W o p t B OmlQ#dlFdseLnod
d i c a r d a u r m p c d r d o n g ~ t m c k , ~ ~ t t # ?
to OV-n
RMdm Eqlltpnant Imsrr: b d u a wha go to
~ v e C a r r l ~ ~ a n e E q u l ~ C ~ o f Cartalnly
~ C h *
m m t p l ~ ~ t o l ~ W l e e s t ~ t e e u s t ~ h r e
mhIon huntem, then, b to have hlose a ma&n k n
F b % # m t s ~ y p u ~ ~ ~ R U t ~ m a k e r a ~ h ~

david osborne (Order #28696854)

another out Is to let them try to ruzcue v k b s of Falfed fights wlth
Dark Midoas.To accomplish thls, have the pawn forthe dehted
chamctet stand on the Plot Card br one bit,going to bdenshre
Cam at the beglnnlngdthat chamcter'snext turn, orwhentheMof
~themhh~IrJtuvene.Ndethatea&Pkk Cad reaches the dlacard space, whichever m e s flrst IF, h the
Cnrdamhterdefeats-amgapRtheline{wh)ch brterim,any oaher minion hunter encounten the card and beats it
d b a p p m s w h e n t h e g a p ~the
~ Discadspace). b combat, the mlnion hunter on tlae card Is rescued. Rezcued
This variant makes things pwghon the m h h hunters. If characters are placed on the Plat Card's rnetmpkx space and
youdecldetd~it,itlsugg~ttdthatnoPloaCsrdsbaghmwhghgb their next turnthem b a dof ln In-ve Care (mrdw h u t
until t k lirst tbm a characterhas a Dark I5~0unter(wlth the top having lost any +pment).
cardon the deck, ofcause), h D I r m m i m Encounter, w 018-
Lew hcuunter. This delay will allsPw the charactem to buad up a Suggested Option Mixes
bit ofsklll Mom tackling tha onslaught of minim pl&. One very satisfactory mlxofrulesopbm (theonepmferredby
the deslgnsr) I n c t Random
~ Equtpmenttoes,EnhaneedMlnor
f rimdlicr Option5 Hots (award 1 point Fame only), Character M e e m , Buybig
Just as lt Ispsslbletoenhance the dangerofthegame tls dso Better Health CPre, and lhe Resew
pssible ta enhance the minion huntam*abilhks. The rides that AndherquIte gaod mix bdudes Enhanoedlr\lnarHots(award
foUowcan beused todhtthedIfRcultyoCtheG f h m e r w 2 pohts Fame) and Tougher Novkes (2 pints).
you chose to use. For very fast play, a mk of Concurrent Plots,Tougher NDvkea
C h n m e b a r ~ ~ h l $ B y r e e a m m e n d e d ~ i o r (3 ~ epolnts),
r and the d well,
hurterstorneedantheDarkhmku map horkrtoglveawapt r p . 4 RANDOA PLOTS
s e l l , o r ~ m ~ e a d r ~ . U n d s Truly&dkatedMhbn~nkvplayersmydtsowesthnt~
* ~ ~
nntstbehftPemmetroplexhorderbrrYakeanygiRqtradeqand/ h r m p b r i t y w i t h t h e g a m e ~ s u c h t t m t l h e y ~ e x a ~
c r d e a a n d t h e ~ t d G e p f a c e o n e l t h e r d t h e Mw M e ) l ~ y k k l & e n c w o l t u a T o ~ ! h e s a r r a e d
C h m C b ' m ~Torsuchpdayers,~have~hthemidcOeofthtsbodr
IfthmkaDmkEroarrderatthem~aEharadwwholmvelP a p a r c a n t U e t a ~ d e m a m t e s t o ~ ~ d t b e e n c a & e s
bthe~msrstuwWsthePbtCardanddtk~irrrm @ldonthefacesdtheRd~.
ftff~tt~~withanyatherchwa~thwa 7busethls~~brto@yasnormal,a~thePbt~Bo
'Ibrrgher~Genedy,t)leddifMtportbndthegame indbtewhkhmdqdexeshavePnric~teraat~th.reafkrt
b n e a r t h e k g h n h g , w h e n h ~ h t n t e r s a m ~ y t o c r w a k n n dw h e n a P f o l C a d L s U U o f p l a m t h e e n m l W w r t h e
h ~ a o t a k e o n ~ d a q t h h g . A woyofgMrgthman sa firolltdttrecd,dID100an t h e ~ P l o i s t a b k , a n d p l a y t h e
InWbooat- thlsperkd trys!arthgthemadwRfimaethan2 -mlkd. ~keep~af\lmkhresukIshdfectfmvrhkhcPrd.
p o l n t s h B a c h ~ P y o u u r a n t t o g k t h e m a ~ b o o s t ,a s ~ a r e ~ s l m p l y w r B e t h m n d o w n o n a p i e e e o f ~
slartfhemartwith3~ma~spoirts'nd ~ , ~ d f e a c h n ~ a s % s c a d l s M e b t e d a ~
B um Setter HealthOm: Under thk optbn,a charactermay ~ t r s d c d t h e f r F a m e ~ t s , p l n y e * i s h o u l d ~ a m R g t d n l o n
spend moneyfuat b h e d i n g fora HospitalEncounter, inordw ~ d w a e t e r s h e e t s f o n dlscwdedpbt ~~a sh-qdychse
to decrease the Ilkelmood oC an ~ t w For. each $140011 firomtheaossed-dfmanhs
spent, add 1 to the I D 6 d L Thw, for $30,000it f posaQAeto (Notethat when using this table, it Is pssibls Fw a singlemult
to occur more than once, something that does not happen when
playhg wlth the encountwlIstedon the cards. Forexample. Iltw
cards a n currently hlrnedw y , one far New Orleans, d o n e
for Neur Baswash-the SIX-pint IrbrIock mull couidpssw be
wliedfweach. lheoddsofthlshappening arelow, dcwm,hul
It Ls pdssQle nonetheless,)
Rolling I 0100: To generate J Dl 00 rolls {also calledpercentfie
dols),FDU the Dl 0 t w l a The h troll k countedas the tans place,
e the second as the ones place. Far aanpk, a rdl of 1 &ithe
l f y o u u s e ~ o p t h , ~ e m c a n s ~ r n m e y b p r r c h k sand
Hospital E x a m t e r die nmclkflenFar one another. & c c d h g the Ilrst dle andof6on t h e d woddbsread as 1 6 a roUd9
Wing Batter Care rule a h lollowed by 2 wodd be read as 92; and a d l ab 0 fdtwved by 5
The Rest=A n d h a way to allow mtnbn hintus bbelpone d d b e ~ d a s 0 5 N o t e t h a t a d o u b l e d I o f O f s r e a d a s 1 0 0 .

