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Organizational Behaviour Canadian 4th

Edition Kinicki Test Bank

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Student: ___________________________________________________________________________

1. Which of the following is NOT a stage of group development according to Tuckman?

A. Forming
B. Storming
C. Norming
D. Performing
E. Collecting

2. When groups disperse due to completion of the project, what stage of development does this represent
according to Tuckman's model?
A. Forming
B. Storming
C. Norming
D. Performing
E. Adjourning

3. In Tuckman's Five-Stage Theory of Group Development, a focus on solving task problems occurs
A. in the stage before norming
B. in the forming stage
C. in the stage before adjourning
D. in the stage before storming
E. in the storming stage

4. _______________ or, stage ____________ is a time of testing, according to the five-stage theory of group
A. Forming; 1
B. Norming; 3
C. Storming; 2
D. Performing; 4
E. Adjourning; 5
5. Group cohesiveness, or the ‘we feeling' develops during which stage according to the theory of group
A. forming
B. storming
C. norming
D. performing
E. adjourning

6. What is the fourth stage in the five-stage model theory for group development?
A. Forming
B. Storming
C. Norming
D. Performing
E. Collecting

7. What type of roles foster supportive and constructive interpersonal relationships?

A. group roles
B. task roles
C. goal roles
D. maintenance roles
E. emotive roles

8. __________ enable the work group to define, clarify, and pursue a common purpose.
A. Task roles
B. Information seeker roles
C. Storming stage
D. Maintenance roles
E. Norms

9. All of the following are task roles EXCEPT

A. the harmonizer
B. the initiator
C. the evaluator
D. the energizer
E. information seeker
10. The first behaviour pattern that emerges in the group can affect group norms. Which of the following
describes this phenomenon?
A. explicit statements by co-workers or supervisors
B. critical events in the group's history
C. primacy
D. carry over from past situations
E. recency

11. Norms tend to be enforced by group members except when they

A. help the group or organization to survive
B. complicate behavioural expectations
C. help individuals avoid embarrassing situations
D. clarify the groups or organizations central values and unique identify
E. clarify behaviour expectations

12. Explicit statements by supervisors or co-workers, critical events in the group's history, and primacy are
some ways in which __________ develop.
A. trust
B. cohesiveness
C. teamwork
D. roles
E. norms

13. If James, president of the student government association, marks the first annual meeting by a very formal
interaction between himself and others, James is establishing norms through ___________________.
A. trust
B. primacy
C. teamwork
D. roles
E. norms

14. A group becomes a team when

A. Leadership becomes a shared activity
B. Accountability shifts from strictly individual to both individual and collective
C. The group develops a purpose or mission
D. Problem solving becomes a way of life
E. All of the responses are correct
15. Many managers strongly resist giving up the reins of power to people they view as subordinates. They see
self-managed teams as
A. a threat to the proper management of people
B. a threat to their productivity
C. a threat to the even pace of work
D. a threat to their job security
E. a threat to quiet, unassertive employees

16. ___________ occur(s) when specialists from all different areas are on the same team.
A. Research insight
B. Cross-functionalism
C. Virtual team
D. Self-functionalism
E. Social loafing

17. A group becomes a team when all the following criteria are met EXCEPT?
A. Leadership
B. Accountability
C. Individuality
D. Problem-solving
E. Effectiveness

18. The idea of a physically dispersed task group that conducts its business through modern information
technology refers to which of these?
A. Research insight
B. Cross-functionalism
C. Virtual team
D. Self-functionalism
E. Social loafing

19. Though virtual teams are technologically advanced, they cannot survive without the same old fashioned
factors like
A. top-management support and mission
B. objectives, effective leadership and hands on training
C. a clear mission
D. effective leadership
E. all the above
20. Which item is a feature of virtual teams?
A. small group size
B. goal setting
C. physically dispersed task group
D. face-to-face contact
E. long-term members

21. Communication, support, respect, fairness, predictability, and competence are all guidelines for building and
A. a team
B. trust
C. problem solutions
D. group stability
E. good decisions

