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1.1 Background of the study

Poultry is a vital component of the global food system, providing meat and eggs to billions of
people worldwide. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the global
poultry meat production reached 129.7 million tonnes in 2020, with an estimated value of US$
238.4 billion. The poultry industry also provides livelihoods for millions of people globally,
particularly in developing countries where small-scale and backyard poultry farming are
prevalent (FAO, 2021).

Broilers, a specific type of poultry raised for meat production, account for the majority of global
poultry meat production. In 2020, global broiler meat production was estimated at 100.5 million
tonnes, with an estimated value of US$ 176.7 billion (FAO, 2021). Broiler production is a
significant contributor to the global economy and plays a crucial role in providing affordable and
accessible animal protein to consumers worldwide (Al-Nasser et al., 2015).

Effective feeding management is crucial for the success of broiler production, both in terms of
animal health and economic profitability. Proper feed formulation and management can help to
reduce production costs, improve feed conversion rates, and increase production efficiency,
resulting in higher profits for producers (Adejoro et al., 2016). Inadequate or imbalanced feed
can lead to poor growth, low feed efficiency, and high mortality rates, all of which can have
negative economic impacts on broiler production (Ferraz et al., 2019).

In recent times, feed additives and nutritional supplements have gained significant importance in
the poultry industry and healthcare systems due to their wide range of benefits. These benefits
include promoting growth and production, enhancing immunity, and protecting animal health
(Alagawany et al., 2020). Factors such as hygiene, feed ingredient processing, ambient
temperature, animal health, and genetic makeup also play a vital role in animal performance
(Chlebicz and Slizewska, 2020; Jacob, 2015; Mohamed et al., 2019).

Over the past 50 years, the poultry industry has made tremendous progress in its production
system through advances in nutritional science, proper management, and improvements in

genetic makeup (El-Tahawy et al., 2017; Gado et al., 2019). The use of feed additives has
contributed significantly to the success achieved in current broiler production (Changxing et al.,
2019; Farag et al., 2019; Farghly et al., 2018; Soomro et al., 2019). Generally, feed additives are
materials used to enhance nutrient effectiveness and improve poultry performance (Ashour et al.,
2020; Farag & Alagawany, 2019). Some of the commonly used feed additives in poultry feed
include antibiotics, probiotics, oligosaccharides, enzymes, and organic acids (Bin-Jumah et al.,
2020; Elgeddawy et al., 2020; Hussein et al., 2020; Windisch et al., 2008).

The use of IMO as a feed supplement in poultry production has gained increasing attention in
recent years due to its potential to improve growth performance, feed utilization, and overall
health of birds (Park et al., 2019). In addition to improving economic feeding and carcass
characteristics, IMO inclusion in diets has also been shown to enhance the immune system and
gut health of broiler chickens. Several studies have reported that IMO supplementation
increased serum antibody levels, lymphocyte proliferation, and the number of beneficial
bacteria in the gut of broiler chickens (Cao et al., 2018; Hong et al., 2019). They also prevent
contamination of carcasses by intestinal pathogens during processing and promote higher
growth rate and feed conversion efficiency in growing chickens (Hose and Sozzi, 1991; Juven et
al., 1991).

1.2 General Objectives of the Study

The main purpose of this research is to investigate carcass characteristics and feed economy of
broiler chicken fed diets supplemented with varying levels of indigenous microorganism (IMO).
1.3 Specific objectives
The specific objectives of the study are;
i. To examine the effects of dietary indigenous microorganism (IMO)
supplementation at various levels on the carcass characteristics of broiler
ii. To determine the effects of various inclusion levels of indigenous microorganism
(IMO) on the feed economy of broiler chickens

1.4 Justification

Broiler chicken production plays a crucial role in the global supply of animal protein, and it is
necessary to optimize growth performance and carcass traits to ensure economic profitability, as
stated by Bharat et al. (2019). However, the use of antibiotics as growth promoters in animal
production has raised concerns about the emergence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria and potential
negative effects on human health, according to the World Health Organization (2017).
Consequently, there has been a growing interest in exploring alternative growth promoters like
indigenous microorganisms (IMOs) that can substitute for antibiotics.