david osborne (Order #28696854)

Random Plots Table

p dd:. $
.,%I, &, i-&%
bL 0-1
. 1
alse Leadmere is no e-unter hem. You have
Better luck next ttm

t swa
I 2
46 fl Y WVS.
48 ma
ongmundl: Roll for a Dmongmvld -&out
Easvus. h D a t f w Ava vk-CamM p -

- - - - ---- - -- - --

david osborne (Order #28696854)

Rmdm Platr Table
Ron ID100 I

54 F a k Lead!: There is no encounter here. You have been misled by a 'red herdrig."
Better luck next t h e .

56 Mmkb Wf agCtrsg wV=-

O s b ~ ~ * v s v r ~ ~ y v a t o n t a c t r . C ~
58 Dlff. vs. Empattry Fane'
62 Hmu# Avg. vs. Empathy Fama
64 PmbDlm&1: Roll b r a R o t ~ ~ D l m e mh cho m h w .

66 Harpies Avg. w. ContaEte Avg. va. Combat Fame

A w . w. Combat
- -.

AV.'.VS. ~m n ~ k ah
74 hkld!5 Mff. a.StaIkhg Avg, M. Enpathy 3
76 Fev Folk Am. w. Combat 4

ma- w*a l k i n g e m ~ -

david osborne (Order #28696854)

MEW EQUIPhENT CARDS bcountet rons for other Demonground or Out-Law passed

~ Y o u l l t m v e l r o e u t t h e m o u t ~ w i t h a p a l r Empathk Hahek As pa tha b I c n i b concemhg m o F ,