22. Being available and approachable refers to which guidelines for building and maintaining trust?
A. Communication
B. Support
C. Respect
D. Predictability
E. Competence

23. In a managerial position, it is especially important to keep team members and employees informed by
explaining policies and decisions and providing accurate feedback. This is an example of which guideline for
building and maintaining trust?
A. Communication
B. Support
C. Respect
D. Predictability
E. Competence

24. Social loafing occurs in all of the following EXCEPT

A. when there is no personal accountability
B. when the tasks are not perceived to be important
C. when extra effort is not rewarded individually
D. when group members expected to be evaluated
E. when members perceive that others are not working
25. Managers can curb social loafing by
A. giving routine tasks
B. not identifying individual output
C. providing challenging tasks
D. providing important tasks
E. providing important, challenging and accountable tasks

26. At the performing stage or stage 4, the work is done and it is time to move on to other things.
True False

27. Formal groups fulfill the organizational function of reducing the individual's anxieties and feelings of
insecurity and powerlessness.
True False

28. The Punctuated Equilibrium Model is a group development process consisting of stable periods interrupted
by punctuated situations.
True False

29. Mariam worked to keep the group together. She was performing a task role within the group.
True False

30. The task roles of initiator and energizer are goal-directed roles.
True False

31. Norms are enforced to clarify the group's or organizations central values and/or unique identity.
True False

32. Self-management is one of the six guidelines for building and maintaining trust.
True False

33. In a self-managed team, employees act as their own supervisor.

True False
34. A self-managed team has a negative effect on productivity.
True False

35. Groupthink can be prevented by having different groups with different leaders explore the same policy
True False

36. Group think can occur if groups are friendly and tight knit. Poor decision making can result. Explain the
eight classic symptoms of group think. How would you overcome group think?

37. Consider a group that you have been a member of. Explain how group norms were formed and how the
norms were enforced. Was this membership in a group or a team. Explain why.
c6 Key

1. (p. 126) Which of the following is NOT a stage of group development according to Tuckman?
A. Forming
B. Storming
C. Norming
D. Performing
E. Collecting

The five stages are forming, storming, norming, performing and adjourning. See Figure 6.2

Blooms: Conceptual
Difficulty: Medium
Kinicki - Chapter 06 #1
Learning Objective: 06-01 List and define the five stages of Tuckmans theory of group development.

2. (p. 126) When groups disperse due to completion of the project, what stage of development does this represent
according to Tuckman's model?
A. Forming
B. Storming
C. Norming
D. Performing
E. Adjourning

The five stages are forming, storming, norming, performing and adjourning. See Figure 6.2

Blooms: Conceptual
Difficulty: Easy
Kinicki - Chapter 06 #2
Learning Objective: 06-01 List and define the five stages of Tuckmans theory of group development.
3. (p. 126) In Tuckman's Five-Stage Theory of Group Development, a focus on solving task problems occurs
A. in the stage before norming
B. in the forming stage
C. in the stage before adjourning
D. in the stage before storming
E. in the storming stage

Stage 4: Performing _Activity during this vital stage is focused on solving task problems.

Blooms: Conceptual
Difficulty: Medium
Kinicki - Chapter 06 #3
Learning Objective: 06-01 List and define the five stages of Tuckmans theory of group development.

4. (p. 125) _______________ or, stage ____________ is a time of testing, according to the five-stage theory of
group development.
A. Forming; 1
B. Norming; 3
C. Storming; 2
D. Performing; 4
E. Adjourning; 5

Stage 2: Storming _This is a time of testing.

Blooms: Conceptual
Difficulty: Medium
Kinicki - Chapter 06 #4
Learning Objective: 06-01 List and define the five stages of Tuckmans theory of group development.

5. (p. 126) Group cohesiveness, or the ‘we feeling' develops during which stage according to the theory of group
A. forming
B. storming
C. norming
D. performing
E. adjourning

A feeling of team spirit is experienced because members believe they have found their proper roles. Group
cohesiveness, defined as the ‘we feeling' binds members of the group together.