Therefore, the investigation of the effects of diets containing indigenous microorganisms (IMOs)
on the carcass traits and feed economy of broiler chickens is a relevant and important research
area. The use of IMOs in animal feed has the potential to enhance the performance of broiler
chickens while reducing the use of antibiotics. Consequently, this study aimed to examine the
carcass characteristics and feed economics of broiler chickens fed diets supplemented with
varying levels of indigenous microorganisms (IMOs), given the subject matter

2.1 Economic Benefit / Contribution of Broiler Chicken Production in Nigeria

Poultry refers to domesticated birds, including domestic fowls, turkeys, ducks, guinea fowls,
geese, pigeons, and quails, which are raised for human consumption (Oluyemi and Roberts,
2000; Obori, 2005). These birds have a wide ecological adaptation and are commonly reared in
both temperate and tropical regions. The poultry industry is rapidly expanding due to the birds'
adaptability to backyard production, fast growth rate, high rate of turnover, and feed conversion
efficiency. In Nigeria, poultry plays a significant role in the animal protein supply, with a
population of 114.3 million, consisting of 82.4 million chickens and 31.9 million other species
such as turkeys, ducks, guinea fowls, and pigeons.

The expansion of the industry has been hindered by fluctuations in the supply of good quality
feed. The rapid increase in the human population, with a high demand for animal protein, has led
to the acceleration of poultry production, particularly chickens, which is hoped to provide
sufficient animal protein. In Nigeria, poultry keeping is still mostly a subsidiary business, with
mostly domestic fowls kept on a wild range to supply table meat during festivals and ceremonial
occasions. However, in some urban centers and government establishments, poultry keeping has
developed into a commercial enterprise involving thousands of birds (Apantaku et al. (1998).

Commercial poultry production in developing countries such as Nigeria is a recent development

compared to advanced countries such as the USA, UK, Denmark, Germany, and Australia. The
industry is less capital-intensive, consists of smaller units, and relies more on manual labor,
resulting in birds performing below optimal levels and higher production costs than in developed
countries. The poultry industry in Nigeria is not as diversified as in the developed world, with an
emphasis on egg production and only one species of poultry, the domestic fowl, being kept.
Other species such as ducks, which are fast-growing, resistant to many diseases of the domestic
fowl, and can produce as many as 300 eggs per year per bird, can be used to increase the
consumption of poultry products in Nigeria. The domestic fowl is unique worldwide for its

popularity in producing both poultry meat and eggs, while other species are kept primarily for
meat ((Odeh, 2010).

2.2 Dietary requirement of poultry/ Chicken

The nutritional requirements of broiler chickens include relatively high levels of protein and
energy to achieve high marketing weights. NRC (1994) reported that broiler chicken needs high
protein diets between 22 – 24 %; 2800 – 2900 MEkcal/kg; 1.10 % lysine and 0.5 % methionine
from 0 to 4 weeks of age (starter phase) and 20 – 22 % protein, 2900 – 3000 MEkcal/kg with
lysine 1.00 % and methionine 0.35 % from 4 to 8 weeks (finishers’ phase). The productivity of
poultry is partly regulated by the energy-protein ratio of the diet (Penarankjda-Ali et al., 2010).
Generally, a high energy to protein ratio promotes energy retention as fat while a low dietary
energy to protein ratio promotes lean meat deposition. Excessive fat in birds is one of the
problems faced by poultry industry since it reduces carcass quality. Energy to protein ratio of a
diet could be of importance in determining fat content in poultry meat (Tyagi, 2001).