& a d a s w q a r a ~ h k , W m c eyouhwedmesqjust w g an Eqathk kidmet (marked "Head Only") precludes a
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o f ~ C a P d s ~ ~ b ocharader l r eh s e my
d we&q t oher
. sort d helm& Hots that Ms
b~-mofhneswwment-is-tq memre~attEmpthkH~~bewmwiththeRurnkh
t h e ~ n d e s . ~ ~ h ~ , a f w ~ , a(m ~~ s d d "WsRdTwom).lhehetmet Is simply
d e
w be k r
vA too bdky to 5t fvlth that m1 eveh with the armor's helmet
~SeradofthadhnveanMNA"llstedkWlte"d nmovsd.
" T l l I n . " ~ ~ rwraald. ~ b1FWye have
~ FokkPdlnatendoWcing n o d movementon the Careers
~ ~ t e ~ l f P t g d ~ a W u e o I hmay e ,kacquired
h y T&c~Dark~map,theponsess~~obthbdwlcemy
b y ~ a u w m ~ ~ ~ w i t i t h h n o ~ c d a have t n a t proto-dknenston
h e encounter,automnWly succeeding at
lmxed -1: Mum mearm that the card is d k d e d (the cantdlhkheportal( k , * t o a n y p r o t o - d i m ~ b M 4 ) .
~ ~ 5 r t s I a ol r p 0l ~ s~ o ) . O b ~ 1Wdfwctlroctenewntwmuststiflbede,
, ~
mthy-s: FwonyonctkdvmY, admtadmmay d y A b t h e Wdarpod has k n usedonce, It muat be dbcded.
~ ~ d m a r k Q d ~ B s s k a U y * t h h f u s t m e ~ s t(Darlr h a tLards 4s%l3atr Ot9 operationand come looking for E)
anlyonsPm&~sWKltcanbedakaiha.An Rldfng Horse: Note that besides k i r r g used as a %%hid%." the
l%@nWHetnaet(aWm)mbus%dh~witha rldlrrg hame may bm to d o w Its possessor to succeed
mephykbrsfletdm al ony rdl fw m.
(Theminions capture the horse Instead OF
F l n $ d ~ D a t k ~ ~ e ~ u the
~ ckacm.)
~ h t h b
a r a y b ~ t h a ~ b t g p I a y % r ~ 1 ~ p l a y e r s s e s h , t h eSn ~ ~ F b @ ~ ~ l e a u w - ~ ~ ~ ,
pleas t h u p m k h m c n r l n g WCard. [Evmpmhas thhglbrnkmted&b mwibythems. Mctethataptmnusiq
~ a n o n a r a h a t t h i e p i a e e o f ~ I s ~ d b y t iht e~ m d F e F m ~ r d t s w t r c n p a a s p a a s ~ ~ O u t - L W k r o r
-1 -=thembv-%
The h i o n hw&m,Plha clefsnb thnt Mot C a d gafns the VamplrteSword:A s q h h e d In the DwkTek sourrebodr,the
&dpnmntCardasabolblW FeMjorsndMimwWCards,Olte varraph sftpordIm&wbody heat from living things, and It must
m ~ ! = e e d h g a t ~ ~ h t " ~ t t s t ~ ~ o be ~ c t a m
r contded - p d k d l y for the wielder to avoid sufftxing
Dlmenslon, Demongrcund, ar Corporatt RaM Cards, It sknply valaus nagathe dkb.InMhbn N a t h , this means that at the
m ~ nncrtendlrtg
s uphthe fiospitnl. FurWdHunt and False Lead end of each of its p a s w o r ' s Runs, whether or not the sword Is
~ ~ = d I s ~ i n e d ~ I y ( ~ t h t actually s o mused, n its
~ possessw must succeed at a DWICUI~ tes? d
~encol?ntsfiiyiaId-Qut~Cards.) Empathy or lose one point of that characterhtk.The possessor
# & ~ C E t r d b ~ r a d e ~ ~ ~ c & ~ h t n tmay h achooseto
t b discard thesword card atthe begInnhgofany turn,
C d h ~ t h ~ t G a r d L s ~ a s w a l l ( l n tbefore h e doing anythhg &.
EQulpwrant Card p b , of came). Note that sawthnes
Car& wlll bt p h d under a Plot Card that dl be EXPANDED ENCOUNTER TABLES
~ h t h e ~ ~ P l a t C a r d p h a s e , ~ ~ t a t yY ~w w t hi Oer o X i e e m t h e R o t o - D L n e n s i i Q l l t - ~ ~
~ p I ~ ~ s ~ k J u c h m ~d H of s p bM ~ tsa b l~e s C~w g hr t s d a n t h e ~ d t h F d i i ~ ~
~ y ~ d r e ~ 2 w o l r d s t o d o ~ a ha A t e Le x( p~ n n d e d ~ i ~ l r w n t h e ~ ~ n e a T h t y m ~
kr:I t oB dark t o b e ~ h p t a e e d ~ ~ ~
AWdcdwThe-eofthesecardaatDak, In H, the ways h whkh h a e tables are used is self-
~ y k m p u y m t e early~btlae
~ wel b t ,~kd a summary O given hare fardmity's sake, followed
~ p a r r t t , ~ ~ u ~ ~ ~ r by s ~ a ~d ya , f ~ e W mcountersobnale.
w~ ~a ~~
mrdtlpla tmw R the h@td wMe tha Plot Cards ma& along, Demangrormd h a u n t e m As indicated al the top of thts
~ ~ B s ~ 1 ~ t o l o s a y a u r h s a d d y o n , ~ ytable, w ' klslt mll1DQ determine which &table (A or 8) to roll
YkdyendupbdqfhepmeaswelI. an,then d l 1Dl 0 (addlng any applWe v&ie mdifiers) to
E m E r g a w y ~ A ~ w h O ~ s t a r r dd ee bd r m i n 4 t h e a ~Notethat ~ ~ . modified ID10rolls OF
hhveen- (qt)#ddahmmguwdorW 6 o s ~ ~ b m ~
Lapr-)hqf*ptcseadcqul~tocall~. Q u t - 4E ~ w ~ ~ ~ W l hate e sr e
d d hr in exaclly the same
mebmckm - y L t h e - m , m t h a r
. r *