Blooms: Conceptual
Difficulty: Easy
Kinicki - Chapter 06 #5
Learning Objective: 06-01 List and define the five stages of Tuckmans theory of group development.
6. (p. 126) What is the fourth stage in the five-stage model theory for group development?
A. Forming
B. Storming
C. Norming
D. Performing
E. Collecting

The five stages are forming, storming, norming, performing and adjourning. See Figure 6.2

Blooms: Conceptual
Difficulty: Easy
Kinicki - Chapter 06 #6
Learning Objective: 06-01 List and define the five stages of Tuckmans theory of group development.

7. (p. 127) What type of roles foster supportive and constructive interpersonal relationships?
A. group roles
B. task roles
C. goal roles
D. maintenance roles
E. emotive roles

There are task and maintenance roles. See Table 6.1. Maintenance roles foster supportive and constructive
interpersonal relationships.

Blooms: Conceptual
Difficulty: Easy
Kinicki - Chapter 06 #7
Learning Objective: 06-02 Contrast roles and norms; emphasizing reasons why norms are enforced in organizations.

8. (p. 127) __________ enable the work group to define, clarify, and pursue a common purpose.
A. Task roles
B. Information seeker roles
C. Storming stage
D. Maintenance roles
E. Norms

There are task and maintenance roles. See Table 6.1. Task roles keep the group on track.

Blooms: Conceptual
Difficulty: Easy
Kinicki - Chapter 06 #8
Learning Objective: 06-02 Contrast roles and norms; emphasizing reasons why norms are enforced in organizations.
9. (p. 128) All of the following are task roles EXCEPT
A. the harmonizer
B. the initiator
C. the evaluator
D. the energizer
E. information seeker

There are task and maintenance roles. See Table 6.1. The harmonizer is a maintenance role.

Blooms: Conceptual
Difficulty: Easy
Kinicki - Chapter 06 #9
Learning Objective: 06-02 Contrast roles and norms; emphasizing reasons why norms are enforced in organizations.

10. (p. 129) The first behaviour pattern that emerges in the group can affect group norms. Which of the following
describes this phenomenon?
A. explicit statements by co-workers or supervisors
B. critical events in the group's history
C. primacy
D. carry over from past situations
E. recency

Group members positively reinforce those who adhere to current norms with friendship and acceptance

Blooms: Conceptual
Difficulty: Easy
Kinicki - Chapter 06 #10
Learning Objective: 06-02 Contrast roles and norms; emphasizing reasons why norms are enforced in organizations.

11. (p. 129) Norms tend to be enforced by group members except when they
A. help the group or organization to survive
B. complicate behavioural expectations
C. help individuals avoid embarrassing situations
D. clarify the groups or organizations central values and unique identify
E. clarify behaviour expectations

Norms evolve in an informal manner however groups work to harmonize rather than complicate expectations

Blooms: Conceptual
Difficulty: Easy
Kinicki - Chapter 06 #11
Learning Objective: 06-02 Contrast roles and norms; emphasizing reasons why norms are enforced in organizations.
12. (p. 129) Explicit statements by supervisors or co-workers, critical events in the group's history, and primacy
are some ways in which __________ develop.
A. trust
B. cohesiveness
C. teamwork
D. roles
E. norms

There are 4 ways that norms develop. These are explicit statements about supervisors or co-workers, critical
events in the group's history, carryover behaviours from past situations, and primacy.

Blooms: Conceptual
Difficulty: Easy
Kinicki - Chapter 06 #12
Learning Objective: 06-02 Contrast roles and norms; emphasizing reasons why norms are enforced in organizations.

13. (p. 129) If James, president of the student government association, marks the first annual meeting by a very
formal interaction between himself and others, James is establishing norms through ___________________.
A. trust
B. primacy
C. teamwork
D. roles
E. norms

The first behaviour pattern that emerges in a group often sets group expectations.

Blooms: Application
Difficulty: Easy
Kinicki - Chapter 06 #13
Learning Objective: 06-02 Contrast roles and norms; emphasizing reasons why norms are enforced in organizations.