The importance of dietary energy has long been recognized for achieving maximum growth rate
and efficiency of feed conversion with poultry. It is an essential component of poultry diet that
must be supplied in adequate amount to meet up the bird’s requirement for maintenance,
optimum growth, egg production and reproduction (Noy and Sklan, 2004). Birds will generally
consume the amount of diet that is required to satisfy their daily energy expenditure when feed is
available ad-libitum provided all other nutrients in the diets are balanced (Ferket and Gemat,
2006). The amount of feed required to fulfill the energy requirement however depends on the
density of the metabolizable energy in the feed, digestibility, environmental condition, body size,
physiological state and activity level (Ferket and Gemat, 2006). Determination of the proper
level of energy of a diet that will optimize growth, carcass quality and feed efficiency is one of
the most important decisions made in formulating diets for poultry (Noy and Sklan, 2004).
Cereals are the major part of a poultry diet and primary sources of feed energy. Maize constitutes
the highest percentage of most compounded ration for livestock particularly monogastric
animals. Unconventional feedstuffs such as maize offal, wheat offal, rice offal and cassava peels
are also attractive partial supplements (Aduku, 2003). Suitable quantities of fats and oils may
also be added to poultry feed to increase dietary energy concentrations (Mossab et al., 2000).

The energy requirement of broilers is increasing with the age i.e 2,900 MEkcal/kg at day old to
four weeks, 3,000 MEkcal/kg at four weeks to eight weeks and energy increasing with increasing
age of the broiler (NRC, 1994). The reduction in feed intake at high ambient temperatures
usually makes caloric energy the limiting nutrient. The first priority for dietary energy is for
basal metabolism and maintenance with the remaining energy for growth and tissue accretion.
Therefore, any limitation in dietary energy intake results in reduced growth and tissue accretion.
Metabolic heat production increased as the ambient temperature increased above 28 0C. Birds
exhibits panting behavior when having difficulties to dissipate the heat generated by digestion
and energy metabolism, and this requires more energy than when they are exposed to thermal
neutral temperatures. Relatively greater decreases in feed intake and body weight gain occurred
in the hot environment when dietary metabolizable energy was increased and thereby reducing
the amino acid: metabolizable energy ratio. Tyagi (2001) explained that supplemental fat can
improve energetic efficiency of a diet fed during hot weather in three ways. First, dietary fat has
2.25 times more energy per unit of weight than carbohydrate or protein. Therefore, fat can be
used to increase flexibility of feed formulation by allowing more inclusion possibilities for other
crucial nutrients. Second, digestion and metabolism of dietary fat generates less body heat per
gram when absorbed and used for growth than dietary carbohydrate and protein. The reduction of
metabolic heat from dietary fat compared to other forms of energy increases the performance of
poultry fed high energy diets in hot temperatures. Third, the rate of food passage is reduced by
dietary fat, which may increase the digestibility of other ingredients (Mateos et al., 1982).
2.3 Broilers feeding
The nutrient requirements of broiler chickens are typically defined by age within three fixed
periods (phases), namely starter, grower, and finisher. In classical (traditional) feeding programs,
particularly those of the National Research Council (NRC). These broad periods, as defined by
the NRC (1994), have been used for decades, despite the fact that the production needs for which
it was originally designed have changed dramatically. According to Pope and Emmert (2002), the
NRC program does not correspond with the typical grow-out periods used in modern production
practices and is thus difficult to apply to commercial poultry nutrition programs. The South-
eastern Poultry and Egg Federation identified the need to determine the optimum time and
nutritional level in phased diets as a high priority research area in a recent survey of broiler
nutritional management as quoted by Saleh et al., (2009).