~wa~grwtil~'tumbdoso,andwithwthwing~makc hospital bcanbm nFat rd 1M to determine whether or

david osborne (Order #28696854)

notthecha~hwmeneoMterthlstum.1fal r Z o r 3 i s ~ e d , Blo& A &My mobile, otkmoddly mature resmblii a
roU IDIOforthe exactmcmnter. spiky Mack melon, whii attadrs by piercing the skin of its py,
Proto-D-lon Emmmters; As the nabe at Lhe head of ?he clinging tighly, and WMng [uids, then consuming the
Rota-Wmensilhounters pngesays, to we these tables, Rrst Iiqulj.lng carpse. '
make an Av- Empathy d l to control the portal found. Bloodkin: A t y p e d & - d h h d humanoidwhme exist-
Sueeeasmeansthatthechar~cangotoany pwto-dimenston erne led to legends of v a m p h s nnd trolls.
tbeplayerchwses:f&rermmsa l D l O d m u s t k m a d e t o Blood Raid: A mbbery in which stared blood L stden, rather
determine h whSch pmto-dlmension the character erpds up (the than money. MLen performed by human dmlnals, but sww-
headiiforBaehLsnumked). timesbywo~seth~.
Qnee the pmb-dimension has been determined. roll 1D6 to Bkod hltures: A new heed of vultures which attwks healChy I
&ermine the a c t exounter. Cmutures.
bshg Ramlorn Equtpmcnt: Whenww you me irrPtruded to Bmshflre War: Any ofthe 21st century's multltudhmm petty
lose s random p k e of qulpment, turn all of your Eqdpent borttlea between rnha states I

Cards face down, M e them together, then chase anather hatad: Challengedby police{usuallympaatecops),whather I

player to draw and diard a card. juntifiably or not.

m g m~pmtnt h the Proto-Dhnenslons: W ~ a r y Changclkrg: ~ Inlegend, h~chfldrenwmsometimesstdcn I
ore b h c t e d , as the result OF a Roto-Dinsbn Etmmkr, to and a goblin left in their p l ~ e In . the 2lst century, adults are
draw an Equipment Card far free, simply dmw the top card from ~ i m abducted m and replaced wlth h p a t e t s , whether d f- I
the Equipment Card deck arid add h to your store d equipment, g u t d surgkally (cyborg type) or empsthkally (mystic type).
without &arge. If you draw an Equipment Card matlred 'Find at Cobra Peopk: A nasty type of humanoid of reptilian origin.
the next Dark mutiter,"you automatically add It to your stare fond ofp o M n g human adults with tMir fangs and swdI0wh-q
of equipment, just as with m m d d. human b4bies whole.
SWlbld Mark V Enaounter: Characterswho lodie Fame as a bntatt:A frimd or a w t e who con h mIkd upon for aid.
result ofthis eneolrnter never drop b l o w 0 Fame. Cal.porateRamA param'd'irystrikeby onecarparation upon

