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Regional de Chalatenango

SUBJECT: English

TEACHER : Mario Ernesto Zelaya Delgado

TOPIC: My two greatest accomplishments

STUDENT: Karen Gabriela Méndez Murillo

YEAR : 2023

Cycle: 3
Accomplishments are a result that you get when you fight for what you want and
my achievements were obtained because every day I did everything to earn them, I
studied, and my parents supported me, it was not easy to get here, sometimes I
stayed awake and often cried because things did not go well but with much effort, I
managed to continue, sometimes everything seemed to be wrong but my family
supported me and lifted my mood, thanks to that I'm here fighting to learn English

My two greatest achievements have been

The first achievement was finishing my studies

I have obtained my first achievement thanks to my parents and my effort, I

went from school to school, it was not so easy to adapt but every day was a
struggle, not always everything was good, sometimes I also suffered I just
wanted to make my parents proud and make them happy

The second achievement was getting a diploma in graphic design.

My second achievement was that I recently received a Google designer

diploma thanks to the fact that the government gave me a course application
to study and the one I started doing was web designer, I really liked the
teaching, they speak English so it helps me to practice and I managed to get
the first diploma out of 7 that I am missing but little by little I wil

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