Theoretical basis for alternate to NRC The NRC (1994) phases, as described above provides a
single set of recommendations that includes males and females, requirements segregated into
three fixed periods: starter (0-3 weeks), grower (3-6 weeks) and finisher; (6-8 weeks of age).
Although easy to follow, these periods do not adhere to the ever-evolving system of broiler
chickens. Broilers have come a long way from early commercial production in 1960s, when it
took 60 days with a feed efficiency of 3.5 for a broiler to reach 2 kg weight. Broilers now reach
the same body weight at half of that time and may attain 1.5 feed efficiency ratio (Zubair and
Leeson, 2017). Just as the time required to reach market weights has been reduced, the length of
time various diets are fed have changed (Saleh et al., 2014). Another point underlying the
criticism of the NRC phasing is that the birds need diurnal changes, while the length of period
NRC suggests are too long for the birds to adjust (Nasril, 2003). Because the bird's needs change
gradually with age, each diet can only be optimally balanced for a particular time point (Watkins
et al., 2013). Additionally, it can be argued that a fixed duration plan does not take into
consideration other variables, such as sex and breed. Some investigators have gone even further,
suggesting that any feeding plan has to take into consideration the nutritional requirement
changes during the 24 hours schedule (Forbes and Shariatmadari, 2018).
The classic (traditional) National Research Council (1994) feeding programs usually define the
nutrient requirements of broiler chickens based upon their age, and for three fixed periods,
namely starter (0-3 weeks), grower (3-6 weeks) and finisher (6-8 weeks). This program has been
criticized by some researchers (Shariatmadari, 2009). In recent decades many researchers have
tried to make some changes or introduce alternatives to the NRC plan of feeding. ‘Feeding time
period’ and ‘phase feeding’ are two different types of presentation that are claimed to have some
merit. Planners of these new methods argue that their program benefits both the environment, by
reducing the nitrogen excretion, and the birds (Roush et al., 2004), by reducing some of
metabolic disorders, such as sudden death syndrome (SDS), ascites, leg weakness and other
problems (Bizeray et al., 2002). It is also claimed that ‘some of the non-NRC feeding plans could
be more beneficial to birds kept at high environmental temperature (Pope and Emmert, 2002).
According to Pope and Emmert (2001) the NRC program does not meet modern fast growing
bird requirements. They reasoned that, due to genetic improvements, the time required to reach
market weight has been reduced, and thus the time span for each phase has to be reconsidered
based on market weight of the birds to be slaughtered. The advocators of ‘feeding time period’

schedules argue that because the cost of feed generally declines as the protein is reduced,
optimising the time for changing diets is of economic importance. These researchers introduced
various time schedules for typical starter, grower and finisher diets (Saleh et al., 1997a; 1997b).
However, no clear pattern immerged to conclude that a shorter starter and/or grower period is
beneficial in all circumstances but rather success of such programs depends on market weight.

2.4 Carcass Characteristics of Broiler chicken.

The carcass characteristics of broiler chickens are important because they influence the quality of
the meat. The carcass characteristics of broiler chickens are affected by various factors such as
genetics, nutrition, and management practices. The genetics of broiler chickens have been shown
to play a significant role in their carcass characteristics. A study conducted by Daghir (2008)
found that the genetics of broiler chickens influenced their carcass characteristics such as breast
meat yield, leg meat yield, and abdominal fat percentage. Nutrition is also an important factor in
the carcass characteristics of broiler chickens. A study conducted by Abudabos et al., (2016)
found that the inclusion of probiotics in the diet of broiler chickens improved their carcass
characteristics such as breast meat yield and thigh meat yield. Management practices such as
lighting and feed restriction can also influence the carcass characteristics of broiler chickens. A
study conducted by Al-Nasser et al. (2007) found that the carcass characteristics of broiler
chickens were significantly influenced by lighting and feed restriction.