S h l A v o r m ~ . A s t h f & m k ~ , a ~other. p
&daskdhvwmmwerbthe~forthemw~PlatCd CorporateRahbg: Takii up a career in thecorporated d
e n d l ~ a n d a d v a n c e s l h a t d o n e ~ t d t h a ~ p l l t .Corp War: A s e r b d corporate raids aimed at destroying a
T I K d r a ~ d O e s ~ d ~ ~ t h e R q e r T u m , ~ N o t e t h aeompetkm.
W d d l m w c s ~ t h e P I o t C a r d T mmmeansthdthe Cyborg:A humanwho has been h d y m o d i d with arliklal
S k d h ~ d ~ p ~ ~ t h e ~ t o d
htheirpictsl)OncetheRatCerdhasbsenMdahscardsd,tk Dark Encountec An encwnter with one or another aort d
~ m ~ ~ e s t o t h e f m t m p k x F o ~ ~ ~ b C C othRnvorldly s r d ~ h ibvader.
s Notehut small groups (Le., Iowp!ot jminta)
are easier ta battle than are larger w,
crherHqerTtan.aasddvamathstcard but ?hey are more
Such chamdm continue to atd the Dark Minions In thisway d i h d t to d h v e r w h l being discovered in e r n , and m
untfi s x u d h g at a ~ ~vs. Empathy
J tmlt at the end of th& therefore more difficult to escape
Player Turn, or until another player cams to the appprbte
mehplex, escapes or defeats any Rot Card there, and then
s-ads at a D W t m Empathy roll,
b r k ny:A shortened form of the term -Dark Mnlon."
Dar- Computer: A computer camposed largely of thdy
dked brain h e (wmehcs r e t a w rebeiliow m om of
Once minion huntem are freed, they can resume human pers-Mes).
n o d game play on thdr ntxt W a y w T m DarkMInkn: Amanstrwsservantdthe elusiveDnrlt Masters.
Death Ray:An extratwrestrinlweapon that kypkatly datroys I
GLOSSARY what- it hits.

TheFollowingrommenlsand &etiniLiansare hluded to sdd to Demonground: Wild regm- OF the Earth w h i d have been
your edlkation and enfoyment. ovurun by mutattdplants and animals and/or by spill-overs oF
Amoebewe A human-s'uad amebdd m e a m able to ma- h d ~p r: o t o - d i h .
nipulate and r i w tts fmn. DhrtensbnaI Wrttx: A major dislwbnee among the pmto-
A n l m toc A spirit thnt InhabUs and telekIneWy gives mo- dlmernionr.eauing reverr dluuptkndnormd uirtslce Lherr. '1
tion to nwmally h n h a t e objects. 'Draft" an m th :A corporate h l o n to shanghai new
t s empathi m i b *
B k a k ~ A n h w ~ h o F h u m a n d c s p a ' a w h d k a sby
draining b tskth's l& forra &o-Rmtst:An d o g k a l l y minded individual who em-

david osborne (Order #28696854)