14. (p. 130) A group becomes a team when

A. Leadership becomes a shared activity
B. Accountability shifts from strictly individual to both individual and collective
C. The group develops a purpose or mission
D. Problem solving becomes a way of life
E. All of the responses are correct

A group becomes a team when the following criteria are met, leadership, accountability, purpose, problem
solving and effectiveness.

Blooms: Conceptual
Difficulty: Easy
Kinicki - Chapter 06 #14
Learning Objective: 06-03 Examine the process of how a work group becomes a team; emphasizing various teamwork competencies.
15. (p. 132) Many managers strongly resist giving up the reins of power to people they view as subordinates. They
see self-managed teams as
A. a threat to the proper management of people
B. a threat to their productivity
C. a threat to the even pace of work
D. a threat to their job security
E. a threat to quiet, unassertive employees

Managerial resistance can occur when giving up the reins of power. There is a change of roles for management
in a team. Managers may view a self-managed team as a threat to their job security.

Blooms: Conceptual
Difficulty: Easy
Kinicki - Chapter 06 #15
Learning Objective: 06-03 Examine the process of how a work group becomes a team; emphasizing various teamwork competencies.

16. (p. 132) ___________ occur(s) when specialists from all different areas are on the same team.
A. Research insight
B. Cross-functionalism
C. Virtual team
D. Self-functionalism
E. Social loafing

A cross-functional team has technical specialists from different areas and is a common feature of a
self-managed team.

Blooms: Conceptual
Difficulty: Easy
Kinicki - Chapter 06 #16
Learning Objective: 06-03 Examine the process of how a work group becomes a team; emphasizing various teamwork competencies.

17. (p. 131) A group becomes a team when all the following criteria are met EXCEPT?
A. Leadership
B. Accountability
C. Individuality
D. Problem-solving
E. Effectiveness

A group becomes a team when the following criteria are met, leadership, accountability, purpose, problem
solving, and effectiveness. Individuality is not a component for an effective team.

Blooms: Conceptual
Difficulty: Easy
Kinicki - Chapter 06 #17
Learning Objective: 06-03 Examine the process of how a work group becomes a team; emphasizing various teamwork competencies.
18. (p. 133) The idea of a physically dispersed task group that conducts its business through modern information
technology refers to which of these?
A. Research insight
B. Cross-functionalism
C. Virtual team
D. Self-functionalism
E. Social loafing

Virtual teams are the product of modern times. The team uses technology to communicate without really being

Blooms: Conceptual
Difficulty: Easy
Kinicki - Chapter 06 #18
Learning Objective: 06-03 Examine the process of how a work group becomes a team; emphasizing various teamwork competencies.

19. (p. 134) Though virtual teams are technologically advanced, they cannot survive without the same old
fashioned factors like
A. top-management support and mission
B. objectives, effective leadership and hands on training
C. a clear mission
D. effective leadership
E. all the above

Virtual teams are the product of modern times. They are not the cure all for everything and must have clear
guidance and objectives.

Blooms: Conceptual
Difficulty: Easy
Kinicki - Chapter 06 #19
Learning Objective: 06-03 Examine the process of how a work group becomes a team; emphasizing various teamwork competencies.

20. (p. 133) Which item is a feature of virtual teams?

A. small group size
B. goal setting
C. physically dispersed task group
D. face-to-face contact
E. long-term members

Virtual teams are a product of modern times. You can be a member of a work team without really being there.

Blooms: Conceptual
Difficulty: Easy
Kinicki - Chapter 06 #20
Learning Objective: 06-03 Examine the process of how a work group becomes a team; emphasizing various teamwork competencies.
21. (p. 136) Communication, support, respect, fairness, predictability, and competence are all guidelines for
building and maintaining
A. a team
B. trust
C. problem solutions
D. group stability
E. good decisions

To build trust, communication, support, respect, fairness, predictability, and competence should be present.

Blooms: Conceptual
Difficulty: Easy
Kinicki - Chapter 06 #21
Learning Objective: 06-04 Explain why trust is a key ingredient to building an effective team; referring to both self-managed and virtual teams.