In addition, genetic factors also play a crucial role in the growth performance and carcass
characteristics of broiler chickens. A study conducted by Li et al. (2020) investigated the effects
of different growth hormone receptor (GHR) gene variants on the growth performance and
carcass characteristics of broiler chickens. The study found that broiler chickens with specific
GHR gene variants had better growth performance and higher carcass yields compared to those
with other variants

Several researchers reported on growth performance and carcass characteristics of broiler

chicken for example, a study conducted by Toghyani et al. (2019) investigated the effect of
dietary probiotics on the growth performance and carcass traits of broiler chickens. The
researchers found that broilers fed the probiotic diet had significantly higher body weight gain,

feed intake, and carcass weight compared to those fed the control diet. Similarly, Adebiyi et al.
(2018) evaluated the effect of dietary phytase supplementation on the growth performance and
carcass traits of broiler chickens. The researchers found that broilers fed the phytase-
supplemented diet had significantly higher body weight gain, feed intake, and feed conversion
ratio. These studies suggest that dietary supplementation, management practices, and genetic
factors can all have significant impacts on the growth performance and carcass characteristics of
broiler chickens.

2.5 Origin of Indigenous Microorganisms (IMO)

IMO-based Technology was actually developed and introduced by Dr. Chou Hankyu in 1960s in
Korea through the system called Korean Natural farming (Baduru Lakshman Kumar and D. V.
R. Sai Gopal). Nowadays, IMO Technology is a distinctive approach in organic farming and it
has been practiced in more than 30 countries in their home gardens and also on a commercial
scale. This technology was ritually followed by farmers of Korea, Japan, China, Malaysia,
Thailand, Congo, Tanzania, Vietnam, Philippines, and Mongolia etc This system was focused on
the natural biological systems in soil. One of the key components of Korean Natural Farming is
the collection and replication of Indigenous Microorganisms, or IMO. The term “indigenous
microorganisms” generally, refers to a group of beneficial microbes that are native to the area,
thus the name indigenous (locally existing, or not imported). IMOs are naturally made. The
organisms that primarily make up IMO are beneficial fungi, bacteria, and yeasts. (Adam, 2017).
The people who practice indigenous microorganism or natural farming they cultivate a variety of
the most robust IMO from local, undisturbed ecosystems that are biologically active. There are
many different roles or benefit for using Indigenous microorganism when they are prepared in
accurate way, those benefit includes: IMO help us to control the bad smell in piggery, also used
in bio composting of agro industrial waste. IMO is again used in agriculture farming by
increasing fertilizers in the soil where these microorganisms convert the harmful microbes which
cause damage of the plant into fertilizer. The investigations held by Cai et al. (2013) showed that
aerobic indigenous microorganisms also play a role in degrading the petroleum.

2.6 Uses of Indigenous Micro-Organism (Imo) in Broiler Production

Indigenous Micro-Organism is use in broiler production for the following reasons.

1. IMO based technique is successful in achieving the desired effects of odor elimination,
IMO continuity with soil, use of natural ventilation, and heat retention
2. IMO help to aid digestion of feed in broilers (Eglal, 2006
3. Decomposing complicated organic substances, such as the remains of dead plants and
animals and wastes, into nutrients that are simple to absorb.
4. Developing substances, such antibiotics, enzymes, and lactic acids, that can prevent or
treat various diseases and improve the health of the soil (Reddy, 2011).
5. Making of Poultry Shed Floor (Bed).

2.7 Importance of Indigenous microorganisms (IMOs) to Broilers

The importance of IMO to Broiler includes the following:

i. Fostering favorable Git micro-flora: Maintaining intestinal health in animals through diet
manipulation is essential in maintaining or improving animal performance as well as
production, especially as AGP is gradually phased out (Choct, 2009).
ii. Increase in digestion and absorption of nutrients: Increases in animal productivity owing
to probiotics can be linked to an increase in digestion and absorption of nutrients. Increased
nutrient digestibility in the food may be owing to increased enzyme activity in the intestine
caused by probiotics. Lactobacillus probiotics changed the activity of digestive enzymes in
the GI tracts of poultry and pigs.
iii. Antimicrobial compound production: Some probiotics contain antibacterial compounds
that may prevent harmful microorganisms from growing in the intestine.Many bacterial
species, such as lactic acid bacteria (LAB) (Klaenhammer, 2013; Nes et al., 2014; Flynn et
al., 2002), bifidobacteria (Cheikhyoussef et al., 2008), and bacillus (Hyronimus, Le Marrec,
and Urdaci, 2009; Le Marrec et al., 2010), can produce thermostable bacteriocin (Flynn et
al., 2002; Corr et al., 2007; Rea et al., 2007). It was discovered by Corr and colleagues
(2007), that a probiotic L. salivarius strain produced a broad spectrum bacteriocin that
protected mice from pathogenic Listeria monocytogenes.
iv. Gene expression changes in pathogenic microorganisms: The chemical signals, known as
auto-inducers, that bacteria secrete as a means of communication between cells influence the
behavior of bacteria (Miller and Bassler, 2001;Waters and Bassler, 2005).Quorum sensing, a