d ~ 7 U Fmd& A gov-1
b r a c m w i G J e n c a ~ t h s d y ~ d ~ n nPsjrcble mr -te FdIty
#vohhrkhenam%of~ devotedto studylng the phenommm b w In Mfnkn
hp* Stahh#: h b e m p d k indi- Huater, a character with 0 Empathygmhin wPI isqikkly teabd
~ ~ t o ~ t h & ~ * d W d o p t h e L ~ l d l l s , aan rda~ d td8tauchafacllity;a~wb 1-3-will
m a k e ~ t w t t h * ~ ~ ~ be detained Cor teatins but ultimately d n ch&
An hmte, a b m m q ability of w i t h 4 w m o r e p o i n t S w l b a ~ o n d ~ ( ~ ~ u a l I y b
r n w y h u n o n s , t i e d ~ t o & ~ ~ & escape aRer dkovering the art.lokol notuF%af auch places).
m ~ l b r ~ ~ & ~ t ~ o f ~ w h o Soeurlty m e From goverrrmardal armb tP 0o~pomte
c aTtahhg:
c e d the world ofthe 21st c m b y r d h
b E d 1 ~ m m f 8 8 m d p e ~ ~ ~ d ~ s u b s g q l l e r d f y e o m r pguards, d
~ b y t h e D s P k L a r d s , t h g e b y ~ m W o n s . might to maintain the ahhm quo,
FeyP~k~dark~cllriss~and,prora%tonensele~scruelty. S k e k W Skelatal ~mainapossessed by an animator SF.
Q a n g ~ S t r % l e t ~ l n t h e ~ a r e n o t a U b d M m Skulhvorm: y An ~ll1gent.otherworldly fwm d parasite ca-
s m e ae fhe only sort d e m m m t y mm mailable for theB pable afcontrdlinga human by bumnwIrtg into theperson'sskult
lbb rplcwnterdawsdmadeasto make favor- and taking control OF the brain.
dhccaaWk with aueA a gang. S b A burrowing creature that somewhat resembles a
Ha*# Dwarfish bmmd4urfttr blpd-Ilk wings, prehensile giant, land-dwelling squid. It lays hwok br eeaturantravellhg
k m , a n d a h d ~ the ground's surface, then erupb b t h bc&@m and Qet them
~auir~:~~d~wUhnaI%mmofph~s~call~a f k t hAgslow but d l l e vegetable IiFe fbrm mia
~ ~ - - B m C l l l - ~ * ~ ~ n e g a - hmmn-siPedsponge m u s h m coveredwith wriggImg mtle!s,
the-. whkh feeds by pressing a g a M an'vnal prey, worming L d e t s
~ A r r r a l e v Q m & , ~ ~ ~ d f l r e .llnder h e skim, and drahhg body f l u k
~AtypaCe~spWhPenZan~end S t e r W A type of tnachhe intelligmce deslgxd hy the
& Q d a l ~ ~ ~ d ~ )Ilananoid
~ ~ EThs for tthe pwpese
h e of d&myIng s y m b k h (see
W d t h r r ~ ~ ~ g l g r ~ ~ m P belaw), E abutrnow y determined
~ ~ ~ ta exkmhate all I k Fcnm
~ - ~ . g r e * - b ~ a ~ Storm WraW A humanoid entity of electtieal pww.
~I5fiDtPdaatfOF0wHeUZtiDthe~~om.~ 8tratt)ght:A battle betweenganp, or betencopcopsand
~ A ~ d x a b h d ~ t e n t a d e eang s ~ mrmbers.
t y D a n g m . but @entially instructive.
~ a r l d n # r h a ~ ( S o ~ a s j s h l e g a n d a r y Q n e Street k Ttdnhgm: The type OF skills typically learned by
~ahwscmedurilhsnakesinpkebhaiF..) p p l e who live an "hestreet."
~ l M c e A c h x e t o a c q u k ~ o n t h e b l ~ m ~
Symblod: A type of machine h l l i g m des@ed by the
A h n p u m a n m t l y t u m d t o ~ t i s Fomrby
t h u m a d rn8f~th~putpose of --dim€?lW'h3 by
~arother~ucfitm&nWlt. s c a ~ p a F t s d l h r ~ ~ t h e r e a n d ~ i n g O t w n
A p& s u b m n e m humwiaid that,together with l n t o u s Q f u l h m t o b a ~ b y ~ s ~
orSwr dwtyps,lnm&ardedshmnanbehgs.(Fromti. Q. UleW l b d c ~ * A ~ ~ ~ W f t h t Q I I J C W s k 3 a r d
mernmehh) d e v o t e d b & ~ h w n E t t o ~ ~ a ~
m ~ A , d d ~ l # m a n c m p % e t h w t h m b e c t n ~ s r s TolfEdd= d hnhieHke servants of a toxk maher.
bYw-sP= Th~AmmtumdempaUllemergycmdtedbyanempathii
P C a t r u d h p e t h : A n ~ w h m e p o w a r s ~ s u d d e n l ypenon, usually as a A t of that person's W death
d- Were: An animallstk humanoidwith theabiliitytoempathilly
~ ~ o f ~ h u m a n s w h o b a n d disguise r as Fully h m , except d h g the monthly ndtlng
~ f o itself
~ c m a n d r w e n g e u p o n t h e d e t y l h t s p m d t f r a m . season(periodd&ehrllmoon).
O r g s n ~ A b l r d r ~ d h u m e u r ~ p w . WMd Hunt:7heauddmappmmme dany packdothenvoddty
~ I A w S t r e P c h e a d I d t h a t h a v e b c a n a b w d d b creatures InLent upan a M d n g War slaughtering whatever
chaoabyl#enh~offtciafs,nowpopuldedonlybyth they encounter.
dregsofhuntw d e t y Windfall: A sudden influx d h d s , whether due to a w'vming a
Pala: A I q - h k d hwnmddaatumthat feeds by dminlng htery, mhhg an Inherhnce, mceivhg a corporate Incentive
b d y h G a t f K l m a a h e r ~ ~ payment, d k w e r t n g brrrted treasure, cw st-mg acmas the
Poltergakt: A d w m d v e iypeof g h d with tha capabnky to M y of n mudared drug Iwd
tetekmetkally manipulate physicalobjects, Zombk One of several sorts of mobile dtad or n d y dead
PkmRawmALsohmn&saWerrormwm"Aptemnodon-lke pmns. Some are bodies poss%ssed by anhalor spk8s: others
b B d a 8 n c e r ~ I n t e a ~ w d ~ w f t h D a rare k d~ y dead parsons controlled by hideous parask infeeta-
Proto-Dhston: Any m a h o W e E w Z f i ' s unlvuge. tima OF one aort or another.