22. (p. 136) Being available and approachable refers to which guidelines for building and maintaining trust?
A. Communication
B. Support
C. Respect
D. Predictability
E. Competence

Support is being available and approachable. Providing help, advice, coaching, and support to team members'
ideas is necessary.

Blooms: Conceptual
Difficulty: Easy
Kinicki - Chapter 06 #22
Learning Objective: 06-04 Explain why trust is a key ingredient to building an effective team; referring to both self-managed and virtual teams.

23. (p. 136) In a managerial position, it is especially important to keep team members and employees informed by
explaining policies and decisions and providing accurate feedback. This is an example of which guideline for
building and maintaining trust?
A. Communication
B. Support
C. Respect
D. Predictability
E. Competence

Communication keeps members informed by explaining policies and decisions.

Blooms: Application
Difficulty: Easy
Kinicki - Chapter 06 #23
Learning Objective: 06-04 Explain why trust is a key ingredient to building an effective team; referring to both self-managed and virtual teams.
24. (p. 137) Social loafing occurs in all of the following EXCEPT
A. when there is no personal accountability
B. when the tasks are not perceived to be important
C. when extra effort is not rewarded individually
D. when group members expected to be evaluated
E. when members perceive that others are not working

Research indicates that social loafing does not occur when there is an expectation of evaluation.

Blooms: Conceptual
Difficulty: Easy
Kinicki - Chapter 06 #24
Learning Objective: 06-05 Summarize at least two threats to group and team effectiveness.

25. (p. 137) Managers can curb social loafing by

A. giving routine tasks
B. not identifying individual output
C. providing challenging tasks
D. providing important tasks
E. providing important, challenging and accountable tasks

Ensuring the task is important to the organization as well as self-monitoring will help to prevent social loafing.

Blooms: Conceptual
Difficulty: Easy
Kinicki - Chapter 06 #25
Learning Objective: 06-05 Summarize at least two threats to group and team effectiveness.

26. (p. 126) At the performing stage or stage 4, the work is done and it is time to move on to other things.

The adjourning stage or stage 5 is when the work is done and the team moves on.

Blooms: Definition
Difficulty: Easy
Kinicki - Chapter 06 #26
Learning Objective: 06-01 List and define the five stages of Tuckmans theory of group development.
27. (p. 124) Formal groups fulfill the organizational function of reducing the individual's anxieties and feelings of
insecurity and powerlessness.

This is a function of the individual. Refer to table 6.1

Blooms: Conceptual
Difficulty: Easy
Kinicki - Chapter 06 #27
Learning Objective: 06-01 List and define the five stages of Tuckmans theory of group development.

28. (p. 127) The Punctuated Equilibrium Model is a group development process consisting of stable periods
interrupted by punctuated situations.

Definition as written in the text. Refer to page 124.

Blooms: Definition
Difficulty: Easy
Kinicki - Chapter 06 #28
Learning Objective: 06-02 Contrast roles and norms; emphasizing reasons why norms are enforced in organizations.

29. (p. 127) Mariam worked to keep the group together. She was performing a task role within the group.

A task roles keeps the group on track, while the maintenance roles keep the group together. Refer to Table 6.1.

Blooms: Application
Difficulty: Easy
Kinicki - Chapter 06 #29
Learning Objective: 06-02 Contrast roles and norms; emphasizing reasons why norms are enforced in organizations.

30. (p. 127) The task roles of initiator and energizer are goal-directed roles.

The task roles of initiator, orienter, and energizer are especially important because they are goal-directed roles.
Refer to Table 6.1.

Blooms: Conceptual
Difficulty: Easy
Kinicki - Chapter 06 #30
Learning Objective: 06-02 Contrast roles and norms; emphasizing reasons why norms are enforced in organizations.
31. (p. 128-129) Norms are enforced to clarify the group's or organizations central values and/or unique identity.

Norms are shared attitudes, opinions, feeling, or actions that guide social behaviour in the group.

Blooms: Definition
Difficulty: Easy
Kinicki - Chapter 06 #31
Learning Objective: 06-02 Contrast roles and norms; emphasizing reasons why norms are enforced in organizations.