method of bacterial communication, is also employed by bacteria to communicate with their
hosts (Hughes and Sperandio, 2008). Probiotics may alter the way pathogenic bacteria sense
quorums, which may change how pathogenic they are.
v. Improvement in innate gut immunity through restitution of intestinal barrier function:
The gastro-intestinal mucosa's epithelial cells provide a selectively permeable barrier
between the intestinal lumen (which contains harmful compounds such as foreign antigens,
microorganisms, and poisonous materials, as well as beneficial nutrients) and the body's
internal environment (Blikslager et al., 2007; Groschwitz and Hogan, 2009). This barrier is
the GIT's first line of defense against microorganisms (Baumgart and Dignass, 2002;
Peterson and Artis, 2014). It has a multifaceted defense function that includes architectural
features, immunological secretions such as mucus, immunoglobulins such as IgA,
antimicrobial peptides, and the epithelial junction adhesion complex (Baumgart and Dignass,
2002; Ohland and McNaughton, 2010). Disease disorders that produce immunological
abnormalities compromise this barrier (Turner, 2009), causing intestinal inflammation and
intestinal diseases (Hooper et al., 2001; Sartor, 2006). Probiotic formulations reduce chronic
GIT inflammation by stimulating innate immunity in the gastro-intestinal epithelium
(Galdeano and Perdigon, 2006; Pagnini et al., 2010).

3.1 Experimental Site and location
The experiment was conducted at the Poultry House of the Livestock unit, Teaching and
Research Farm, Joseph Sarwuan Tarka University Makurdi (JOSTUM), Benue State, Nigeria.
Makurdi is located between latitude 7 044′N and longitude 8021′E in the Guinea Savanna Zone of
West Africa. The area has an annual rainfall season of between 6 - 8 months (March - October)
ranging from 508 to 1016mm with minimum and maximum temperatures of 22.8 0C and
maximum temperature of 40.030C respectively. The relative humidity ranges between 37.3 % and
59.2% (TAC, 2021).
3.2. Preparation of Test Ingredient
3.2.1 Collection and Processing of indigenous microorganism (IMO)

The following processes were used to prepare indigenous microorganisms:

1 kg of rice was par boiled and after cooling, it was put into three earthen pots in order to avoid
compaction. Therefore, the pots were covered with white light clothes (porous) and was tied with
a rope. The covered pots were then, placed in a shallow hole in the soil of an area with organic
matter accumulation. Wooden board was placed on top of the shallow hole and cover with soil. It
was then allowed to stay for 3 days, on the fourth day, the rice was retrieved from the soil and a
whitish moldy filament. Indicating the presence of microorganisms was noticed from the inside
of the pots and on the rice. The harvested IMO was then transferred into a plastic container and
molasses was added at ratio 1:1. The solution was then poured into a white jerrican and allowed
to stay for seven (7) days before being used.
3.3 Experimental Diets
Conventional feed stuffs sources were used to formulate five Iso-nitrogenous broiler starter and
five Iso-nitrogenous broiler finisher diets. Imo was included at various level of 0kg, 200kg,
400kg, 600kg and 800kg representing T1, T2, T3, T4 and T5 of both starter and finisher diets of
broiler chickens respectively.