david osborne (Order #28696854)

a m me rlan a r ~ v s . ~ l a a r n g a r g ~ 1 0 ~ 1
.[~oumtalrl di B S ! Avrrosp vs Sldlkmg t j r ~ptrl G-a1 ~ a
~ d lofl fiamc. L- 4 1 random Lpuprnrnt Card

l r s a a p e b y ~ b m D u k ~ ,
ctte A&=, Mark
~ o & ~ ~ a ~ ~ ~ h t r m r ~ i a b d y ~ b p l h ~ ~ a r c k h
, e n m u d c r m d ~ a t l v ~ k

Demongmund: Haw a bmmpmd enmntrx.
- -

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3 Plqw swarm: Suecccd at h s y vs. Ernpahy or ksc: I D6 Conhclrr.
I W ~ ~ r t ~ v i . ~ ~ ~ t g o l a . Q e R
I 5 Altatked by prasite-riddenw r m f m : Srmrceed a Dimcull vs. Empahy

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' amrl

[JrcH' . .. ... ...... - ... ..
10 o r,irttior~ir i t ~ i r n ~ ~s;hutfi

david osborne (Order #28696854)

3 Attacked by slither: Hall movement. Succeed a1 Difficult
vs Combat ar , ar go to tntenstvc Care. vs. Cornbal or qo to Intensive Cme.

destroyed (

2 L L

krnpathy ddvdrlce. and tdkt. ariolht:~1111

,.IJMZMC nume: HcaUng p r d s mpldly; i
Lhm take another tun.
tcmnrnd~e.R r t elvr - I
1E1~ipdtt11~ Er~ipdthy, lvance.
r Phlianthropist vlslts hospital: Advance, t h w c t d
at Averaae; fame* ta receive S25.000.

david osborne (Order #28696854)

Produces cards approximately 2 x 2.5 inches.

david osborne (Order #28696854)

Produces cards approximately 2 x 2.5 inches.

david osborne (Order #28696854)

he Minion Hunter fipansion Kit.
If you've played Minion Hunter until you know every encounter by heart and
have memorized every card, this kit will inject a new level of mystery into your
If you've just begun playing Mlnion Hunter, this kit wiIl provide you with options
and background to make your play more satisfying than ever.
If you've never played Minion Hunter...y outre missing out on a good time.
Included in this package are:
New rules options, for grimmer, yet more cooperative games.
Expanded encounter tables, for further variety In play-including a table of
random Plot Card rcsultsi
16 new Equipment Cards, including Empathy-enhancing items, a second
Wildey Wolf (for two-fisted shooting!), and even minion equipment you can
capture at Dark Encounters!
Designer's Notes, with topic by topic, space by space, encounter by
encounter comments to further flesh out your understanding of Minion Hunter
and its treatment of the Dark Conspiracy horror RPG world.
A new Dark Age has come. Never has the world been so grim ...nor the battle
so heroic!

david osborne (Order #28696854)

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