32. (p. 136) Self-management is one of the six guidelines for building and maintaining trust.

The six guidelines are: communication, support, respect, fairness, predictability, competence.

Blooms: Definition
Difficulty: Easy
Kinicki - Chapter 06 #32
Learning Objective: 06-03 Examine the process of how a work group becomes a team; emphasizing various teamwork competencies.

33. (p. 132) In a self-managed team, employees act as their own supervisor.

These tasks are normally performed by managers; however employees in these unique work groups can act as
their own supervisor.

Blooms: Conceptual
Difficulty: Easy
Kinicki - Chapter 06 #33
Learning Objective: 06-03 Examine the process of how a work group becomes a team; emphasizing various teamwork competencies.

34. (p. 132) A self-managed team has a negative effect on productivity.


Research indicates that a self-managed team had a positive effect on productivity.

Blooms: Definition
Difficulty: Easy
Kinicki - Chapter 06 #34
Learning Objective: 06-03 Examine the process of how a work group becomes a team; emphasizing various teamwork competencies.
35. (p. 137) Groupthink can be prevented by having different groups with different leaders explore the same policy

Refer to Skills and Best Practices - How to Prevent Groupthink. One way to prevent groupthink is to have
different groups with different leaders explore the same policy questions.

Blooms: Definition
Difficulty: Easy
Kinicki - Chapter 06 #35
Learning Objective: 06-05 Summarize at least two threats to group and team effectiveness.

36. (p. 136-137) Group think can occur if groups are friendly and tight knit. Poor decision making can result.
Explain the eight classic symptoms of group think. How would you overcome group think?

The eight classic symptoms are

1. invulnerability
2. inherent morality
3. rationalization
4. stereotyped views of opposition
5. self-censorship
6. illusion of unanimity
7. peer pressure
8. mindguards

There are several ways to overcome group think as indicated in the Skills and Best Practices section

Blooms: Conceptual
Difficulty: Difficult
Kinicki - Chapter 06 #36
Learning Objective: 06-05 Summarize at least two threats to group and team effectiveness.
37. (p. 129-130) Consider a group that you have been a member of. Explain how group norms were formed and how
the norms were enforced. Was this membership in a group or a team. Explain why.

Norms are developed in four ways:

1. explicit statements of supervisors or co-workers

2. critical events
3. primacy
4. carryover behaviours
5. In answering the question, the student would need to identify which way they developed norms.
6. Norms are enforced by group members when they:
7. help the group or organization survive
8. clarify or simplify behavioural expectations
9. help individuals avoid embarrassing situations
10. clarify the group's or organizations central values or identify
11. An example is provided in Table 6.2. The student would need to identify how the group they were a
member of enforced the norms.

The final part of the question is whether the student was a member of a team - people with complimentary skills
who hold themselves mutually accountable for common purpose, goals, and approach. A group would be two or
more people freely interacting with shared norms and goals and a common identity.

Blooms: Conceptual
Difficulty: Difficult
Kinicki - Chapter 06 #37
Learning Objective: 06-01 List and define the five stages of Tuckmans theory of group development.
Learning Objective: 06-02 Contrast roles and norms; emphasizing reasons why norms are enforced in organizations.
Learning Objective: 06-03 Examine the process of how a work group becomes a team; emphasizing various teamwork competencies.
c6 Summary

Category # of Question
Blooms: Application 3
Blooms: Conceptual 28
Blooms: Definition 6
Difficulty: Difficult 2
Difficulty: Easy 32
Difficulty: Medium 3
Kinicki - Chapter 06 37
Learning Objective: 06-01 List and define the five stages of Tuckmans theory of group development. 9
Learning Objective: 06-02 Contrast roles and norms; emphasizing reasons why norms are enforced in organizations. 12
Learning Objective: 06-03 Examine the process of how a work group becomes a team; emphasizing various teamwork competenci 11
Learning Objective: 06-04 Explain why trust is a key ingredient to building an effective team; referring to both self-managed and v 3
irtual teams.
Learning Objective: 06-05 Summarize at least two threats to group and team effectiveness. 4

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