Table 1: Percentage Composition of Broiler Starter Diets

Dietary supplementation of Indigenous Micro-Organism (Mls/100 Kg)

T1 T2 T3 T4 T5
Ingredients 0g 200g 400g 600g 800g
Maize 31.33 31.33 31.33 31.33 31.33
FFSB 54.27 54.27 54.27 54.27 54.27
Maize offal 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00
Bone ash 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50
Salt 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30
Lysine 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10
Methionine 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25
Premix 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25
Total 100 100 100 100 100
Analyzed proximate Nutrient composition
Crude protein 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00
Crude fibre 4.79 4.79 4.79 4.79 4.79
ME (Kcal/Kg) 3116.16 3116.16 3116.16 3116.16 3116.16
ME= Metabolisable Energy. K=Kilogram. Cal= Calorie. FSSB= Full Fats Soya beans

*Vitamin premix contains B1, 1g; B2,6g; B12,0.02g; K3,3g; E,3g; Biotin,0.05g; Folic acid,1.5g;
Cholinechloride,250g; Nicotineacid,30g; Ca- pantothenate,15g; Co,0.4g; Cu,8g; Fe,32g; I,0.8g;
Zn,40g; Mn,64g; Se,0.16g, BHT,5g.

Table 2: Percentage Composition of Broiler Finisher Diets

Dietary supplementation of Indigenous Micro-Organism (Mls/100 Kg)

T1 T2 T3 T4 T5
Ingredients 0g 200g 400g 600g 800g
Maize 42.95 42.95 42.95 42.95 42.95
FFSB 40.05 40.05 40.05 40.05 40.05
Maize offal 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00
Bone ash 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00
Salt 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30
Lysine 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20
Methionine 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25
Premix 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25
Total 100 100 100 100 100
Calculated proximate Nutrient composition
Crude protein 19.69 19.69 19.69 19.69 19.69
Crude fibre 4.24 4.24 4.24 4.24 4.24
ME 3251.78 3251.78 3251.78 3251.78 3251.78
ME= Metabolisable Energy. K=Kilogram. Cal= Calorie. FSSB= Full Fats Soya beans

*Vitamin premix contains B1, 1g; B2,6g; B12,0.02g; K3,3g; E,3g; Biotin,0.05g; Folic acid,1.5g;
Cholinechloride,250g; Nicotineacid,30g; Ca- pantothenate,15g; Co,0.4g; Cu,8g; Fe,32g; I,0.8g;
Zn,40g; Mn,64g; Se,0.16g, BHT,5g

3.4 Experimental Animals and Design

In this study, 180 broiler chicks were acquired from a reputable source in Makurdi, Benue state
capital, for the feeding trial. The chickens were randomly allocated treatments into five (5)

groups with 36 birds per treatment, replicated three times with 12 bird per replicate. A complete
Randomized design (CRD) was used for the experiment.

3.5 Experimental Animal Management

The chicks were raised in a deep litter system and provided with feed and clean water. To ensure
the hygiene of the experimental environment, the poultry house and equipment were thoroughly
washed and disinfected before the arrival of the chicks. The litter material, which was made of
wood shavings, was free of mold and placed in the experimental pen prior to the arrival of the
chicks. The entire house was fumigated to prevent contamination. The chicks were housed at a
density of 12 birds per square meter and given an experimental starter and finisher feed. They
were also given amprolium to protect against coccidiosis and oxytetracycline to prevent bacterial
3.6 Data Analysis
The data obtained was analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) and
subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA) at a confidence level of 0.5%. If any significant
differences were observed, the means were distinguished using the Fisher least method.


4.1 The effect of various inclusion level of IMO on carcass Characteristics and internal
organs of the characteristics of Broiler chicken.

Table 4 illustrates the impact of varying levels of indigenous microorganisms on the

characteristics of carcasses and internal organs. The study took into account several parameters,
such as live weight, pluck weight, eviscerated weight, breast weight, thigh weight, drumstick
weight, back weight, wing weight, neck weight, head weight, and shank weight. However, none
of these parameters showed any significant difference (p>0.05) across treatments. The live
weight, carcass weight, and dressing percentage ranged from 1333.33-1133.33, 840.67-755.33,
and 63.00-66.30, respectively. These findings are consistent with the report of Abdel-letif et al.
(2020) but are contradictory to the reports of Sarica et al. (2018) and Hosseini et al. (2020), who
found a significant effect of indigenous microorganisms (IMO) in their studies.

Table 3: The effect of various inclusion level of IMO on carcass Characteristics and
internal organs of the characteristics of Broiler chicken.

parameters T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 SEM

0g 200g 400g 600g 800g

Live Weight 1333.33 1266.67 1200.00 1266.67 1133.33 53.27

Pluck Weight 1155.33 1130.00 1083.00 1132.67 1039.00 46.10

Eviscerated 938.33 910.67 892.67 912.67 842.00 40.90

Carcass Weight 840.67 810.33 797.00 810.00 755.33 37.83

Dressing % 63.00 63.12 66.41 63.92 66.30 0.89

Carcass guts expressed as % of carcass weight ()

Breast 30.41 30.05 30.05 28.36 31.11 0.65

Thigh 14.65 14.61 14.30 14.98 14.53 0.16

Drum Stick 15.39 15.25 15.65 16.57 15.33 0.25

Back 14.70 15.10 14.69 15.42 15.47 0.18

Wing 12.83 12.81 12.74 12.51 12.73 0.16

Neck 7.88 8.07 8.36 8.33 8.29 0.14

Head 2.66 2.84 2.81 2.76 2.72 007

Shark 4.60 5.24 5.03 5.24 4.97 0.16

4.2 Economic Analysis of Broiler Chicken fed diet containing IMO at graded levels

Table 4 shows the price per kilogram of feed (₦) for different treatments: T1 (555.84), T2

(552.69), T3 (581.11), T4 (530.58), and T5 (571.63). The data suggests that the diet for T3 was

the most expensive per kilogram, followed by T5, T1, and T2, while T4 had the lowest cost per

kilogram. This could be explained by the fact that as the inclusion increased, the major protein

source needed to be increased proportionally to compensate for the shortfall in both energy and


Table 4: Economic Analysis of Broiler Chicken fed diet containing IMO at graded levels

T1 T2 T3 T4 T5
Cost of Day-old 340.00 340.00 340.00 340.00 340.00

Total body weight 1200.00 1133.34 1066.67 1133.34 1000.00

gain (g)

Total feed intake 2935.50 2936.92 3011.35 2816.98 3003.21


Feed conversion 2.51 2.75 2.83 2.55 3.09


Cost/kg diet (₦) 315.82 315.82 315.82 315.82 315.82

Cost of 109.00 109.00 109.00 1099.00 109.00


Cost of feed 927.10 927.54 951.05 889.66 948.47


Cost of IMO 0.00 3.91 4.00 3.76 4.00

Cost/kg (₦) 772.58 818.41 891.61 784.99 948.47

weight gain

Total cost of 11376.1 1380.45 1404.05 1342.42 1401.47

production 0

Total revenue 2400.00 2266.68 2133.34 2266.68 2000.00

Profit 1023.90 886.23 729.29 924.24 598.53

Note: One kilogram (1 kg) of bird was sold at Two thousand naira (₦2000)


5.1 Conclusion

Based on the findings of this study, it can be concluded that the effect of various inclusion of
indigenous microorganism has no significant difference (p>0.05) on the carcass characteristics
and internal organ evaluation of broiler chickens. However, broiler finisher in T1 performed best
and has the highest return on investment.

5.2 Recommendations

Based on the findings, it’s recommended that high inclusion levels of IMO should be used for
further studies.


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